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更新时间:2022-03-07 来源:互联网 点击:




  My favorite holiday is Mid-autumn Day. Do you know why? Firstly, it’s day for family gathering. On Mid-autumn Day, families will stay together and eat a big dinner. My families always make very delicious food. After dinner, families will enjoy the beautiful full moon. We often have a good talk and eat moon cakes and fruits. For me, I like moon cakes very much. They are so tasty. Besides, the Mid-autumn Day is in autumn. It’s my favorite season.



  There are many festivals in a year, I love Childrens day, because on that day, I can have many candies from school. In the school, i will play many games, there will be no class on Childrens day, everybody will have fun. Childrens day is my favorite day, the day belongs to me. I enjoy that day so much. My parents will also celebrate it for me.



  My favorite holiday is New Year. It is a very important festival in Chinese culture. In fact, it's the highlight of the year. Everyone returns home for a family reunion.We have a big feast and chat about all the things that have happened in our lives. People also visit each other. We exchange gifts and good wishes for the next year.


  New Year is especially fun for kids. That's because we get presents and treats, including red envelopes filled with money. We also get to set off fireworks. But we never forget that this holiday is a time to give thanks. We feel grateful for our family and the things that we have. Finally, we think about the future and the great year ahead.



  My favourat holiday is Spring Festival.It is the traditional festival of China. We can play fire works and any game we want on that period. Also, we can get some money from some of our older relatives. Therefore, we can buy things that we want to buy. I can also go to any place to play if I want. Nice foods is also aviliable for me to eat such as dumpings. This is why I like the festival



  There are many festivals in a year, such as national day, labor day and so on, but the most important thing for Chinese people is the Spring Festival, my favorite festival.

  I also love to do Spring Festival.

  Especially when I was a child, I could not only eat a lot of delicious food, but also have a long holiday and wear beautiful clothes. The most important thing is to receive a lot of lucky money. When I was a child, I always looked forward to the Spring Festival.

  Growing up, Spring Festival seems to be less important. Because now every day can eat delicious, wear their own love of clothes, like every day in the new year.






  "In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze brings warmth into Tu su." China, like a brook, has gone through numerous difficulties, and has finally become a Yangtze River, from poverty to war, from peace to prosperity. The traditional culture of thousands of years is really broad and profound and has a long history. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as: Mid Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, new year's day, Lantern Festival But my favorite festival is Spring Festival.

  In the streets and alleys, every family hung red lanterns in front of their doors. The red lanterns were as red as a girl's face, and some people pasted couplets on their doors.

  Let me tell you the story of my new year! One day, my father took me to buy firecrackers. I bought a small goldfish firecrackers, once I threw a firecracker. bong! My mother was scared. When I fell asleep, my mother was cooking.

  Ah! I like Spring Festival best because it brings us happiness.






  My favorite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival, because at that time, groups of people were outside boating, walking, shopping.

  I like eating and making zongzi best. The ingredients of zongzi include egg yolk, red dates, beef and rice. To make zongzi, you should first have ingredients and rice, and then cook the rice. Then you can wrap the rice and ingredients with leaves. The zongzi is so simple. But my grandmother won't let me eat zongzi, because she said that I will get sick after eating zongzi, but she also won't let me make zongzi. Who can let no one in my family eat it traditional Chinese rice-pudding.

  A lot of people say that I can't eat rice dumplings. But I don't think so, because sometimes I can eat rice dumplings, row boats and play electronic products secretly. The only worst thing is that no one is playing with me at home. My sister is in junior high school, my sister is tens of thousands of meters away, and my classmates are not playing games.

  But the Dragon Boat Festival is still my favorite festival.






  There are so many festivals throughout the year. Every festival makes me intoxicated, but my favorite is children's day.

  Children's Day is full of joy and laughter, and children are jumping around. At the gate of the school, the people who distributed candy were all smiling to welcome the students.

