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更新时间:2022-03-04 来源:互联网 点击:




  开篇句:As the bar chart shows, ____ during the years of ____to____.

  扩展句:1、As early as _____.

  2、Then _____ years later, ____.

  3、And arriving in the year ____, ____.


  主题句:Several factors contribute to _____.

  扩展句:1、______. (原因1)

  2、And ______.(原因2)

  3、Furthermore, ______ (原因3)

  4、All these result in ____.


  结尾句: However, ____ is faced with some problems.

  扩展句:1、With _____, ____, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging.

  2、So my principle is to pay due attention to ___, but not justto____.



  开篇句:As the bar chart shows, the number of people below the poverty line decreased dramatically during the years of 1978 to1997.

  扩展句:1、As early as 1978, about 250 million people were under the poverty line.

  2、Then seven years later, the number became three fifths thatof1978.

  3、And arriving in the year 1997, the number was reduced to50millions.


  主题句:Several factors contribute to the sharp decrease of the below-poverty population.

  扩展句:1、The reform and opening following 1978 enabled the peasants to become much better off. (原因1)

  2、And with the development of Chinese economy, that policy also improved city dwellers lives greatly. (原因2)

  3、Furthermore, the high-tech introduced made it possible for the countrys economy as a whole to take off. (原因3)

  4、All these result in the great fall of the Chinesepopulationbelow the poverty line.


  结尾句: However, a further decrease in the number of poverty-stricken people is faced with some problems.

  扩展句:1、With quite few employees being laid off, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging.

  2、So my principle is to pay due attention to the newcomers, but not just to care for the poor, say, in remote mountain areas.


  As the bar chart shows, the number of people below the poverty line decreased dramatically during the years of 1978 to 1997. Asearly as 1978, about 250 million people were under the poverty line.Then seven years later, the number became three fifths that of 1978.And arriving in the year 1997, the number was reduced to 50 millions.

  Several factors contribute to the sharp decrease of the below-poverty population. The reform and opening following 1978 enabled the peasants to become much better off. And with the development of Chinese economy, that policy also improved city dwellers lives greatly. Furthermore, the high-tech introduced made it possible for the countrys economy as a whole to take off. All these result in the great fall of the Chinese population below the poverty line.

  However, a further decrease in the number of poverty-stricken people is faced with some problems. With quite few employees being laid off, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging. So my principle is to pay due attention to the newcomers, but not just to care for the poor, say, in remote mountain areas.


  The past years have witnessed a mounting number of Chinese scholars returning from overseas. As is lively illustrated by the column chart, the number of returnees climbed from a mere 69.3 thousand in 2008 to over 272.9 thousand in 2012, at an annual increase rate of around 50%.

  A multitude of factors may have led to the tendency revealed by the chart, but the following are the critical ones from my perspective. First and foremost, along with the development of Chinese economy and society, the number of Chinese studying abroad has been soaring in the past years, which has provided an expanding base for the number of returnees. In the second place, the government has enacted a series of preferential policies to attract overseas Chinese scholars back home. Last but not least, the booming economy, science and technology in this country have generated more attative job opportunites for scholars returning from overseas.

  The waves of returnees will definitely contribute to this nation’s development, since they have brought back not only advanced science and technology but also pioneering concepts of education and management. With more scholars coming back from overseas, and with the concerted efforts of the whole nation, we have reasons to expect a faster rejuvenation of this country.



  图表类型:table(表格)、chart(图表)、diagram(图标)、graph(多指曲线图)、column chart(柱状图)、pie graph(饼图)、tree diagram(树形图)、

  饼图:pie chart、直方图或柱形图:bar chart/histogram、趋势曲线图:line chart/curve diagram、表格图:table、流程图或过程图:flow chart/sequence diagram、程序图:processing/procedures diagram


  1、描述:show、describe、illustrate、can be seen from、clear、apparent、reveal、represent



  The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that)

  According to the table/chart diagram/graph

  As (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graph

  As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures,

  figures/statistics shows (that)……

  It can be seen from the figures/statistics

  We can see from the figures/statistics

  It is clear from the figures/statistics

  It is apparent from the figures/statistics

  table/chart/diagram/graph figures (that) ……

  table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates







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