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Thanksgiving Day英语作文精选5篇

更新时间:2023-02-13 来源:互联网 点击:

In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day。 On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year。Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day。下面是小编精心为大家整理的5篇《Thanksgiving Day英语作文》,希望能对您的写作有一定的参考作用。

Thanksgiving Day英语作文 篇一

This ThursDay is Thanksgiving, but recent study is too tight, and to test, we seem to forget.。.

Came home from school, depression to take the English test paper, I only got 98. 5 points, but the last time I got 99 points! Time and tide wait for no man, will the math test tomorrow, I left our school bag, plunged into the math review volume. Watch will be done, who knows, idle, grandma just turning on the TV, see the Peking Opera! The Peking Opera, noting that the sound of creaking interrupted my thoughts completely, I endure the impatient, had to shut the door. Grandma to see with relish, the sound is large again, this time, I can cannot help, at grandma loudly shouted: "you don't noisy noise! Listen for a while, it will have to listen to! Are not wearing!" Turn off the TV, grandma lying on the sofa and listen to the radio. I helpless, returned to his study banged shut to the door, and starts the review questions. After finished, I had a good stretch, pick a book falls in a layer of ash read. The institute of Thanksgiving, I froze. When grandma came the radio host crisp sweet voice - today is Thanksgiving Day. I froze again. Mind out when cried to grandma just now.。. I am ashamed.。.

I fell asleep at his table. Memory through time and space, back to before.。. That was when I was in grade one, parents do all the things to me, I will say thank you to them. I woke up, think of now, the parents for everything I do I will think is should, have all grievances, I shouted at them, compared with before, I am ashamed.。.

Don't forget to Thanksgiving, don't forget your side make great contribution to our people, meet them, don't forget to say: "thank you, have your city, only better! We have you, more happiness!"

Thanksgiving Day英语作文 篇二

Some say, knowledge is the source of wisdom. You know, who is this gives you knowledge? Right! He is our teacher selfless dedication. With a boat in the sea, people call it the boat "knowledge"。 Only wise, the learned man to drive it to the shore of success. So, this teach us knowledge is our people's teacher. Behind a successful man, there is a man who taught him knowledge workers, that is the teacher. The teacher is human engineer, the construction of the motherland beautiful tomorrow; The teacher like the gardener, hard to cultivate our these flowers of the motherland; , teacher like a candle, burn yourself out to give light to others. The teacher is like a silkworm, sacrifice themselves, the benefit of others.

I have a grateful heart, I am grateful parents, thank a teacher. Friend, do you? Hope you have a grateful heart, in that way, our motherland's tomorrow will be better!

Thanksgiving Day英语作文 篇三

Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.

In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship.After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Thanksgiving Day英语作文 篇四

"Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui", his father harsh rebuke of bearing wear infinite hope, in the mother's gentle care contains the infinite love, is that they use industrious arms supporting a wind through the rain's home, that is they used a hot heart love tender young children, don't open of love! Let the children never go out you of is affectionate eyes. Although I can't make a great move, but it's not aim at mother's day to send a bouquet of carnations, hang a call in father's day, deep feeling ground say: mom and d https://www.baihuawen.cn/ ad were laborious!

Both from the source of Thanksgiving, and our life experience, if you really have a grateful heart, just can enjoy life, feel the life really associating and goodness.

With a grateful heart to set foot on the journey of life road, let us be grateful, affliction, or suffering, you will get the perfect life!

Thanksgiving Day英语作文 篇五

Thanksgiving, is to be one of the basic virtues. People who want to learn to be grateful, learn to repay.

This morning, the day Yin down, suddenly to rain cats and dogs. The classmates umbrellas in the rain step by step, insist on back to school. Although almost all the students umbrellas, or because of too much rain is wet. The students began to complain about the weather. At this moment, the teacher in charge teacher saw this situation, while maintaining the order of the class take out a cellular phone call contact more than a dozen students in the class parents, hope they can help children to clothing. In this more than a dozen parents, Yang Baihui of parents is the most hard, she started just for my son to send clothes, get wet later heard that the rest of the class and didn't inform parents, immediately go home in the rain, bring clothes, pants, etc., in person to the classmates, asked cold ask warm, no half sentence.

After the event, once the teacher and the students are very grateful to the maverick of parents for their children, for Yang Baihui parents also want to say "thank you", but because of the trouble to her and regret, had also helped the teacher, she can use the office phone contact parents, but she has not done so.

Say "thank you" is easy, but heartfelt "thank you" is the most important thing.

以上就是为大家带来的5篇《Thanksgiving Day英语作文》,希望对您的写作有所帮助。

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