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更新时间:2022-03-11 来源:互联网 点击:



  Today is my nine-year-old birthday. I am very happy, because my father buys a big cake for me and my sister just comes to Guangzhou . After dinner,My family watch Tv together.  今天是我九岁的生日。我很高兴,因为我的爸爸给我买了一个很大的蛋糕,并且我的姐姐刚刚从广州回来。晚饭后,我们全家一起看电视。我的生日英语作文(我的生日英语作文6句话)

  I make a wish and blow out the candles . Do you want to know my wish ? Let me tell you , I wish I can study harder and harder ,then get the NO.1 in our class. Then I cut the cake and my family share the cake with me .


  How nice today ! ! !



  "Bang! Bang! Bang!" My heart is so anxious hopping, soon, because is my birthday, think of the scene of a busy, people mountain people sea in the home I couldn't help dancing, think of mom often said that one day... .

  In a bright spring afternoon, waves, and floral notes followed butterfly dance, when they are intoxicated in it, all of a sudden "wow ~" a great cry ring; Then five or six nurses with a face red, cute little doll in a flurry of the congratulate ran from the room with dad, dad three steps and two steps immediately rushed into the room, I saw mom in the affable mood said: "husband, we gave birth to a female baby!" My father danced and said, "this is a blessing that I have been doing for the rest of my life!" My mother always likes to tell me what happened when I was born.

  Once a year birthday party had finally arrived, under the cheers of the relatives and friends, I cheerful party on the cap, the family also sprinkle with colorful ribbons for me, then, I use the hand of fine fine jade excited and nervous cut each piece of glittering and translucent get rid of strawberry cake, looking at the appearance of the relatives and friends to eat with relish, birthday girl I "lose don't lose array" not to be outdone, eat cake with an open mouth, all over the body and cream cake, everyone is happy proud smile.

  After eating the birthday cake, our family and friends and relatives went out to play, while the adults walked and chatted, chatting and chatting with each other. Our children are playing games, the sky is falling, the earth is falling, we are still in the fun of the play. Suddenly a familiar voice cried out, "baby! Go home!" I had to say goodbye to my friends and ended the perfect birthday party!


  July 18 is my father's birthday. I want to give dad a romantic and meaningful birthday.

  In previous years, I had a meal in a restaurant with my dad's friends, even if it was my birthday.This year, I asked my grandmother to prepare her best - fresh rice noodles.The family gathered together at grandma's house, and the family said they laughed, the more they ate, the more he told jokes.

  After eating noodles, my mother took out a very fine birthday cake for dad, a heart-shaped chocolate cake!The best thing about the cake was me, and I put my birthday hat on my head, as if it were my birthday.My father put my hat on my father and my dad put on his birthday hat. It was so funny that we laughed until we stopped.I also took a photo with my dad.Finally, my sister and I lit candles for my father's birthday, and our whole family was happy to have a birthday cake and cut the cake.

  It looks like a simple birthday party, but I feel romantic and warm, more is thick family!Finally, I wish father a happy birthday and good health!






  Everyone has an unpleasant experience, and I am no exception.

  On the day of my eighth birthday, after school, I walked happily home on my way home, expecting my parents to give me a special birthday. When I set foot in the door, I was disappointed. The birthday cake and birthday presents were on the table quietly, but there was not even a figure at home. What's going on? I called my mother in a hurry. "I'm sorry, son! "Mother's business is very good today, and my father is working overtime. You can't go home to celebrate your birthday. After you finish your homework, remember to eat your cake!" Then, the telephone rang "du - du -" voice. I can add every day, every day, but I only have one birthday a year! I wonder if I am the father or mother. The happy mood suddenly turned into disappointment. I have written so much homework as a book with a feeling of great depression. I kept thinking: why my mom and dad would treat me like this, I really don't feel like it. Why is it that other students have such a lively birthday, and I have no one to talk to and eat cake with me on my birthday? What's the use of birthday presents and birthday cakes? What I need is a lively birthday, even if only one person accompany me.

  Now I am ten years old, but the lonely birthday is always in my memory, so that I can always cherish the happy life I have now.


