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  倡议书英语作文格式 篇1

Dear schoolmates,

  Environmental pollution is a serious social problem. It poses a terrible threat to mens health.

  The atmosphere is filthy. The air is thick with dust and burnt oil. Dark smokes are being emitted from chimneys, and choking fumes are being released from numerous vehicles. Stay a little while in a big city, then wipe your forehead with your handkerchief, it is black. Hang out your washing on the line to dry, you will have to wash again. Garbage is left to accumulate in unsanitary heaps that attract flies and give off bad smell. Nor is the pollution confined to air and land. Large quantity of sewage and chemical waste are dumped daily into rivers, lakes and the sea, which kills millions of fish. Noises coming from honking cars, rumbling machines and broadcasting loudspeakers may make a person nervous and irritable, even drive him crazy.

  Environmental pollution is responsible for many diseases that are disabling, or bringing death to human beings.

  In short, lets take good care of our mother globe, not only for the well-being of ourselves, but also for that of our future generations.

  倡议书英语作文格式 篇2

Dear Sir or Madam,

  Im Li Hua,a student from Guangming Middle School.When I went to see a friend in the countryside this summer. I wan shocked to find a large quantity of farming land deserted.

  The reasons are various. On the one hand, the terrible weather caused the farming land to become too dry to grow crops, and some of it was finally deserted. In addition, with the development of cities and towns, the number of people who are willing to take up farm work become smaller.

  As we all know, food is vital for our survival. Therefore, measures should be taken to stop the farming land from being wasted any more. Or we will have no land to grow crops to feed ourselves in the near future.

  Hoping to receive your early reply.

  倡议书英语作文格式 篇3

Dear friends,

  Do you want to live in a beautiful world?To fulfill our obligation to protect the environment, we are supposed to follow the following ecological codes. To begin with,it is suggested/advised that we stick to the habit of walking to school. In addition,we are required to eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day. Moreover,it would be a good idea if we recycle everything recyclable and cherish our school’s environment by picking up any litter and turning off the taps and the lights. In a word, it is high time that we should contribute to the prosperity of our mother, the earth.

  Thank you!

  The Students’ union

  June 17, 20XX

  倡议书英语作文格式 篇4

Dear friends,

  I am writing this letter to call on everyone to pay attention to the present disasters caused by human activities. As some of you may know, over the past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust storms have frequented our planet. Not long ago, tsunami swept the Southeast Asia, which caused enormous damage. All these have sounded an alarm to human beings. So it is high time that we join efforts to save our planet.

  Above all, a task of top priority for us is to plant trees as many as possible, especially in the arid areas. At the same time, we should stop deforesting in large amount. And we can save our planet through many other ways, such as saving water and using recycled paper.

  So don’t hesitate to act out these measures. Even a small action is meaningful to our planet. Please join us in the action of protecting our planet. If you are willing to do something to save our planet, please start from the little thing right around you. Thank you!

  Sincerely yours,


  倡议书英语作文格式 篇5

Ladies,gentlement,children,granddad and everyone,

  who have much love in your hearts,when you are drinking coffee in a bar,when you are paying to play games in a park,buying expansive coat in a big market,do you know there are still many people who usually be hungry on acouunt of having no money,many children who can not go to schoolto study ,even many people who will die becouse they are too poor to go to hospital to see any doctors?

  Yes ,you dont know them ,and what they are suffering from have no matter to you.but do you know,if everyone of us do only a litter favor to them ,they cculd be away from hungray,could go to see a doctor .Their children could go to school to learn knowlge?

  Offer your love to them,what you do is only a pencil ,a bag, some coat that you dont want to dress in,or a dollor.

  Only give so little ,you give a great help!

  Thank you!

  倡议书英语作文格式 篇6

  The Olympics are just around the corner. Today I want to talk about good manners and courtesy.

  We Chinese have always been respected and highly praised for good manners and courtesy, which have, as well, become precious traditions of our people. In a couple of weeks beyond, a large number of foreign friends will come to China to join us in enjoying the Olympics. Before foreign guests, we should have an easy manner and behave politely and warm-heartedly. In public places, such ugly behaviors as uproar, pushing or squeezing together, spitting and so on should be determinedly forbidden. In a sense, each of us will not simply stand for ourselves but stand for China. Therefore, boys and girls, let’s do it well right now and the eyes of the world are to on us.

  倡议书英语作文格式 篇7

  Reading plays an important part in our daily life.We can gain knowledge through reading.It can not only open our minds but also make us cleverer and happier.Our study can be improved if we read more books.Reading also helps us grow as a person.

  However,it’s a great pity that many activities such as surfing the Internet,listening to music,and watching TV and so on take up too much of our reading time.So here,I would like to suggest that everyone should spendmore time in reading books and reading good books.It will do good to us.Let’s start reading now.

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