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  How to keep a good mood?如何保持好心情英语作文范文(如何保持良好的情绪英语作文)

  Keeping a good mood is very important for us,it can help us learn and live more easily.But how to keep a good mood.First,always smile,smile can help us happy.Second,do not get angry so easily.Third,do your best to forget the wrong thing you did.Forth,do something for others and help the people in trobles and you will always feel good.


  Good mood is a wealth of our valuable life ,it makes you still anf don't give up the hope of life even in despair ; it makes you still to suffer setbacks tough against destiny.A good mood is a power to support us up .There are several mathods you can take .

  Everyday you can take pictures,such as the trees outside the window,the flowers on wayside ,the children in the neighbourhood and the friend's wedding ,When you don't regularly finishing the photos,you would think that all details are good memories .Eat a big meal ,occasionally.the wonderfu is that you not only enjoy delicious food,it still can make you feel you are received a special treatment.Such like mountain climbing,outing picnics,party,location ,take more activities you will feel happy too

  Keeping good mood has positive effects which can be psychological,physical .Good mood also can let a person it not panic.it is very important to us,start from now,we should keep good mood,let it made us more confident,lively,happy.


  As is known to us all,it is of great important for us to keep a good mood in our study and our work as well.Therefore,how to keep a good mood has been heatly discussed around us recentl

  It is universally acknowledged that having a good mood does good to all of us.On the one hand,it can not only prompt our work and study,but also improve our life quality.On the other hand,keeping a good mood help a lot to both of our mental and physical health.

  Then how to keep a good mood?Here are several ideals.Such as keeping humurous,having a lot of hobbies,being kind and always share your fun with others more.


  I am a happy girl in other people’s eyes, because I smile a lot. When my friends see me, they will be affected by my optimism. But sometimes I will be in bad mood. I need to find out some ways to release my negative emotion. I like to listen to music, so when I am down, I will open my computer and listen to the light music. It can make me calm down and think about the happy moments. Or I will watch some comedies. I will laugh out loudly and forget my annoyance. These ways are very useful for me to ease my mood. I like to be a happy girl.



  How to keep a good mood?

  Keeping a good mood is very important for us,it can help us learn and live more easily.But how to keep a good mood.First,always smile,smile can help us happy.Second,do not get angry so easily.Third,do your best to forget the wrong thing you did.Forth,do something for others and help the people in trobles and you will always feel good.


  As is known to us all,it is of great important for us to keep a good mood in our study and our work as well.Therefore,how to keep a good mood has been heatly discussed around us recentl

  It is universally acknowledged that having a good mood does good to all of us.On the one hand,it can not only prompt our work and study,but also improve our life quality.On the other hand,keeping a good mood help a lot to both of our mental and physical health.

  Then how to keep a good mood?Here are several ideals.Such as keeping humurous,having a lot of hobbies,being kind and always share your fun with others more.


  In the picture, the girl laughs with open mouth and feels very happy.

  Surely she is having a good mood! Just as a famous saying goes, “Laugh now and then, and you will have a good mood everyday.” In a competitive society, we are constantly under great stress from work, study and life. We may come across meet with some unexpected difficulties and troubles every day, which make us feel unhappy or even depressed. What should we do with them then? A good remedy here is to keep a good mood everyday.

  It is important that everyone keep a good mood. A good mood can create high efficiency. When you work with a good mood, you will feel happy and be willing to do some work which is supposed to be boring. In contrast, bad mood can make you passive and do things with reluctance. A good mood is also beneficial to your health. As is well put it, good health go hand in hand with good mood. If you fail to keep a good mood, you will feel depressed, which is apt to casue some psychological disorders.

  There are several ways which help to have a good mood. First and the most important, one should have an optimistic attitude towards life. That is to say, no matter what difficulties and troubles one may have, he should have full confidence in the bright prospect of his life. Second, one should cultivate broad interests, which will help one to increase pleasure and lessen trouble in his life. Finally, one should have more communications with others. By communicating with others, one can clear up misunderstanding and keep harmonious relationship with others. All this can be helpful in keeping good mood. (288 words)


  在画中的女孩正开怀大笑,非常开心。显然,她的心情好极了! 如一句名谚所云: 开口常笑,每天都有好心情。在当今竞争的社会里,我们常常承受着来自工作、学习和生活等方面巨大压力,我们每天都可能遇到一些意想不到的困难和麻烦,使我们感到不快甚至沮丧。我们应该如何应对呢? 这里有一帖良方,就是每天保持好心情。


  有几种方法可以帮助保持好心情。首先也是最重要的,要有乐观人生,也就是说,无论遇到什么困难和烦恼都要对生命的美好前景充分信心。 第二,要培养兴趣广泛,这能帮助增添生活的乐趣并减少生活的烦恼。第三,要多与人交流,通过交流可以消除误解,与人保持和谐的关系。所有这些都有助保持好心情。







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