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你的一天里面,都会干什么呢?下面给大家分享一些关于my day 英语作文,希望对大家有帮助。

关于my day 英语作文1关于myday英语作文精选6篇(英语myday作文5句话)

My name is QinLongying .I’m a student, I have a busy day every day. I get up at 7:00 and get dressed at 7:15 in the moring. Then I have breakfast. I go to school at 7:30 and I get to school at 8:00. At 8:30 we have our classes. Every day we six classes. After school I go home. I do my homeworkat 6:30. I go to bed at 8:30 in the evening. This is my day. What about you?

关于my day 英语作文2

I had a wonderful holiday at spring festival.I went to the park with my friends.We met at eight o'clock at the school gate.We went to the park by bike.It was a beautiful day.We sat under a big tree and chated with each other.We took about some movies and some fun things.We had lunch there.We ate hamburgers and some drinks,but I know they are not healthy and not good for us.Then we played some games.

We were all fell tired,but we were very happy!It was great fun!

关于my day 英语作文3

l am a pupil,l usually get up at six o‘clock.Then l wash my hands and my face,clean my teeth. My mother has cooked A meal by seven o’clock. After having my breakfast,l must go to school. We do morning exercises at ten o‘clock. we close school at half past eleven. We have luch at home. At two, we begin our classes again. We all finish our lessons at half past four. We have to leave our school. This is my day.

关于my day 英语作文4

I'm a boy, and I'm a pupil. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I have no class on Saturdays and Sunday. I often get up at six o'clock. I go to school at seven o'clock. I have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. I go home at five. I do my homework at home.

关于my day 英语作文5

Today is Sunday.I get up early.Because I play sports.I wear my T-shirt and my skirt.Then I go to the playground to play ping-pong with Lucy.We are happy.After that,we eat breakfast .I like drinking milk but she likes drinking juice.At 10:00,I play the piano.Then I eat lunch at 2:30. I will go to school to study English. After that,I will go home and eat dinner.Then I will go to bed.

This is my day. Do you like it?

关于my day 英语作文6

Busy can make the person often then, it was as if all busy people infection, also can let you in a hurry and forget things.

The red sun is very busy, busy warm; The teacher is the most busy, busy teaching students; Flowers are very busy, busy fruit to eat.

Students also is very busy! Some busy with writing homework, some busy playing video games, watch TV and eat breakfast; Parents are very busy, busy at school, like my cram school teacher; Cabinet as a big belly, can put a lot of books, also let a person every day opened and closed, is really busy! Unexpectedly, the stairs is also very busy, every day to let everybody walked up and down, up and down. The rooster is very busy, like my mother, wake me up every day.

I am busy doing the housework, school, endorsement, and remediation of, because and cram school has a lot of things to write, finish will help to do the housework, my load was so tired. I think that my mood is messy, and I don't like to be busy. Busy like hell, can make the person feels inside out.关于my day 英语作文精选6篇相关文章:

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