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更新时间:2022-01-30 来源:互联网 点击:

  Love Your Life

  However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it or call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse. The setting sun is reflected from the window of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man’s abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. The town’s poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without misgivings. Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should be more disreputable. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn to the old, turn to them. Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.大学英语周记100字(大学英语周记100字左右)

  The Ways to Duck out of Work

  Want to watch the World Cup in peace without the boss over your shoulder? Simple, con him. A British Internet site offered fans an ingenious range of ways to duck out of work so they can watch games in netfort. The timings of the games, in the early morning or at midday, have posed a dilemma to millions of soccer-mad Britons used to watching games in the evenings or at weekends and desperate to follow England and Ireland’s World Cup progress live. The British government has already urged employers to bow to the inevitable and take a flexible attitude to working hours or set up TV screens. “The last thing we want is the entire workforce taking an announced sickie on the day of a big match,” Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt said. But British sports netpany Umbro was urging fans to take the matter into their own hands. Its Web site was offering a convincing-looking false sick note signed by a fictitious doctor, F. Albright, to be printed off and taken to work in advance. Alternatively, its “Top Ten Bunk Off Ideas” included such improbable excuses as: “I will be late for work today because I have to pick my uncle up from the train station. He has two bags but only one arm.” For another game, a fan might claim: “My dog ate my car keys. We’re going to hitchhike to the vet.”

  How to Ask for a Raise

  One of the most intimidating things to do in the business world is to ask for a raise at your current job. Sometimes, the boss just does not pay you enough money. So what do you do about it? There is a way to request a raise, but you had better be careful when doing that.

  The best way to make more money within a netpany is to be in the direct flow of the cash. Companies will want to keep you around if you have some leverage. Being a direct cause of their profits is a great way to gain some leverage.

  One mistake that people always seem to make is that they are never sure exactly how much money to ask for. If you are going to ask for a raise, then you should have some figure in mind of how much more you want. If you are successful in meeting with your boss and making your case, then it will look awful if you sit there with a blank stare as he asks you how much you want. Consider a realistic percentage, but be willing to negotiate in discuss. Do some research and figure out exactly how much folks make in your profession that have had similar experience and success.

  Do not ask for a raise based solely upon your personal needs. Instead, concentrate solely on your achievements, merits, and worth concerning the netpany. By doing this, you will create a professional environment in which you will establish some leverage.

  Police and Communities

  Few institutions are more important to an urban netmunity than its police, yet there are few subjects historians know so little about. Most of the early academic interests developed among political scientists and sociologists, who usually examined their own contemporary problems with only a nod toward the past. Even the public seemed concerned only during crime waves, periods of blatant corruption, or after a particularly grisly episode. Party regulars and reformers generally viewed the institution from a political perspective; newspapers and magazines — the nineteenth century’s media — emphasized the vivid and spectacular.

  Yet urban society has always vested a wide, indeed awesome, responsibility in its police. Not only were they to maintain order, prevent crime, and protect life and property, but historically they were also to fight fires, suppress vice, assist in health services, supervise elections, direct traffic, inspect buildings, and locate truants and runaways. In addition, it was assumed that the police were the special guardians of the citizens’liberties and the netmunity’s tranquility. Of course, the performance never matched expectations. The record contains some success, but mostly failure; some effective leadership, but largely official innetpetence and betrayal. The notion of a professional police force in America is a creation of the twentieth century; not until our own time have cities begun to take the steps necessary to produce modern departments.

上一篇:小学三年级日记怎么写 下一篇:【精选】优秀日记范文9篇(8篇优秀日记)
  • 关于爱国演讲稿500字(关于爱国演讲
  • 珍惜时间发言稿(珍惜时间发言稿100
  • 关于爱国演讲稿范文600字(关于爱国
  • 金榜题名的祝福语8个字左右(金榜题
  • 看新闻联播有感200字日记模板(新闻联播日记200字今天)
  • 英语暑假日记60字带翻译【四篇】
  • 小学二年级优秀日记100字10篇(小学生优秀日记大全二年级100个字)
  • 出去玩日记(出去玩日记200字)
  • 初中叙事日记600字三篇(初中记叙文600字写事)
  • 小学生寒假日记400字大全30篇
  • 猜你喜欢的日记