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更新时间:2023-02-13 来源:互联网 点击:


课外活动优秀英语作文 篇一

It is my extracurricular activity to learn the English of children in Cambridge. I saw some students to recite English on TV can recite fluently from memory is very envious, heart, had decided to learn English well. From then on, I like English. Besides, the English teacher often plays games with us, sends stars, and is more king than the star in the class. In this competitive environment, I like English more.

At 9:30 every Saturday morning, Dad took me to the teenage palace to learn English. It's just 10. Ding … … class, the teacher came into the classroom with a smile, say hello and we began to use english. And then start a new lesson. All the students listened to each other with their eyes wide open. When the teacher asked questions, I grabbed the answer. When I answered the teacher's question in fluent English, the teacher was very happy. I decided to learn English better.

I have got a lot of lessons in so many classes. Now I have been able to communicate with the students in some simple words and sentences.

English has brought me happiness, and it has also increased knowledge. I am deeply aware of how meaningful my extracurricular activities are!

课外活动优秀英语作文 篇二

When the bell rang, the students quickly walked out of the classroom to participate in their favorite extra-curricular activities.

In the middle of the playground, the students who played the hula hoop were playing really hard. They kept rocking back and forth, letting the hula hoop roll on the body, watching the hula hoop fall off, and speeding up the hula hoop back to its original position. One of the students gave a hula hoop to the classmate who was turning it, and the students who turned it turned it around. The onlookers called: "good."! Good! One more one!"

Playing basketball is also fun. The man who grabbed the ball suddenly grabbed the ball and threw it into the ball while the other party was throwing the ball. The weasel like dribbling in the crowd to string string, then the enemy has a team ran over to pat the ball, the ball almost snatched. The ball got the ball and jumped into a ball. They danced and danced, and how happy they were.

The game of hawks catching chicks is the most fun! The eagle eyes stared straight only a fat chick, saw a large table of Roast Chicken, greedy DC slobber. The eagle was a diversion, it sprang at the right side, frightened chicks quickly left Dodge, Eagle suddenly swerved, it caught a chicken. The hen saw her chicks were caught, stepped up against big wings, the protection of chickens. The chicken closely followed the hen, with a blank mind, and knew only to hold the partner in front. But in the end, he could not hide the eagle's sharp claws, and finally the eagle got a big meal.

Extracurricular activities are really colorful!

课外活动优秀英语作文 篇三

Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools. In our school, there are various kinds of activities, for example, arts and sports. We enjoy them very much. Playing football and reading stories are my favorites which do me lots of good. Besides building my body and enriching my knowledge, they also free me from the heavy work of study.

Here I have some suggestions. To students, you'd better choose the activities which interest you and suit you; to schools, they should organize more activities for students and leave students more time for activities by giving them less homework.

Dear friends, please actively take part in after-class activities, which will not only make your school life colorful, but also improve you learning.




课外活动优秀英语作文 篇四

Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can't learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.

Others, however, don't like after class activities at all. They think that a student's work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.

In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won't learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.

Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.

课外活动优秀英语作文 篇五

On Friday afternoon third classes and extracurricular activities, clouds like a Ye Jiebai sailing in the blue distant sky leisurely and carefree travel. The weather is good, the students are in a better mood, and the playground is drifting with the laughter of the students.

The teacher let us play "Eagle catch chicken" game, the students listened, cheering cheerfully, some happily said: "I like playing hawks catch chicken." Some happy to say: "the eagle grabs the chicken, my favorite." Some said, "I must be a hen, because when the hen is the best, the eagle can't catch it." We all want to be an eagle, all sorts of gossip, finally, the teacher vote to Xiao Ming as the eagle, little red hen, I and other students when the chicken.

