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更新时间:2022-01-07 来源:互联网 点击:




  My ideal job

  Different people have different career outlooks. Some people want to become civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream of being freelancers, and so on.

  However, my ideal job is teaching. Firstly, I’m told that teachers have a high income. With the high income, I can open a training school to help the children in poor families with their education. Secondly, teachers always have summer and winter holidays, thus I will have more free time to relax myself. More importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. I can’t imagine how happy I will feel when I see my students become elites.

  In order to be a qualified teacher, I should read more books to acquire more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my communication and handwriting abilities.


  My english teacher

  Today, I go to school with a headache. At the beginning, it is just a slightly pain. Nevertheless, it is not until the English lesson that my head pains heavily. So it is difficult for me to take notes. Luckily, my English teacher notices it so she takes me to theoffice. With a big smile on her face and caring words, she gives me a glass of water. To my surprise, she offers to help me notes. It is her love that warms me up. At that moment, I whisper myself that I will do my utmost to help others as kind as my English teacher.


  Tower of London

  Have you ever been to the tower of London? I feel very curious about it. I hope I can have a chance to have a look. It is said that it is the symbol of British Royalty and built in 1087. It has been the World Cultural Heritage. It was the palace of ruler. James I is the last owner. But it was used for many purposes after no rulers living in it, such as, fort, armory, treasury, observatory, prison and so on. Now it is one of the most popular historical cite in British. The yeoman warders manage it now. There are seven ravens in it as lucky mascot. No one is allowed to come in or go out at night because of the Ancient legend. Every night they will hold the old lock ceremony. How am I not interested in such place?


  My shopping experience

  Once I was in Beijing, I went shopping in the Front Gate Walking Street, for I wanted to buy some souvenirs for my friends.

  There were so many things on sale that I didn't know what to buy. Suddenly, I saw two statues which looked so beautiful. I decided to buy them. So I asked the price. “It’s twenty yuan each," said the boss. I tried to make a bargain with him. He refused at first, but when I was going to leave, he stopped me and said," OK, you can have both of them at ten yuan." Therefore, I bought both of them home at last.

  I was very happy on that day, because it was the first time that I had made a bargain with a businessman so successfully.


  English — A Bridge to The World

  English is the most widely used language in the world. It is used as the mother tongue in some countries across the world, such as England, America and Canada. My hometown, Luoyang, is a famous tourist destination which is visited by many foreigners every year. I wish people all over the world knew of the beautiful places in my hometown, such as the Longmen Grottos and White Horse Temple. For me, English is important because I can use it to introduce places of interest in Luoyang to tourists. English is like a bridge between two cultures. It allows me to make friends with Luoyang s foreign visitors. Today we live in the information age. There are many new things being invented every day, which are only described in English. If I want to find out detailed information about these new inventions, I need to know English. So English is essential if I want to gain new knowledge. English is a universal language. It s the language of science and the language of commerce. English allows me to communicate with people from every corner of the globe. In short, English is a bridge to the world.


  Most beautiful in a Mirror

  When facing a mirror, how do you feel? Proud? Satisfied? Or sad? In fact, most people look the most beautiful just when looking at themselves in the mirror. It is probably because everyone wishes to be flattered, especially by a fair mirror. That the reflections in the mirrors show their beauty makes them feel comfortable.

  So a suggestion has been given: Smile to a mirror when you feel lonely. Of course, if you are really smiling to your heart, you will be glad to enjoy your look, even the spots on it, which are regarded as your own characters. Now, one s look depends on one s heart, though at the same time, the mirrors unfair. The spots, however, will not go away unless you clear them. Flattery is never true, it must prevent you from improving yourself. In the end, I would like to say: Let the mirror put its finger on your weak spot, then you may be the most beautiful in the fair life.








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