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  The Terracotta Army or Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a collection of 8099 larger than life Chinese terra cotta figures of warriors and horses located near the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. The figures vary in height according to their rank; the tallest being the Generals. The heights range is 184-197cm (6ft - 6ft 5in) or more than a full foot taller than the average soldier of the period. The figures were discovered in 1974 near Xi'an Shaanxi province China.

  兵马俑兵马俑战士军前the is a collection of 8099和马匹的生活比中国数字地球空气日期20xx年1月17粉碎战士和马匹of the first of the mausoleum并置近秦皇帝。茶在他们高度根据对卵巢tallest将军秩;茶有茶。高度范围为184 197cm(6ft - 6ft 5in)或更多,比全比尺的士兵of the学生平均周期。茶是在近discovered 1974年对西安,陕西省,中国。


  A wonderful trip with some special soldier

  In a beautiful morningme and my father hit the roads to begin a wonderful trip to visit the emperor qin's terra cotta warriors.When i came into the musumethe first thing came into my eyes is nothing but mud.but when i walked closerthe impressive view just took my breath away.there are hundreds and thousands of mud warriors in the mud and they all look seriouselyso serious that i woudn't dare to even walk a little bit closer.the great landmark reminds me of how great my country isand i should be proud of it.from that moment oni decided to be a warrior to defend my country!what a wonderful trip~!和一些特别的士兵的一次精彩的旅行



  The right picture is the famous Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang in a kneeling archer. It was found at Lintong County in Shaanxi Province to the east of Qin Shi Huang's tomb

  Let me introduce this kneeling archer. kneeling archer on the pit No.2 hole; His right knee down against his right hip his hands holding Gongnu like to do. He’s about 1.2 meters high the lower part of the body was solid the upper part of the body was hollow.He was made by a local mixture made of clay.

  archaeologists found 120 kneeling archers in pit No.2 kneeling archer can help us to understand about royal guards of Qin Shi Huang.

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