The game began. The eagle stared into the front, ready to attack at any time. The hens were standing in the open hands, not resigned to playing second fiddle, the opposite, behind her chicks one by one, a team with chickens in the hen. The eagle was staring at the chicken, looking for the opportunity to attack at any time. At this point, he saw the last little chicken limping and grabbed the chance, and he rushed to the chicken. The hen left the left and right, and the chicken behind was followed by the hen, like a snake swinging. Finally, the eagle was too tired to breathe, but he still didn't catch a chicken and shouted, "I don't do it!" The chickens also called, "do not do it without doing it, cowardly!" After that, the chickens loosened their hands and left their mother's protection and relaxed their vigilance. When the eagle saw, the opportunity came, he threw the chicken, finally grabbed one, and cried happily, "ha ha, I caught it." Of course, the chick that was caught was not convinced, and said, "no, no, it's going to come back." "When, Dangdang, when, Dangdang..." There was a dispute, when the bell rang and the students were reluctant to leave the playground.

Today's extracurricular activities are interesting!

课外活动优秀英语作文 篇六

"Jingle bell!" "Jingle bell!" The bell rang after class, and as the teacher walked out of the classroom, the students rushed out of the classroom one by one.

Look, the playground is a world of children, some are playing games, others are doing sports. It is The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea show. You see, here the children I play, cut watermelon chicken, tiaopijin, hide and seek, guess who I am, and other games, there's kids running in the long jump, jump rope. All of us had a lot of fun and fun. I play the game of chicken, let me talk to you to play this game. First of all, through the scissors, baggage, hammer, who will be an eagle and a hen, the rest when the chicken, hen in front of the chicken hawk resist responsible for the attack, he was a chicken up behind the old hen, caught in front of a person's clothes by hand, the eagle not allowed to catch the hen can catch behind her chicken, when the eagle is almost caught the chicken, the chicken can duck, chicken is eagle caught going out, waiting in a place where chickens are all caught again, scissors, baggage, hammer, start again.

Time passed really fast, the bell rang, and the students ran back to the classroom happily.

课外活动优秀英语作文 篇七

Every time, the bell rings after the first class, which means that fun extracurricular activities come!

We lined up to the big playground, and there was a wonderful music on the radio. The students in our class were divided into four groups, with each group of leading students with their hands on their hips. The students in front of the group put their hands on the shoulders of the front students, so the rabbit dance started. A password came out of the students' mouths: "front and back, front and back, left and right... "The students jumped and danced like rabbits, looking from afar like four caterpillars dancing. How interesting you said. By the time music was over, we were all gasping for breath, tired like a small fish with its mouth panting.

The time is always good and short, the class bell sounds, we are reluctant to go upstairs to class, looking forward to the next day extracurricular activities coming!

课外活动优秀英语作文 篇八

"Come on, come on."......" High Lake Central Primary School playground up like an avalanche of shouting, what is so busy ah, go and see.

So it's time for them to play in extracurricular activities. Look, it's the tug of war between class two and grade six in grade five, and I'm on behalf of class six, grade two, in two of them. In the game of class two and the fifth grade when we won the next is an easy job to do, and the sixth grade class one, we fight, we two classes at the beginning of the rope well-matched in strength, almost motionless, at this time, several students in our class due to excessive force down the rope suddenly to the side, we panic the cheerleaders, classmates saw this situation to come to help but stopped by the referee. At that time I thought: we must win, must for six grade two class win glory! At this time, a classmate shouted next to him: "stand up quickly, tidy up the mood, continue to refuel, victory is ours."!" Hear the words of the students also be full of confidence, courage, and accepted the challenge, we had a tremendous effort finally won the sixth grade class A. "Yeah."! We are the champions!" The students were dancing with joy.

Our game is over, and then the teachers are having a hot badminton match. The teachers are also very powerful, all of them are agile, and one is not bad. When the teachers were in the game, the students cheered loudly, especially when they were cheering for their teachers!

The teacher's game was over, and the sweat crept up on the teachers' faces, tired but happy. It's really a colorful extracurricular activity! Waiting for the next game to come, and hope to participate in the period!

课外活动优秀英语作文 篇九

I’d like to tell you something about the out-of-class activities in our school.

We usuallydo activities from 4:50 p.m. to 5:50 p.m. every day. We often have some sports on the playground. Some students like basketball and football. Other students like other games. We also have interest groups like drawing, singing and dancing. Now most of us like playing computer games. We go to the English corner on Wednesday afternoon. I think it is very interesting to talk in English there.

I hope we will have more time to play and less homework to do.


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