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  抑郁症英语作文 篇1

  Depression must have been heard of by all of us. There are mild, severe and moderate depression. The situation is different. Everyone suffering from this disease is basically caused by psychological pressure, cant accept for a while, and make bad behavior.

  Before, I didnt care much about the disease, but when I was close to the edge of the disease, I knew how depressed I was. At that time, I didnt like to talk before, and even felt very impatient when I met anything. Later, I went to the hospital for examination and found that I had anxiety. This should be considered as a call for depression. If I dont treat it, it will become depression if I develop slowly. Then I cooperate with the doctors treatment, the situation is much better, I no longer care about anyones opinion, I only believe in my own eyes.

  In fact, depression is not so terrible, many people are caused by external factors, family relations and psychological pressure, so there are many people who give up their lives. But what I want to say is that there are treatments. Why not? Why should we take a partial path? There are so many people who love you in the world, and many new things you havent tried. Why cant you let go a little. After our parents gave birth to us, we should live a good life, be bullied and rebel back, release the pressure in our hearts, dont hold back in our hearts and say nothing, dont lock ourselves in a dark world, let our hearts open, talk to relatives and friends more, and forget about depression.

  Lets fight against depression, be a person without pressure, and strive for our own life!

  抑郁症英语作文 篇2

  "Good morning, citizens, today..."

  "There are always some boring topics, all of which are the same routines and words. Cant you change them for a new one? Its true that "I can open the window and enjoy the air outside, which can make me forget the unhappiness just now.

  I can always see adults and children coming and going in the street everyday. They are very happy. I dont know why Im tired of one thing that is very common. Do I hate them? Of course not. I dont know them. Why should I hate them? However, as soon as I see them talking and laughing, I am particularly upset. I would think, "why do they laugh? Whats so funny? Its sick! " Walking, I came to a primary school. Now its time to finish school. I saw every parent come to pick up their children. I suddenly felt whether I was abandoned by my parents. It seems that since I remember, my parents havent picked me up from school. I feel a little lonely.

  When I came home unconsciously, I always felt something was missing, so I thought of what I saw on the road. Five minutes later, I realized that I was used to being alone in this so-called "home", in fact, I was lying to myself all the time. Every day, I watch other children play coquettish in their parents arms. I also want to see that every time there is a parents meeting, other childrens parents come. Only I am grandparents. No one knows how sad I am. Gradually, I dont talk with others, I dont care about anyone, I dont want to live.

  Mom and Dad, in fact, I like you, I like you to play with me, but I also know you need to change money to take care of me. How I wish this society didnt need money, so you wont miss my childhood, and I wont be depressed.

  See other children and their parents have a good time. Do I envy them? Of course I envy you, but I love you more. Without me, you might not be so tired.

  抑郁症英语作文 篇3

  The kitten is a yellow and white cat, very beautiful and cute. The owner also likes it very much. It has a very happy life. But one day, a pure white Persian cat came to my family. It was noble and elegant. Xiaozai is not used to having another cat. He thinks that the owner doesnt like it. He is very angry about why the owner brought Xiaobai. The more he thought about it, the more depressed he thought about it, so he got depression.

  The owner sent it to the pet psychology hospital. The doctor is a big flower dog, with a pair of glasses, very kind. The big flower dog got to know about the baby and sent it to the home of a country cat.

  Xiaozai took the dragon cat bus and got off at a mountain village station. A black cat came up and said, "are you a little boy?" The little boy nodded. The black cat took the babys backpack. "Lets go home." Along the way, the black cat told a lot of interesting stories to the little boy, and he smiled happily. For the first time in so many days, it was so happy. "I dont know your name yet, whats your name?" the little boy asked curiously "My name is Xia Xiaohe. You can also call me Xiaohe." Xiaohe, its a nice name. Little boy thought.

  After working in the kitchen for a while, Xiao He said, "I have dinner." I thought there was something delicious, but it turned out to be wild mushroom soup and fried cabbage. Disappointed, he asked, "are there any fish?" "Fish?" Xiaohe is very strange, "what is a fish? Can I have it? " Little boy, I just remember. Its on the mountain. How can there be fish? He immediately sympathized with Xiao He. Its a pity that fish cant eat such delicious food.

  After dinner, Xiaohe takes Xiaozai to visit Miss Rabbit. Miss Rabbit handed the little boy a rope made of linen and taught him to make a rope. Miss Rabbit is smart and handy. She can weave houses, mushrooms and even complicated hydrangeas. "You just play with this?" Little boy asked. Miss Rabbit scratched her head and said, "why not play with this?" I just remember that this is the mountain. How can there be so many interesting things? He immediately sympathized with Miss Rabbit. It was so pitiful that he didnt even see the wool.

  The next day, Miss Rabbit said mysteriously, "go, take you to a good place." Xiaohe was curious, so he went with it. The result is a field of hydrangea. "This is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen." Said Miss Rabbit happily. The little boy thought of the cherry blossom forest in the park near his masters house. He did not know how many times more beautiful it was than hydrangea.

  After a few days at Xiaohes house, Xiaozais depression will be better. As for the reason, you know.

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