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更新时间:2022-02-02 来源:互联网 点击:



  Hello darkness my old friend寂静之声的歌词(寂静之声的歌词中文版)

  love come to talk with you again

  Because a vision softly creeping

  left its seeds while I was sleeping

  And the vision

  that was planted in my brain

  Still remains

  within the sound of silence

  In restless dreams I walked alone

  narrow streets of cobblestone

  Neath the halo of a street lamp

  I turned my collar to the cold and damp

  When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

  That split the night and touched the sound of silence

  And in the naked light I saw

  ten thousand people maybe more

  People talking without speaking

  people hearing without listening

  People writing songs

  that voices never share

  No one dare disturb the sound of silence

  Fools said I you do not know silence like a cancer grows

  Hear my words that I might teach you

  take my arms that I might reach you

  But my words like silence raindrops fell

  And echoed in the wells of silence

  And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made

  And the sign flashed out its warning

  in the words that it was forming

  And the sign said the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

  And tenement halls

  and whispered in the sounds of silence

  and whispered in the sounds of silence



上一篇:晴天尤克里里弹唱教学简谱(晴天前奏尤克里里谱简单版) 下一篇:知名歌手王力宏的资料简介
  • 一蹴而就的近义词
  • 不知道不明了不想要为什么我的心是
  • 你像从前一样(你像从前一样歌词)
  • 当那一天来临歌词乐谱(当那一天来临
  • 2017年日本男歌手排行榜(日本男歌手排名单大全)
  • 关于感恩的歌曲(关于感恩的歌曲十首推荐流行的)
  • 简短儿歌:春风吹(春风春风吹吹儿歌)
  • 爱国歌曲推荐50首(五首爱国歌曲)
  • 适合儿童学习的红色歌曲(革命红色歌曲适合儿童)
  • 知名歌手庄心妍资料简介
  • 猜你喜欢的励志歌曲