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更新时间:2022-03-04 来源:互联网 点击:


  去年我过生日,妈妈送了我一只小白兔。小白兔长着一身白色的长毛。两只耳朵一会儿竖得直直的,一会儿放平。眼睛红红的`,又亮又圆,好像两颗闪闪发光的红宝石。小白兔的前腿很短,善于奔跑。  My mother gave me a little white rabbit for my birthday last year. The little white rabbit has long white hair. Both ears stand straight and flat in a moment. The eyes are red, bright and round, like two sparkling rubies. The little white rabbit has a short front leg and is good at running.我最喜欢的动物英语作文带翻译(我最喜欢的动物英语作文带翻译80词)


  The little white rabbit is very timid. As long as you hear a little noise, you will "swish" into a ball, ready to escape. It didn't return to normal until the sound disappeared. Once I fed it and whistled, we immediately dropped the food. Quickly jump back to the nest, half a day to show his head, the little white rabbit is really timid!


  In addition to timidity, the little white rabbit has another advantage, that is, not to admit defeat. One time, when I was racing with the little white rabbit, I said to him, "little white rabbit, let's run to that tree. Whoever runs first can get rootless carrots." The little white rabbit listened and understood, but for the sake of the five carrots, he would win even if he fought his life. The game started, I and the little white rabbit ran quickly, running, the little white rabbit suddenly tripped over a stone. When I was going to help him, he stood up bravely. Keep running. When I saw the rabbit's unyielding personality, I understood. I pretended to run very slowly and let the little white rabbit take the first place. I applauded it proudly, picked up five carrots and ran to give it awards. By the time it finished eating the five carrots, it was evening. When I carried him back to his cage, he was sleeping soundly. Looking at its small appearance, I have a feeling that I can't say.


  In addition to being small and unyielding, the little white rabbit has another characteristic: greedy. I remember once when I fed him, he was sleeping in a cage. He woke up. When he saw two carrots in the cage, his eyes were glowing and he ate them up immediately. At noon, I want to take it out and play with me. But he squatted there and refused to move. How to tease him, he would not compensate me for playing. Finally, I had to bring out the ultimate weapon - carrots to eat for it. It's willing to play with me. According to its way of eating, it's not willing to eat my family down.


  I like my little white rabbit because it brings me a lot of happiness. It makes me feel happy, it makes me know happiness. I like it, I love it.

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