  Today is my tenth birthday. Mother bought me a sixteen - inch cake for my birthday. Many people, including my sister, brother and sister, also celebrated my birthday. "Oh, how beautiful!

  They said. There are dragons on the cake, the dragon is made of butter, and it is very windy in the cake. There are many fruits around the dragon: oranges, cherries, and yellow peach. Mother turned off the light and put the candle in the middle of the cake.

  Father lit the wick of the candle flower with a lighter and sang "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you... "I made a wish. Wishing that I had blown out the candle, my mother cut the cake and gave it to everyone, and everyone ate it with relish.

  This birthday makes me happy.


  Today is my birthday . My parents had a birthday party for me at night.

  I invited some friends to my home . They went to my home on time and brough gifts to me .At the party ,we had a big birthday cake together.Then Lily sang a nice song . Maria performed a magic show . Jake told a funny story. we had a good time .




  Hi! My name is Anny. My birthday is October 16th. It is in fall. The weather is very cool. On my birthday I wear my pretty clothes. Sometimes I go hiking and fly kites in the park with my friends. Usually I have a birthday party in the evening. My parents give me a big birthday gift. I am very happy to get it. I invite many friends to my party. We eat a big beautiful birthday cake and many tasty food. We can sing dance and play games in the party too. I have a very good time on my birthday!

  I like my birthday very much!




  On the day of my ten birthday, I received a most precious gift from a baby

  In the birthday a few days, I have been one thing bothered: I bought a new pencil box has been broken. That's my brother's favorite things, usually is a little dirty, I will use a wet towel to wipe clean, but at that moment my pencil box is, "naughty brother work" get "first different." I can't forgive him, because his brother is a naughty kid! My last week, he has broken the stationery box, because of him, I three weeks I bought two pencil boxes. Two times before I could endure, forgive him, but this time, I could not bear it! Although my brother had apologized to me, but I really can not accept him this trend!

  Until my birthday that day, I still did not forgive him, because of this, so I'm upset all day. I see my mother this way, said: "is not a pencil box! See you these days for this thing got stuffy not. Don't make the mistakes of others to build on their own the pain!" mother is indeed the language teacher, said by me. I smiled at my mother. I think: Yeah, obviously he was wrong, why do I happy? So, I forgive my brother.

  Although I did not receive the actual gift this time, but I have harvested is one kind of truth, one kind of tolerant reason


  On my birthday, I always get lots of presents, each of which is unique and fascinating.

  I remember my birthday last year, and my mother bought me a small boat made of wood. It was yellow. Smell, smell of paint. Knock, it will make a "dangdang" sound. There are four distinct characters on its hull. "learning is endless." I think mother must have let me study hard, in the sea of knowledge to swim, will become a country's useful talents.

  And dad, he bought me a little alarm clock, it's red. Touch, hard and slippery. Smell it, smell of iron. The dial had three brothers, the minute hand, the hand, and the second hand, and there was a counterclockwise companion. The alarm goes off automatically as long as the time goes to the point in the hour. Why did daddy buy me this little alarm clock? I think it's because dad wants me to cherish time in the New Year and not waste time.

  Then my grandmother gave me presents, and the gift she gave me was a piggy bank. It is very lovely, touching, it feels very numb. And it has a big nose, short and thin tail. On its body, it says "the money to buy" four big words. The reason grandma wants to give me this gift is to let me spend less, and save the money in the piggy bank.

  Finally, my grandfather sent me a present. My grandfather sent me an albatross. Its upper body is white and the lower body is green. Touch, feel hard and cool. There was a battery in the tumbler, and I didn't know what to do with the battery, but when I put the battery on and I overwhelmed it, it burst into laughter. I think my grandfather must have let me know that life is a bumpy, must be strong enough to overcome difficulties, to be a fearless man.

  I'm so glad to receive so many gifts in one day. It's great!


  Today is my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents.Mother prepared a tea party for me.I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six.There were cold drinks and refreshments.We ate,talked and laughed.We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly.

  In a twinkling,the clock on the wall struck nine.We could not but say"Good-bye" to one another.

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