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  There will be an angel to love you for me 会有天使替我爱你

  I understand. I just do not care. 我明白,只是,我不在乎。

  Do not find excuses for failure, to chase success reasons!! 不要找失败的借口,去追成功的理由!

  I am not greed but I envy [ 我没有贪婪我羡慕海枯石烂 ]

  You came into my mind that a maze with no exit.你走进了我心里那个没有出口的迷宫。

  Any unhappy is a waste of time.--任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。

  I am just folk.I have mood swings. 我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。

  - Caught up in your smile. (沉迷在你的微笑里 )

  The deep feeling and my lover can with very long time.深情与我的爱人能否伴得长久。

  I hope I love people who love me.[我希望我爱的人也爱我]

  even now there is still hope left.甚至到现在我还仍存希望

  Grows more everyday丶你对我的爱一天比一天深

  Time profound rather than shallow 时光深刻而非浅薄

  We love others too early, self love too late 我们爱别人太早,爱自己太迟

  You can cry, [你可以哭,] But you can not lose. [但不能输。]

  我想对你说:You are mine。

  Better a frank denial than unilling compliance(勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝)

  It is kind of fun to do the impossible. 去做不可能的事是一种乐趣。

  I am the luckiest person in the world 我是世界上最幸运的人

  My world is not open to anyone any more. 我的世界不再允许任何人的出现。

  One word then,one smile,is enough. 彼时,一个字,一个微笑,已经足够。

  There are many beautiful future。 {未来有多漂亮}

  To commemorate the first memories moved.让回忆纪念最初的感动

  I only hope you are my eternal lover 我只希望你是我永恒的爱人

  No rose without a thorn .没有不带刺的玫瑰

  if you are missing someone 如果你在想念某一个人

  The older I get, the less people I trust. 越长大,我发现能信任的人越少。

  曾经那么疯狂如今这么迷惘 Once so crazy now so confused

  YOU must leam to look after yourselveS —————你们必须学会照顾自己。

  我以为开了灯的房间就不会黑 I think that turned on the light in the room would not be black

  她在你面前完美无瑕,我在你面前丑态毕露 Her flawless in front of you, I am utterly shameless in fron

  没有做不成的梦 只有不早醒的人 Nothing is impossible dreams only people who do not wake up early


  1、We loved each other and were ignorant.我们曾经相爱却浑然不知

  2、If I love you, what will you do 如果我爱你,你就等着被我爱。

  3、Chase your dreams or let them go.或执于你梦,或坦然放手。

  4、所有的一切从 I do not believe you 的那一秒开始就全部瓦解

  5、you will be ok。太多的情绪,没适当的表情。

  6、深爱也已是今非昔比 ≈Say goodbye

  7、My first love broke my herrt 我的初恋就这样伤了我的心

  8、I am confused and sad.我很迷茫,很难过。

  9、Dye never-failing threads, missing only in suddenly.

  10、→The→ teacher I →grass→ you →mother→

  11、However long the night, the dawn will break.

  12、You are always there for me.当我需要你时你永远在那里。

  13、You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too.不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。

  14、The soul cannot live without love.灵魂不能没有爱而存在。

  15、I will just experience love once, and you will be my only one.爱情对我来说只有一次,而你就是我的这一次。


  17、爱情是盲目的。Love is blind

  18、Mens pure love only live once 男人的纯爱只活一次

  19、I forget my soul in you 我把我的心遗忘在你那儿了

  20、Some habits, however, was to change.有些习惯,无论如何都改不了

  21、Can not get is forever, forget was once. 到不了的就是永远, 忘不了的就是曾经。

  22、Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.抱最好的希望 做最壞的准備.

  23、Not everything is meant to be. But everything is worth a try.并非一切都是命中注定的,但一切都是值得一试。

  24、Everyone has got a life that no one else knows about. 每个人都有自己的人生,冷暖自知。

  25、Continue to dream as waiting for the paradise in the hell in the memories.在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂。

  26、When it has is lost, brave to give up. 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。

  27、No pains . No gains (一份耕耘,一份收获)

  28、Love is accumulated, not overdraw。(爱是积累,不是透支)

  29、Never give up your dreams. Miracles happen everyday.

  30、Time is the only antidote. 时间是唯一的解药

  31、When every love comes to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but it is always beautiful.不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

  32、Never expect the perfect man,it is not because that you cannot find, but just because there is no perfect man.不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的男人。

  33、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

  34、First love is unforgettable all one is life.初恋是永生难忘的。

  35、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。

  36、I have been sleeping all alone我一直孤独入眠

  37、I love you until the end 我爱你一直到老

  38、His wordes warmed her heart. 他的`话温暖了她的心

  39、So many men.so many mind. 人心各不同

  40、No one shall take me from you.谁也别想让我离开你。


  1. "When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part" - "Captain Corellis Mandolin"


  2."I hope before long to press you in my arms and shall shower on you a million burning kisses as under the Equator" - Napoleon Bonapartes 1796 dispatch to wife Josephine


  3. "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" - Emily Bronte


  4. "He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong" - W.H. Auden


  5."But to see her was to love her, love but her, and love her forever" - Robert Burns


  6."If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you" - A A Milne


  7."For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow" - Rosemonde Gerard


  8."But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun" - Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"


  9. "You know youre in love when you dont want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams" - Dr. Seuss


  10."Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be" - Robert Browning



  1、 当全世界都要我放弃时,还是希望有人能轻语一声:再试一次。When the world says,“Give Up!”Hopewhispers,“Try it one more time”.

