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更新时间:2022-01-05 来源:互联网 点击:




  1. 对…大有裨益have a good influence on exert a positive effect on

  2. 加强strengthen=promote=enhance=improve

  3. 培养 cultivate=foster

  4. 学校教育 schooling 家庭教育 upbringing=parenting

  5. 给..动力去做 give motivation to do=motivate sb. to do

  6. 青少年 adolescents=youngsters=youth

  7. 老人 senior citizens=the aged=the old = the elderly (adj)

  8. 严重的 serious=severe

  9. 学到 obtain=gain=learn acquire 获取

  10. 方法the approach to sth/doing =with this method= by means of = in this way

  11. 忍受 be fed up with =put up with=bear=stand 一般常用否定,多于can’t 连用

  12. 想要 look forward to=long to/for=want to

  13. 喜欢 have a great passion for=be fond of

  14. 忙于做某事 be engaged in=be busy in…

  15. 忙 as busy as a bee=busy


  1. 很多次 a hundred times=many times

  2. 首先 to begin with=initially=firstly=first of all

  3. 便宜的 economical=cheap

  4. 充分利用 get the most use of =make the best of

  5. 但是on the contrary=oppositely=but=however=nevertheless

  6. 刻苦学习 study diligently=study hard (副)

  7. 非常 extremely=very =rather

  8. 重视 attach importance to=place emphasis on=pay attention to

  9. 根据 according to=based on

  10. 偶尔 from time to time=occasionally=once in while

  11. 丰富,富有 wealthy=rich=abundant

  12. 忽略 lose sight of=overlook=ignore

  13. 少数a handful of= a few

  14. 同时 meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time

  15. 建设 be under construction=construct=build


  1. 目前 for the meantime=at present=nowadays

  2. 违反交通规则 violate traffic regulations

  3. 卓越成就 remarkable achievements

  4. 考虑 take…into account/consideration=think about

  5. 采取措施 take a series of effective measures to do

  6. 只要 on the condition that =as long as

  7. 认为 hold the view that =think /maintain/argue/claim that

  8. 不遗余力地去做 spare no efforts to do=try one’s utmost to do

  9. 结果 as a consequence =as a result=In consequence

  10. 决不能 on no account=under no circumstances can we 倒装

  11. 与…交流意见 compare notes with sb.=communicate with sb.=exchange opinions with sb

  12. 即将来临 round the corner=approaching=coming

  13. 奉献 contribute to=dedicate to=devote to

  14. 提及 refer to=talk about/of=mention

  15. 在…的进程中 over the course of=during the process of

  16. 支持 be in favor of=approve of=be for=advocate

  17. 对某事痴迷 be caught up in=be crazy about=be absorbed in=be addicted to

  18. 毫无疑问It’s beyond argument that=There is no denying/doubt that.. without doubt = undoubtedly

  19. 关键,重要之处在于 the key to doing sth. lies in…=It’s of vital significance to…

  20. 可以用做…的例证sth. can serve as a convincing example to illustrate …

  21. My experience of….. is a good case in point to illustrate…

  22. 有意义 make a difference=make sense

  23. 由此以至于 ..so that..=…,thus making it …=…,resulting in/leading to the fact that…








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