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更新时间:2023-12-29 来源:互联网 点击:


英语作文邀请信 篇一

Dear sirmadam:

On date, we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of name, President of pany. You are cordially invited to attend the celebration at hotel, location, on date from to .

name has been the President of pany since year. During this period, pany expanded its business from to . Now its our opportunity to thank him for his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happy retirement. Please join us to say Good-bye to name.

See you on date.

Yours sincerely


邀请信英文范文模板 篇二

Hi Peter,

I am writing to tell you the schedule of your coming your safe arrival,in the morning,we will lead you to meet the teachers and students we will have a Chinese music class to enjoy with last,you will learn how to make Chinese paper cut with the help of the the afternoon,I will organize many classmates to communicate with we are from different countries,we have different culture,we can learn from each the end, we will hold a party to have a good time with believe that you will have a good day in our school.

Im looking forward to seeing you soon.

Li Ming

邀请信英文范文模板 篇三

dear xx:

we sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. as you know, this is the 1st held of occsg and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. we have accepted many papers from several disciplines.

have to prepare the final program soon. we are looking forward to your acceptance. sincerely yours,



邀请信英文范文模板 篇四



Mrs. XXX Date of Birth MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY Passport No. XXXXXX XXXXXX

My parents will fly to Los Angeles on May 19, 20xx and leave for China on Jun 2, 20xx. During this trip, they will live in my house located in above mentioned address; and Ill cover all of their expenses and guarantee they will leave the United States within the visa authorized stay.

It would be great appreciated if you could issue a temporary resident visa to my parents.

Should you have any questions, ple)壶知道●(ase dont hesitate to let me know via phone call or email.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Wong

邀请信英文范文模板 篇五

Li Hua,

I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party . The party began at .on Sunday . All my classmates were not be late. I was very happy. We ate some western were very of my classmates brought their own food. They shared their food with us. Because they are very friendly. We also played games. It was very interesting. All my classmates were very happy. I danced with my best friends. And all my classmates danced very beautifully! They sang a song Happy Birthday to me. And then they gave me a lot of presents. I was very thankful. All of us had a good time on that day!

Do you have free time I want to visit you next year

英语作文邀请信 篇六

Dear Ying,

It has been almost five years since you left Xi'an to settle down in Shenzhen。I believe that you have started enjoying life in that beautiful coastal city,and the warm climate will surely be good for your health。

I have a vacation for two weeks next winter。I'd like to go to Guilin with my families。We can join the package tour to Guilin,where we have never been,to see the natural beauty。It is said that the rivers and hills of Guilin are considered the best under heaven。I want to know how beautiful it is。

How wonderful it would be if you and your family could travel together to Guilin,and I think we will be attracted by the Lijiang River with its "Fairy Tale like" landscape。

Please let me know if you can go or not,I sincerely hope your decision will be in the affirmative。

With all my kindest wishes!



英语作文邀请信 篇七

Dear Jack,

Next Saturday is my am going to have a birthday party at home in the will start at 7:00.

I have asked some of my classmates to come and I'd like you to come,too.

I live at Shanghai can take bus and get off at the stop of Changjiang house is just across from the 's a white house with a black can't miss it.

I do hope you will come.



邀请信英文范文模板 篇八

Dear Professor White,

Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 20xx International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 2021.

Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.

Faithfully yours,

Wang Xuan

邀请信英文范文模板 篇九

Dear Chris:

I have good news to tell you. There will be staged Shaoxing Opera “Butterfly Lovers” in new Tianjin Grand Theatre at 2 . on August 5. I sincerely invite you to watch the show because you are familiar with Chinese culture, especially you know more about Chinese opera culture.

After watching the show, we plan to arrange some other activities. For example, we can visit the nearby museums or art galleries in order to know much more about Chinese culture and art. We may enjoy them and share their artistic charm together.

If you have any suggestions, please contact me as soon as possible. I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Jin


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