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  The most popular teacher in Neworiental, Ma Zihui, will attend the party.



  Young and ambitious,JieYu works hard to teach Englsih.

  Secretly, the girl entered the room.

  With a book in her hands, Fang Meng talked to a foreigner.

  Exhausted, the students reached the top of the mountain.



  In front of me stood a beautiful girl.

  To pass the exam, the students worked hard.

  Confused about the problem, he went to ask for his teacher.

  Your homework finished, you may go home.


  If I am free, I will attend your lecture.

  Whenever one goes, whatever one does, one needs money.


  (1) With the (rapidly) growing popularity of (computers/private cars) in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.

  (2) With the (rapid) growth of (our economy/population), many problems such as (water shortages/waste of energy/lack of professionals and chaotic management) are beginng to surface

  (3) With the development of (science and technology/market economy), more and more/an increasing number of people come to realize that ……

  (4) Currently there is a widespread/serious concern over (illegal publication/drug abuse/negative influence of western cultures).

  (5) Nowadays, a heated debated/discussion about……is under way in China .some people believe that ……, whereas others argue that……

  (6) There are some reasons for owning (private cars/ personal computers). To begin with,…… Next,…… Last, …… There are, on the oher hand, many reasons against it. First, …… Second,…… Finally,……

  (7) There are many advantanges and disadvantages in (owning a car).

  (8) There are various /at least three ways/possible techniques/problems/methods to do something

  (9) Smoking/Alcoholic beverage should be banned from college campuses for toe reasons. The first reason is that …… The second reason is that …… /On the one hand , …… On the other hand. ……

  (10) The possible solutions of (the enery crisis/water shortanges/these social problems) depend on three factors……

  (11) The tow major reasons responsible for (the rapid economic growth /the widespread of fake products ) are……


  1-1 对立法: 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,

  适用于有争议性的主题. 例如(e.g)

  [1]. When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that ....... But I think/view a bit differently.

  [2]. When it comes to .... , some people bielive that ....... Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true . There is probably some truth in both arguements/statements , but (I tend to the profer/latter ...)

  [3]. Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that .... They claim/ believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether.....

  1-2 现象法引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论. e.g

  [1]. Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of) ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern.

  [2]. Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of ...has been brought into focus. ( has been brouth to public attention)

  [3].Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.

  ----- To be continued !!

  1-3 观点法----开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法. e.g:

  [1]. Never history has the change of .. been as evident as ... Nowhere in the world/China has the issue/idea of .. benn more visible/popular than...

  [2]. Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginnig/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that...

  [3]. Now there is a growing awareness/recognation ot the necessity to......Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ......

  [4]. Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that.......

  1-4 引用法----- 先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点! e.g:

  [1]. "Knowledge is power." such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people .

  "Education is not complete with gradulation." Such is the opnion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opnion.

  [2]."........." How often we hear such statements/words like thoses /this .

  In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as this "......".

  1-5 比较法------ 通过对过去,现在两种不同的倾向,观点的`比较, 引出文章要讨论的观点.


  [1]. For years, ...had been viewed as ... But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing ... , people ....... .

  [2]. People used to think that ... (In the past, ....) But people now share this new.

  1-6 故事法---- 先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题. e.g:

  [1]. Once in (a newspaper) , I read of/learnt .... The phenemenon of ... has aroused public concern.

  [2]. I have a friend who ... Should he .... ? Such a dilemma we are often confront with in our daily life.

  [3]. Once upon a time , there lived a man who ... This story may be (unbelievable) , but it still has a realistic significance now.

  1-8 问题法----- 先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题. e.g:

  Should/What ...... ? Options of ... vary greatly , some ..., others ...

  But in my opinion , ...... .

  Chapter 2 文章中间主体内容句型 原因结果分析

  3-1-1. 基本原因--- 分析某事物时, 用此句型说明其基本的或者多方面的原因.

  e.g: [1]. Why ... ? For one thing.. For another ...

  [2]. The answer to this problem invovles many factors. For one thing... For another...... Still another ...

  [3]. A number of factors , both physical and psychological affect .... /both individual and social contribute to ....

  3-1-2另一原因--------> 在分析了基本原因之后, 再补充一个次要的或者更重要时用! e.g:

  [1]. Another important factor is ....

  [2]. ... is also responsible for the change/problem.

  [3]. Certainly , the ... is not the sole reason for .....

  3-1-3后果影响--------- 分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响. e.g:

  [1]. It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on....

  [2]. In involves some serious consequence for ........


  3-2-1. 两者比较---> 比较两事物, 要说出其一超过另一个, 或肯定一事物的优点, 也肯定其缺点的时候用! e.g:

  [1]. The advantages gained from A are much greater than the advantages we gain from B.

  [2]. Indeed, A carries much weight when compared with B.

  [3]. There is no doubt that it has its negative effects as well as positive effects.

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