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  一个深刻的教训(A profound lesson)

  2041年03月08日 星期一 天气:晴初中英语日记大全(初中英语日记大全100篇带翻译)

  When I began to learn English in Grade 5 in primary school, I had a great interest in English. And my English always ranked first in the exams. However, when I was in Grade 7, my English was not so good as before. Because I felt tired of English. I almost wanted to give it up. But later one person changed my attitude totally.

  One day, I happened to meet my first English teacher, Miss Liu, who had always thought highly of me. She asked me how I got along with my English. All at once I didn’t know how to answer her. I was afraid that I would let her down if I told her the truth. At that moment, what I could do was to hang my head. I felt so embarrassed. But Miss Liu seemed to have known everything. She said to me patiently, “Don’t wait for what you want to come to you. Go after it. Everyone has ever failed before. A successful person can succeed because of his persistence.” She continued, “You should pluck up your courage and have another try. Don’t be afraid of difficulties. Instead, you ought to challenge them. Only in this way can you succeed. You will never fail. I believe in you.” Hearing these, I couldn’t help crying. I promised Miss Liu that I would try my best and never give up whatever difficulties I might meet with.

  Now, I have made it. In my Senior One, my English is still keeping the first. And I won’t have my English be left behind once again.

  It was Miss Liu who encouraged me to rebuild my confidence. She has taught me a lesson, which I will keep in my mind forever.

  家庭日(Family Day)

  2013年08月06日 星期六 天气:晴

  I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!

  我的业余爱好(My hobbies)

  2014年02月06日 星期六 天气:晴

  I like to surf the internet, fix computers, use smart phones and take photoes. And I found my hobbies were popular with people around me. If my co-workers have trouble with computer or smart phone, they will ask me to help. When I go out for a trip, I will take many photoes for others. Today I helped my friend's nephew install QQ messenger on his iphone4 and access to the internet through Wi-fi.

  I like to study, not to play Majiang.

  难忘的一件事(One thing I cant forget)

  2014年03月06日 星期六 天气:晴

  It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus and got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

  In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

  In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives and helped people.

  时间就是金钱(Time and money)

  2014年01月08日 星期一 天气:晴

  Some people say, “Money is more important than time.” Some say, “We can buy everything with money.” For some people, money is everything. They think they can buy everything they want, including time. Do you think so? No. I don’t think so. Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time has gone, it will never return. Nevertheless many of us always waste time and put off today’s work till tomorrow.

  In fact, time is more important than money and time never stops for anyone or anything. For everyone, time is so limited that if we waste our precious time, we won’t get it back. Therefore, we should save every second we own and make full use of our time to study hard. The harder we work now, the more we will get in future!

  Let’s save time together!

上一篇:寒假日记200字范文(寒假日记一则200字) 下一篇:小学生该怎样写日记
  • 初中英语演讲稿(初中英语演讲稿范文
  • 初中英语教师教学工作总结(初中英语
  • 《捣蛋鬼日记》读后感(捣蛋鬼日记阅
  • 《女生日记》读后感(女生日记读书笔
  • 看新闻联播有感200字日记模板(新闻联播日记200字今天)
  • 英语暑假日记60字带翻译【四篇】
  • 小学二年级优秀日记100字10篇(小学生优秀日记大全二年级100个字)
  • 出去玩日记(出去玩日记200字)
  • 初中叙事日记600字三篇(初中记叙文600字写事)
  • 小学生寒假日记400字大全30篇
  • 猜你喜欢的日记