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  全称:Hong Kong香港的英文缩写是什么(香港的英文缩写是什么啊)



  Hong Kong , officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China,[6] is a largely self-governing [7] territory of the People's Republic of China , facing the Guangdong Province in the north and the South China Sea to the east, west and south. A British dependent territory until 1997, Hong Kong has a highly developed capitalist economy and enjoys a high degree of autonomy from the PRC under the "one country, two systems" policy.Beginning as a trading port, Hong Kong became a crown colony of the United Kingdom in 1842, and remained so until its transfer of sovereignty to the People's Republic of China in 1997.[8][9] Under the "one country, two systems" policy,[10] Hong Kong enjoys considerable autonomy in all areas with the exception of foreign affairs and defence .[7] As part of this arrangement, Hong Kong continues to maintain its own currency, separate legal, political systems and other aspects that concern its way of life,[7] many of which are distinct from those of mainland China.[11][12][13][14]Renowned for its expansive skyline and natural setting, its identity as a cosmopolitan centre where east meets west is reflected in its cuisine, cinema, music and traditions.[15] Although the population is predominantly Chinese, residents and expatriates of other ethnicities form a small but significant segment of society.[16] With a population of 7 million people, but only 1,108 km2 of land, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world.


  A visit to Hong Kong

  During National Day my parents and I went to Hong Kong in South China.It is a beautiful seaside city because there are many places of interest in it.At first we visited my cousin's house.His house is quite different from mine.It is big and clean.Each room is decorated in different kinds of styles.Those made us feel excited.And then we visited Hong Kong Disneyland.It is one of the most famous theme parks in the world and includes four parks—Main Street USA,Fantasyland,Tomorrowland and Adventureland.There we did some meaningful activities,for example,we took some wonderful photos with Disney characters,watched all kinds of shows,had lunch in a fast food restaurant and went to buy some souvenirs in Main Street.Finally,we went to many other interesting places.In all we stayed in Hong Kong for five days.It was a really exciting trip and we all had a good time.


  Hong Kong is 98% Chinese.Although the territory's official languages are English and Cantonese,the use of Mandarin (or Putonghua),China's official language,is on the rise.Among the non-Chinese living in Hong Kong,some 150,000 Filipinos make up the largest foreign community; most are women working as maids and nannies (amahs in local parlance),and can be seen socializing in Statue Square on their day off,usually Sunday.

  Hong Kong reverted to Chinese rule in 1997.The British owned Hong Kong Island,but the New Territories -- the part of Hong Kong on the mainland -- had been leased from China in 1898.It was the expiration of this 99-year lease that necessitated Britain's handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997.

  In hindsight,the handover looks anticlimactic.The rest of the world was always more apprehensive about Chinese rule than were most Hong Kongers,for whom business takes precedence over all other issues.It was the Asian crisis,which hit within a month of the handover,that became the real news of 1997 and the years that followed.

  The SAR (Special Administrative Region) government pulled through the crisis,and today it is easy to forget the economy was ever imperiled.The changes wrought by the handover are mostly ones of increasing integration between the local and mainland economies,a process that has been under way for at least two decades.

  Perhaps the greatest sign that Hong Kong is operating comfortably under Chinese rule is the fact that political debate has,for the most part,centered on such issues as chickens and pollution rather than the much-feared crackdown on individual liberty.The local press,though subject to some self-censorship,still thrives; international reporting,publishing,and broadcasting continue unabated.And most everyone makes time to check up on the stock market.


  During National Day my parents and I went to Hong Kong in South China. It is a beautiful seaside city because there are many places of interest in it. At first we visited my cousin's house. His house is quite different from mine. It is big and clean. Each room is decorated in different kinds of styles.

  Those made us feel excited. And then we visited Hong Kong Disneyland. It is one of the most famous theme parks in the world and includes four parks—Main Street USA, Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Adventureland. from joozone.com.

  There we did some meaningful activities, for example, we took some wonderful photos with Disney characters, watched all kinds of shows, had lunch in a fast food restaurant and went to buy some souvenirs in Main Street. Finally, we went to many other interesting places. In all we stayed in Hong Kong for five days. It was a really exciting trip and we all had a good time.








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