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更新时间:2022-04-24 来源:互联网 点击:


  Maintains the joyful mood保持快乐的心境英文美文及翻译(保持愉快的心情英语翻译)

  A Zen master love orchids, preaching in the spread of more than usual, the heart of time costs a lot of growing orchids. One day, he has to travel far and wide, to go out for some time, confessed disciples prior to his departure: to take good care of the orchids temple.

  In the meantime, the disciples were always careful to take care of orchids, but when one day in the water will not care Orchid aircraft, and all are missing the blue flower broken, orchids scattered all over the floor. Disciples were very much fear so, it is intended, such as the master came back to apologize from the master punishment.

  Zen Master returned, heard the matter known, they called his disciples, are not to blame, but said: "I orchid species, one is to be used to worship Buddha, the temple to beautify the environment in order not to anger the orchid species The. "

  Zen master says: "not for the angry and the types of orchids." The reason why the Zen attitude is that while he likes orchids, but orchids this not mind. Therefore, the success or failure of orchid does not affect the his mind.

  In their daily lives, we are concerned about too much, we are too concerned about gains and losses, our emotional ups and downs, we are not happy. At a time when angry, if we can think of: "I am not angry but in order to work." "I am angry and not to teach." "I am not angry but to make friends."

  Remember a word: angry is to punish their own fault of others. Not worth it. Friends: one is willing to keep you forever young and happy state of mind.







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