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更新时间:2022-02-01 来源:互联网 点击:




  I am studying at a middle school now, this is my second year, so I will be study in high school soon。 I have many future plans, the first is studying hard, so I can enter a good high school, only study in such school, I can have more chances to get into a better college。 My second plan is traveling a city this year。 I like to travel, I go to visit a different city every year。 This time, the winter holiday is coming soon, I want to relax myself, so my trip is right at the hand。 Now, I must study hard, my future plans need me to work hard。 No pain, no gain, someday I will enter a good college。




  When I got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their own things to eat。 One day, my father saw me, I am afraid to say that I grew up as a cook。 I immediately shaken like a rattle—drum head, you said : "That is not my ideal。 When I grow up I want to IT (information technology) industries。

  "Yes, I bought a computer five years ago after his father, I am familiar with it day by day。 Until last year, and I have formed a deep bond with it。 From then on, I want success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the cause of national computer。

  But my father said I could only do in the field "testing the game," is what the new game, and always let me play with, the report there will be any games。 I think what he said is not their fault, I always play games recently, those who do not have a veteran like Flash。

  In recent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will be playing the game that the network server to the black。 My account will revise the highest level。 However, I Xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caught by the police network is not good。 When hackers but also need high computer skills。

  As a member of the IT industry is my ideal, I would like to advance this goal, to improve their computer skills








  Bikes or Cars

  Americans like to go out by car。 Although more and more Chinese own cars,most Chinese still like to ride bicycles, This is determined by a lot of factors。

  As we all know, the bike advances slowly by manpower, but it can be placed wherever it is convenient However, as for the car, although it can run fast by engine, it must be parked at parking places。

  Most Americans live in the suburb which is far from urban areas and their working places。 So they need cars to go shopping and go to work。 And they also like traveling far。 Thus a car brings them great convenience。

  On the contrary, most Chinese live near their working areas and markets。They don't need a car to go to work or go shopping。I would like to ride a bike, because it costs little and it is easy to use and won't cause pollution。








  Last Saturday, I went home by bus。 I was reading an interesting book while a voice said to me, "Would you please let me take your seat for a while?" I raised my head and found an old granny standing beside me。 She looked very tired。 I quickly stood up and said awkwardly,"Sorry, I didn't notice it。" The granny just thanked around, I saw all the passengers smiling at me for my good deed。


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