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更新时间:2022-01-06 来源:互联网 点击:



  Meet me in the eyes of the Spring Festival is cherish.春节英语作文带翻译3篇(过新年英语作文带翻译)

  When I am happy to accept a present from my relatives, I once again heard the ardent told: "the New Year, you again long one year old, want to study well ah..." Words may differ in thousands ways, but there is only one, cherish now that the precious time gone forever. I can't stop the footsteps of time, unable to retain my fond memories of the Spring Festival. I thought: this is me in the eyes of the Spring Festival. I will usher in the year after the Spring Festival, the most beautiful flower of life, the spring never comes back to you. I am willing to accept it, have it, control it, for the Spring Festival to show its true meaning.

  The Spring Festival in my eyes, it is missing and reunion, is the blessings and love, is to cherish and meet. And a memory that can be comparable to the rich and beautiful of the Spring Festival.





  Me in the eyes of the Spring Festival is a ancient customs and traditional festivals, whenever the Spring Festival to, full of beautiful things in eyes of goods on the counter, the pedestrians on the road more and more, people mountain people sea, traffic.

  Me in the eyes of the Spring Festival is a reunion festival, each to the Spring Festival, people visit family and friends, every family gather together, every family have saved yourself a year's food, and share, wine, meat, vegetables... , see table out of the unique flavor, all kinds of food, of course, the guests who also you're welcome, devoured, the whole room is immersed in a warm fragrance, annual lunar calendar people came back to grandma and grandpa, and people together, the dinner, showing a child lovely smiling face and grandparents amiable smile.




  New Year is coming, so excited oh, for the children the most happy thing is to get a red envelope. Or to choose clothes how all have two big pockets!

  Look at that little red with anything, from time to time, patted his pocket, bulging, get a few sugar ate and put firecrackers, what a beautiful thing ah, can not so great for adults, the Chinese New Year is equal to the money, we still have so much sugar, beautiful but they are just lip service, can't take it seriously, should buy bought it, took the flowers, fireworks as usual, crackling big fish big meat a lot, always a good one million head!

  Look, couplet, and everyone's huan son, festival celebration, very lively! Such a grown-up ah, really good, are loathe to give up yourself, give children buy, really good shocked, I don't want to disappoint, they long to look a less-pressured mind!

  Finally here, bless you family, a happy every day!





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