  The celebration of children's day begins now. With the host's shouts, the entire lecture hall was boiling. First of all, the drum band came to perform their drum music. I saw a loud and exciting drum sound, everyone's heart rolled on the climax, all people were jubilant. Those dancing girls are dressed in red skirts, twisting beautiful posture, more like a dancing butterfly! There are also many programs at the ceremony. It's not only a celebration, but also a fun book festival! Next, I'll introduce it to you!

  Children's day book sales activities, by the sixth grade. Those big brothers and sisters are as busy as ants on a hot pot. They not only have to bargain, but also quickly find out the change to sell to each other. I walked around, and finally chose a book, it is "tiger baby gold leaves.". The book is five yuan. It was a big sister. Yuan. I said. Five yuan. Big sister said without doubt. So I pretended to turn around and go. Then the elder sister said, "OK. In this way, I won.

  There are many activities on children's day, which always make people laugh. Children's day, I love you forever!







  If I want to say I like festivals, there are many: Labor Day, national day can go out to travel, children's day on June 1 can be Carnival in school, and on Halloween, I can go with my classmates for gifts If you like it best, it should be the Lantern Festival.

  Yesterday was a traditional Chinese festival, the Lantern Festival on the 13th day of the first month. Previously, on the 13th day of the first month, I used to play lights and play games with my friends in the community. This year, my mother proposed to go to Longchuan square. My father and I agreed very much, so we drove off. Before the five-star appliances, we can see that there are countless small bright spots in the sky ahead. Strange, what is it? Take a closer look, it turns out that the "Kongming lamps" are very bright against the background of the night. With the help of the wind, they sway gently, just like fireflies dancing with the wind. They are really beautiful. I got off the bus in Longchuan square with great excitement. Wow, it's really lively. There are people selling Kongming lanterns, fireworks and playing with each other. It seems that we didn't waste the trip.

  "Kongming lamp" flew to the sky one by one, watching me itch in my heart, pestering my father to buy one, and my mother expressed support. So I took the money and rushed to pick out a red Kongming lamp. After taking apart, I fixed the burner, ignited the fuel, and then stepped on the steel ring of the lamp to let it gather gas and generate heat. Five minutes later, Kongming lamp has been fully opened. The three members of our family cooperate with each other, holding the bottom of the lamp and slowly lifting it upward. When the time is right, we will let go. I prayed silently in my heart: "I must go up, this is my first time playing Kongming lamp." Kong Ming Deng seems to hear my call, with the wind rising slowly, I hastily make a wish with my hands together. Kong Ming Deng carries my wish to fly higher and farther.

  How interesting this festival is, nervous, excited and excited. This is my favorite festival. How about you?






  "Happy new year, happy new year, wish you a happy new year, we sing, we dance, wish you a happy new year." Whenever the Spring Festival comes, I will sing this song again and again to spend this happy festival.

  I like a lot of festivals, such as children's day, Mid Autumn Festival, Christmas, etc., but my favorite is the Spring Festival. Spring Festival is the most solemn traditional festival of our Chinese nation, and it is the most festive festival among all the festivals. In the morning of new year's Eve, people are busy pasting couplets and hanging lanterns. In the afternoon, they start to make dumplings and prepare many delicious dishes. In the evening, the whole family sit around and have a reunion dinner. Everyone toasted each other for good luck in the coming year. The family was very happy and warm. After dinner, it's time to set off fireworks. In the sound of firecrackers, we sent off the past year. Watch the new year to midnight, the new year's bell sounded, and we ushered in a new year in the continuous sound of firecrackers. In the early morning of the first day of junior high school, everyone happily went out to visit relatives and friends and pay New Year's greetings to each other. During New Year's greetings, our children will not only get some candy, but also get lucky money.

  Spring Festival is also a festival for family reunion and celebration. Every Spring Festival, uncle's family and aunt's family will return to Jianhu to celebrate the Spring Festival with our family. Our children are also very happy to get together, fireworks, play games, very lively, I like the atmosphere, so my favorite festival is the Spring Festival.




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