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更新时间:2022-03-07 来源:互联网 点击:




  It is said that in the spring and Autumn period, Qu Yuan was a minister of the king of Chu. He advocated that the country should be rich and the army strong, and that the army should unite with Qi to fight against Qin. He was strongly opposed by aristocrats such as Zilan. Qu Yuan was greedily dismissed from his post, expelled from the capital, and exiled to yuan and Xiang river basins. In exile, he wrote immortal poems such as Lisao, Tianwen and Jiuge, which worried about the country and the people, with unique style and profound influence. Therefore, Dragon Boat Festival is also called poet Festival.

  In BC, the Qin army conquered the capital of Chu. Qu Yuan saw his motherland was invaded, but he could not bear to abandon his motherland. On May 5, after writing his masterpiece "Huai Sha", he threw stones into the Miluo River and died. After Qu Yuans death, the people of Chu state were extremely sad and rushed to the Miluo River to pay homage to Qu Yuan. The fishermen rowed their boats and fished for his body on the river. A fisherman took out the rice balls, eggs and other food prepared for Qu Yuan and threw them into the river "plop, plop", saying that when the fish, shrimp and crabs were full, they would not bite Dr. Qus body. People saw him later. An old doctor took a jar of realgar wine and poured it into the river, saying it was to make Jiaolong water animals faint, so as not to hurt Dr Qu. Later, for fear that rice balls would be eaten by Jiaolong, people came up with the idea of wrapping rice with neem leaves and wrapping it with colorful silk to develop into brown seeds. Later, on the fifth day of May every year, there was the custom of dragon boat race, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

  Today, I peel off the crystal glutinous rice, Qu Yuan throws a stone into the river, throws rice balls at the people of Chu state, pours down realgar wine, and shows it one scene after another. This amiable and honorable poet has composed a magnificent patriotic movement with his own life.

  The dragon boat race is wonderful. At the referees command, the teams rushed from the beginning to the end. All the players worked together and slid the long oars rhythmically. The drummers tried their best to play the drums as if to say, "come on!" Look! Shanwei team may win the first prize, their faces overflowing with victory smile. They were all so happy that they almost threw the oars into the sea.

  Today, its interesting.


  The Dragon Boat Festival is a unique folk activity, which was set up to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great poet in ancient China.

  I was lucky to go to see a dragon boat race this year, because my father was free that day, so my family went to see a dragon boat race. When I arrived at the dragon boat race site, the people on both sides of the bank were already surrounded by onlookers. I saw a gap on the bridge and asked my family to squeeze in. This position is clear to the whole river at a glance.

  The dragon boat race begins. Each dragon boat is like an arrow that leaves the string. It rushes forward with great force. There are many zongzi tied under each dragon boat. At each step forward, someone on the Dragon Boat cuts the zongzi with a knife and throws them into the water. Every dragon boat has the same speed: No. 1 takes the lead and No. 8 catches up.

  All of a sudden, the rowers seem to have increased their strength and the speed of each dragon boat is faster. At this time, the drummer began to play the drum, and the rower immediately followed with a rhythmic cry: "Dong! Dong! Dong Dong! Ho! Ho! Ho ho ho. " The heavenly Father also seemed to come to cheer and began to drizzle. What a drum! voice! Cheers! The sound is loud! rain! Sweat! River and water are compatible!

  The speed of dragon boat is faster and faster, as if the dragon group is flying rapidly in the river. Gradually, gradually. No. 1, No. 5 and No. 9 form the leading group. 100 meters! 50 meters! 20 meters. The end is getting closer and closer, only to see the power of No. 5 broke out irremediably! Put the two dragon boats far behind, and then the line!

  Dragon boat race is really a fierce competition!


  Today is Dragon Boat Festival. Our hometown holds the annual Dragon Boat race. Im so happy! After lunch, we came to both sides of the river. On both sides of the river, there are so many people, like countless little stars on the Milky way. On the field, everyone wore their favorite clothes, such as red clothes, yellow with blue skirts, and golden yellow dresses There are braids with shawls, black hair and white hair

  All the people on both sides of the river were sweating, and their faces looked anxious, as if they were waiting for the participants to come. All of a sudden, the host said, "the game begins!" Suddenly, people immediately cheered, like an active bird. Some shouted, "come on, rogues!" Some shouted, "come on, Longjin team!" The shouts were earth shaking. After a while, the host called out in surprise and the crowd all looked at the distance. Then, there was another cheering. From afar, I saw a small boat rowing one after another. There are so many competitors! There are young, old, bald They rowed as hard as they could, chasing after each other without giving in. It looks like a duel. Im afraid that others will catch up with me if they hurry up.

  Time passed by minute by minute, and in a flash it was the second half. All of a sudden, boat 5 capsized and the crew fell into the river one by one, holding the boat at a loss. The boats in the back were all chasing after each other. All of a sudden, the cheers of the crowd disappeared. But after a while, I dont know who called out: "dont give up, network persistence is victory, come on!" At this time, the crowd cheered again. At last, the crew got up their courage, climbed up hard, sat on the boat nimbly, and fought again.

  The birds on the wires chirped, as if cheering for the sailors; the willows on the lawn waved, as if cheering and waving for them. A fierce dragon boat race is over. The first place is Longjin team. This dragon boat race has given me an inspiration: the road of life is zigzag, we should keep moving forward o we should learn the spirit of dragon boat race, strive bravely, be positive and work together, as long as this way, we will succeed!

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