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更新时间:2022-03-14 来源:互联网 点击:





  My father is thirty-six years old this year, he is very handsome, tall body, total love cropped hair, black eyebrows with a pair of bright eyes, high nose, smiled his white teeth, dark skin, I often jokingly said: "you are so black as Africans, ha ha."


  My father was kind and stern to me. Whenever I got one hundred points, Dad kept hugging me, praise me, buy me a gift when I got ninety below two, Dad let me stand, and speak out the wrong reason to ask, I forget to write the name of an examination, the teacher gave me a sentence of zero and after school, my father very angry, asked me to stand for an hour in the downstairs, let me always remember this lesson.


  I remember my father often told me that when he was young, because the family was poor and did not go to school, so he is very painful, very high expectations for me, I hope I cherish a better learning environment, he gave me the name 'may' to which. Every time I do my homework, my father takes a book and sits next to me to see what he does. It makes me realize that people are never too old to learn. Dad, I will not live up to what you expect of me. Here, I want to say to you: "you are laborious, I love you."."



  If you ask me, who is the one who loves you best? If you ask me, who do you love best? I told you loudly: "it's dad!"!"


  Because he is not like his mother, he is unknown, but it is hard mouth, soft hearted people.


  I remember several times when my mother came to pick me up. A return to the factory, my father always said: "you this little bastard back?" Make me laugh or cry. Later, I was in the "investigators" - mother's mouth learned that whenever mom came to pick me up, every 10 minutes, my father called his mother: "hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"...... Son, hurry up, you can't wait!" It was blowing all the way, but it was another thing when I got back to the factory. Then, as soon as I got home in the evening, he told me to do my homework, and he followed me. My father quietly stood behind me. "Oh! You're wrong!" I was shocked by my father. Later, my father helped me point to the mistakes, and then taught me the meaning of the topic and let me correct it. A series of questions have been solved...... I saw dad sweating and sweating. Then he looked at the sky and said to his father, "here it is today."."


  Daddy, how great you are! Daddy loves me, I love daddy.



  My father, thirty-four years old, tall, thin lips, tall nose, wearing a pair of gold glasses, black hair, looks cool. My father has a strong endurance. He not only loves his work, but also has a cheerful personality. He never loses his temper.


  My father is a workaholic, a day evening, he was at home is also an unshakable stand, sit at the computer room is not drawing is to look at the computer. Because he is a two computer division! Only one day off - Sunday, he also computer half a day to find information on the computer.


  Once, I was doing my maths homework, suddenly there is a star question stumped me, I left to right want, with two pieces of papers, or do not come out. I went to ask my father, and dad saw it. I took a piece of paper and drew a picture for me. He spoke three times, and my mind was still blank. I thought my father was going to scold me and thought, "Oh, no!""! My father said: "the father, to tell you again". I was very happy, this time I understand, I do my homework properly and logically arranged. On the second day, the teacher praised my question. "It was all my dad's credit," I thought".


  I am proud of having such a father.



  My father had a thin yellow face, dark hair and dark eyes, and with a smile, his white teeth came out, not to mention how handsome he was. Besides, he is very busy and gets up early to go to work every day.


  Although he is very busy, but he still take leave of coaching I study, whenever I write not neat, he would help me wipe rewrite. Once, I was practicing, but I can't write as carefully, dad was off, so I can only re write, was torn. I wrote it many times, but it was torn...... Then I kept writing very late and began to lose patience. At this time, my father said, "perseverance is the only way to win."!" As soon as I heard this, I began to write confidently, when my mother said to her father, "it's getting late, so you'd better go to bed."." Dad said, "no, I'm going to wait for my son to sleep together."." I was so moved that I could not speak.


  Daddy, I love you forever!

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