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更新时间:2021-12-16 来源:互联网 点击:

【#童话故事# 导语】童话的结构体现了儿童的自我矛盾逐渐解决的过程,显现了童话对儿童人格发展的影响,下面是©无忧考网整理分享的短篇英语童话故事,欢迎阅读与借鉴,希望对你们有帮助!短篇英语童话故事【三篇】(童话英语小故事)


Have a lovely little rabbit, heard that the sun is red, round to find the sun. It came to the house, carrying two red, round lantern ask a mother: "mom, this is the sun?" Mother said: "no, this is the two red lanterns, the sun outside the room!" Little rabbit came to the garden, saw three red, round radish, ask a mother: "mom, this is the sun?" Mother said: "no, this is the three red turnip, the sun in the sky!" Little rabbit glanced up and saw the sky floating red, round balloons, ask a mother: "mom, this is the sun?" Mother said: "no, this is the red balloons · · · · · · ·" rabbit shouted anxiously: "really nasty people, where the hell is the sun?" Mother said: "look, the sun is only one, still shine!" Little rabbit down the mother the direction of the finger, looked up and called out: "mom, I found, the sun was red, round, bright, according to the body warm.



Eagle flew down from the determine, in a very elegant posture swooped down and grabbed a lamb. A raven saw, very envy, thought: if I could go and catch a sheep, that need not eat rotten food every day, that this much good ah. So the crow with memories of the eagle, practice diving posture, also hope that like the eagle to catch a sheep.

One day, it felt almost to practice, call lara swooped down from the cliff, swoops down to a ram, hard to take him away, but his paw was caught on the wool, also can't pull it out. Although he constantly afraid of playing hard wings, but still not fly. The shepherd saw that, run past seized him, cut off his feathers on its wings. In the evening, he brings home a crow, gave it to his children. Children ask is what bird, the shepherd said: "this is indeed a crow, but is to act as a hawk."

The eagle and the crow story sounds simple, is also very funny, however, reflect on our own behavior, and whether we will with the crow the same mistake.





The turtle's home, there was a will bear the orange tree. Orange trees is not big, but every fall, it will produce a full of orange trees, the golden one by one, especially delicious.

This spring, little turtle think: "I miss old turtle lived in the mountains in the distance, I gave him the orange tree."

The turtle put the orange trees carefully dug up from the soil, into the basin, on her back, the basin and bound together his own body. So, how far way, orange trees won't fell off his back.

The turtle go.

Walk, he saw the roadside willow germination.

Walk, he saw the lotus in the lake.

Walk, he saw some tree leaves are falling down.

Finally, the turtle walked into the distance of the mountains and found the old tortoise.

"Mountain turtle's uncle, I'll come to see you. Send you a orange tree, in this autumn, you can eat to sweet and sour orange." The turtle said.

"Yeah, yeah." Old tortoise, laughing happily.

At that time, little turtle saw, the orange tree in his back, have filled with the orange, one is golden.

The turtle said, "what is this? I came out, is spring."

Laoshan the tortoise said: "ah, so you go so far, has come in the spring, and through the summer, now, is spring!"

The turtle also smiled.

The turtle and old tortoise, began to eat an orange the orange on the tree.
















上一篇:幼儿动物故事短篇文字版【六篇】(幼儿小动物故事) 下一篇:关于新年的故事【三篇】(关于过新年的故事)
  • 经典励志故事大全【七篇】(励志的经
  • 小学三年级读书心得体会
  • 春节大扫除心得体会【四篇】(春节大
  • 感恩母亲演讲稿【五篇】(感恩母爱演
  • 低调做人,高调做事(低调做人,高调做事,做人如水,做事如山)
  • 关于自信的故事(关于自信的故事30字)
  • 长征小故事【十篇】(长征的感人小故事)
  • 冲冠一怒为红颜的典故_冲冠一怒为红颜的故事(冲冠一怒为红颜指的是谁的故事)
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