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  steamed stuffed bun

  steamed stuffed-bun



  On the bun there is some fresh green lettuce that grew under artificial light.


  I plan to set up a stand in the market to sell steamed stuffed buns.


  John teased the dog by pebbling it with a steamed stuffed bun.


  It was so amazing when there were so many strangers to felicitate my birthday.


  I enjoyed a plain steamed dumpling as a very nice morning treat.


  I love to eat steamed buns with minced meat stuffing.


  We can make steamed buns with the baking powder on the plates soon.


  What are these stuffed buns?



  If you want a taste of the action you can buy bags of them anywhere on the island.


  What are these stuffed buns?

  1. The old man fingered the patties several times but did not pick any up. 老者用手摸了好几回包子 ,始终没往起拿.

  2. The old man finished his share and waited for Little Horse to eat up the rest. 老者吃完自己的份儿,把杯中的酒喝干,等着小马儿吃净了包子 .

  3. He took Little Horse's hand and the boy stuffed the last patty into his mouth. 伸手去拉小马儿,小马儿把未吃完的一个包子 整个的塞在口中.

  4. I like jiaozi and baozi, and one more thing, shaobing. 我喜欢饺子和包子 , 还有一样, 就是烧饼.

  5. We eat jiaozi and baozi sometimes. 我们有时也吃饺子和包子 .

  6. Steamed buns with turnip seedlings as stuffing are very delicious. 用鸡毛菜包的包子 是很好吃的.

  7. Structure and performance of aluminum impregnation to steel _ container arestudied. 研究了渗铝包子 桶的组织结构及其性能.

  8. Filling with high - quality processing Asako. Finished buns, white and soft,unique scent. 馅儿用优质麻子炮制而成. 成品包子 , 洁白松软, 香味独特.

  9. I love to eat steamed buns with minced meat stuffing. 我最爱吃肉馅儿包子 .

  10. Is a vegetarian buns ( dumplings ) with a natural oil fragrance incensevaluables. 是一种素食包子 ( 饺子 ),具有油香细软的自然香味.

  11. Why you only choose sending Baozi to the hobos? 为什么只选包子 给乞丐?

  12. Tianjin has much tasty food and Tianjin bao zi is very famous. 天津有许多美味的食品,天津的包子 是很有名的.

  13. Incapable of nothing , you are like a green vegetable - stuffed bun! 这么点事都办不成, 你真是个菜包子 .

  14. Oh, I thought you like to eat baozi for your breakfast. 哦, 我原来以为你喜欢吃包子 作为早饭呢.

  15. Steamed stuffed bun look calm, unruffled and continue to see her book. 包子 神色镇定, 态度从容,低头继续看她的书.

  16. Chinese dumpling filled with spiced minced pork; usually served in soup. 加调过味的碎猪肉的中国包子 ; 常在汤中食用.

  17. Staple food: cake, chinese dumpling, steamed bread , congee, omeletter. 主食: 糕点, 包子 , 馒头, 稀饭,煎蛋.

  18. Hodgson thinks this is where Gerrard is at his most effective. 老霍认为这才是能让包子 发挥最大作用的位置.

  19. You can go to Food Street to enjoy Goubuli steamed dumpling. 你可以到食街去吃一次狗不理包子 .

  20. Hence approximated sampling theorem in the wavelet packets space isobtained. 由此建立了这种小波包子 空间上的近似采样定理.

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