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  运动会英语作文 篇1


  The annual sports meeting came on schedule.


  A group of North flying migratory birds hover on the track and field because of the hot scene. They are nostalgic for the distinct bustle of the quiet sky here. This is an extraordinary day. The athletes on the field are showing their style on this unusual stage. And there are also a group of people who want to share their youth sweat in the sports field and add luster to the class. However, some things are always more than heart and less than strength.


  So he put all his enthusiasm and hope into the athletes. I, who have never been destined for the sports meeting, and I am an off-site audience, can only cheer for the athletes. I also have such a dream in my heart: one day, I can run on the runway; one day, the first medal can also hang on my chest. I have always been worried by teachers about whether I can reach the standard. Naturally, I can not participate in the competition as an athlete, on behalf of the class, on behalf of the Department. Writing a newsletter has always been my most glorious task. I express all my passion and desire in words. To be a cheerleader has always been what I want to do.

  从这个场地到那个场地,为自己院系、班级的运动员鼓气加油,他们的发挥紧紧牵系着我的情绪。我憧憬着第一个越过终点线的人是我,我幻想着广播是播的是我夺得了第一名。 此时此刻,虽然脑海里浮想联翩,但我仍然安静地坐在大本营,写着通讯稿,仍然站在场边扯破嗓子地喊加油。 没有获得荣誉的喜悦,我仍一脸灿烂的微笑,因为这样的`天气,这样好的憧憬。

  运动会英语作文 篇2

  When autumn comes, I feel so excited, because the sports meeting comes. I like sports so much. When I was very small, my father took me to watch the basketball match, in the long time, sports have become part of my life. When I started to come to school, I join the basketball team, I had the great time to practice with my friends. Though high school life is very busy and I have to learn so many subjects, I still keep taking exercise everyday. Sports meeting time is my favorite time in the semester.

  I can take part in many activities, such as basketball and high jump. I am full of energy, I just want to enjoy the moment of taking exercise. Sports meeting indeed brings students many energy and make the students become active. They can also exercise their bodies.

  运动会英语作文 篇3

  The school‘s annual sports meeting is about to start. This sports meeting has made us look forward to it for several days, and finally we can play our sports strengths. The atmosphere in school has changed a bit.

  In this sports meeting, our class attaches the most importance to the relay race, because it is a test of team cooperation competition, but also for the honor of the class. The students of the whole school attach great importance to this relay race. There are four students in total, each of whom runs 400 meters, to see which team finishes the fastest, which not only tests the ability of individuals, but also the cooperation ability of the whole team Power. If any student makes a mistake or falls down, it will affect the performance of the whole team, so everyone should pay special attention to keep good physical strength and be able to sprint at the end.

  In this relay race, there was an accident. One of the students ran and fell down, but the team didn’t blame the student, but ran to the student‘s side and asked if he had any questions, and the event of the race had already been forgotten.

  In fact, the result of the competition is not important. What is important is that a team can get along well with each other and communicate with others. It is something we need to learn all our lives.

  运动会英语作文 篇4

  The sports meet of our university was held on a charming spring stand around the playground was packed with came the parade of the opening etes walked into the field in orderly r the opening address was delivered,the athletes there was a performance of group callisthenics.

  The contests and races of track and field events were runners of 100 metre race dashed to the terminal winner took the lead only by a small fraction of second.A boy athlete gave a javelin a lorceful shot across the sky and arrived at a point far ahead of the former record.A girl athlete,in a long distance race,stumbled over the foot of another athlete and fell rose to her feet,clenched her teeth,and continued her most attractive is the relay race that was so intense that all spectators cheered,hailed and applaused.

  The sports meet was athletes not only gained a good harvest of prizes,but also strengthened their body and tempered their will.

  运动会英语作文 篇5

  we had a veryinterestingsports meeting.


  First we had the throwing competition.Johnny throw thefurthest.


  Then we have the 50 meters dash, I won the secound.Peter who was in class 7 grade 4 won the first place.Then its 200 meters running.I ran the firstplace.


  After I finishe my dash running, I went to have the long jump.Micheletried, but Jennifer jump further thanMichele, Peter jumped further than the two, finally I jump the furthest.


  Next we have the relay race。We have eight people to have the competition.Im the first, so I can ran as fast as I can.The other people tried their best to run, and I tried the best, so Im proud of me, finally we can just get the sixth, but Im happy say, we all tried the best.

  What an interesting sports meeting that Ill never forget.


  运动会英语作文 篇6

  Today our school hold a sports meeting.it begans at ninght aclock.there have many kinds of match such as high jumping,one_handred meters race,basketball and so on.i and my class cheers for our class.in the end our class ranks two and i feel cooperatiom and friendship is how important!

  Sports Meeting

  Last month we had a sports meeting.Though the weather wasnt very fine that day,the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.

  This time,I was even more excited.Because I went in for the sports meeting and my item was high jump.I didnt want to get any place,I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasnt good at sports.

  When I got to the field with my friend.I was both excited and nervous.When I saw the first height,my heart could hardly heat.How high it was!It was higher than our desks.I couldnt believe my eyes.This was too high for me to jump over.I wasnt nervous at that timewhile I was a bit afraid.But I had gone there,I must have a try.

  Not long after,the game began.The first person was great.He jumped over easily.I was too surprised to say a word.The second was good,too.The third nearly jumped over,but he wasnt bad…

  It was my turn.I had a deep breath and then ran towards.In front of the pole,I began to jump.Oh,no!My right foot hit the pole.“I failed.” I thought.And then,another unlucky thing happened.I didnt stand firm and I tumbled.I hurt my back badly.At that moment I felt my back was broken.It was too painful.It seemed that the people around field all didnt know that,they only laughed at my foolish posture.After a very short rest,I stood up.

  I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face.My friend hurried to come to me.He asked me if this was terrible.I was too pained with my back to answer his questions.I only shook my head.I was sad.Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldnt go on in the game.I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.

  Though I didnt have the whole game.I was still very happy.Because a lot of my classmates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good places.They were all best in my eyes.I was thankful to them for doing their best for our class.

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