  2、 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.

  3、 天才形成于平静中,性格来自于生活的激流。Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life.

  4、 一切都会好起来的。Every thing is gonna be alright.

  5、 成为自己想成为的人,这从来不迟。It’s never too late to be the person you want to be.

  6、 生活不必非要完美,只要过的精彩。Life does not have to be perfect,to be wonderful.

  7、 永远不要恨你的敌人,因为这会影响你的判断力。Never hate your enemy.Because it will affect your judgement.

  8、 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday.

  9、 第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。The first youth is god given; second youth is to rely on their own efforts.

  10、 你今天做别人不愿做的事,明天就能做别人做不到的事。Today you do things people will not do,tomorrow you will do things people can not do.

  11、 预测未来的最好方式就是去创造它。The best way to predict future is to create it.

  12、 谁不是一边受伤,一边学会坚强。Who doesn’t become stronger as they get hurt

  13、 生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。Nothing in the life is to be feared,it is only to be understood.

  14、 你改变不了昨天,但如果你过于忧虑明天,将会毁了今天。You can’t change the past,but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.

  15、 如果我放弃了,不是因为我输了,而是因为我懂了。If I give up, not because I lost, but because I understand.

  16、 如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气,那你所有梦想就都能实现。If you believe in yourself and with a tiny pinch of magic,all your dreams can come true.

  17、 天生的能力好象天然生成的植物,必须通过学习加以修整。Natural abilities are like natural plants,that need pruning by study。

  18、 哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。Eveniftheotherwinothers,ourattitudeisvictory.

  19、 你若将过去抱的太紧,怎么能腾出手来拥抱现在?If you hold the past too tight, how can you use another hand to hold the present

  20、 感谢黑夜的来临,我知道今天不论有多失败,全新的明天仍然等待我来证明自己。I’m grateful for the dark night coming.No matter how failed I am today,a new day remains to wait for my exertion.

  21、 勇敢地冒一冒险,赢了,固然会开心;输了,也能学着变聪明。Take risks. If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

  22、 你若想要得到,就别只是期望。人生短暂,经不起等待。If you want something, don’t wish for it. Life is too short to wait.

  23、 人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。你要做的,就是演好每一场戏。There is no rehearsal in life.Everyday is a live show.What you need to do is to do well in every performance.

  24、 与其用泪水悔恨今天,不如用汗水拼搏今天。It’s better to strive for today with sweat than regret today in treas.

  25、 这个世界上没有不带伤的人,真正能治愈自己的,只有自己。nothing in this world no wounds people can really heal yourself,only yourself.

  26、 过去的事情可以不忘记,但一定要放下。The past can be unforgettable but it must be let go.



  We vowed never to abandon, but today you are leaving me


  Life is a stage, but I can only do the clown on the stage


  As long as we still have tomorrow, today is always the starting line


  The old saying says: "days will be great down the man also", why not drop me, anything different about me


  There is no time to entertain people, will certainly have time sick


  He went his own way, the result is, not to bump into someone is being hit


  You can not a poet, but you have to learn to live a poetic life.


  To love and to be loved are not the ideal love, the real ideal love is love


  The beauty of a woman is very dangerous, but the elephant died because of ivory, fox fox died because of


  The more let the fear of things, is often the things you must do


  Watermelon is good you need to knock a few know, good people you encounter difficulties when you know


  I will always remember you, until one day I cant remember who she is


  The relationship between donkey and horse is what you know? The donkey is the only account of the MA


  The fish does not need a pair of wings, but one one ponds


  Originally wanted to ride on the donkey went to the horse, and later it was discovered that I ride the donkey but not Ma A


  The autumn leaves is the pursuit of the wind or the tree does not retain


  Everyones feet are the earth flying wings


  Most of the time you dont seriously, it will not be able to come out, so we can still appropriate Jiaozhen

上一篇:有关激励学习名言警句精选60句 下一篇:关于刻苦学习的名言(关于刻苦求学的名言名句)
  • 特殊的七个字网名个性十足(好听的七
  • 伤感三字名字古风痴情不是罪过(好听
  • 经典好听又伤感的四个字网名,男生女
  • 关于女人独立的经典励志句子(独立女
  • 思想碰撞的名言(有关思维碰撞的金句名言)
  • 成吉思汗名言(成吉思汗名言名句蒙语)
  • 做人要低调的名言警句(为人低调的名言警句)
  • 读书名言的书签(读书名言的书签图案)
  • 四言名句(结婚给新郎穿衣服的四言名句)
  • 人与自然的名人名言(人与自然的名人名言与例子)
  • 猜你喜欢的名人名言