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  Rome (Italy)

  There's no escaping it: Rome means history. There are layers of the stuff - Etruscan(伊特鲁里亚的) tombs, Republican meeting rooms, Imperial temples, early Christian churches, medieval bell towers, Renaissance(文艺复兴) palaces and baroque basilicas(长方形堂). In this city a phenomenal concentration of history, legend and monuments coexists(共存) with an equally phenomenal concentration of people busily going about their everyday life. It's hard to say what you'll find most breathtaking(惊人的) about the eternal city - the arrogant opulence of the Vatican(梵蒂冈)or the timelessness(永恒) of the Forum(古罗马广场).

  Rome is halfway down Italy's western coast, about 20km inland. It's a vast city, but the historic centre is quite small. Most of the major sights are within a reasonable distance of the central railway station. It is, for instance, possible to walk from the Colosseum(罗马圆形大剧场), through the Forum, up to Piazza di Spagna(西班牙广场) and across to the Vatican in one day, but you wouldn't really want to. All the major monuments are west of the train station, but make sure you use a map. While it can be enjoyable to get off the beaten track(平坦的路) in Rome, it can also be very frustrating and time-consuming.

  Most of the budget(便宜的) places to stay are clustered around Stazione Termini; this area is rife with pickpockets(扒手) and gangs of thieving children, so beware - do your best to look like you know where you're going. It is only slightly more expensive and definitely more enjoyable to stay closer to the city centre.

  Rome's mild climate makes it visitable year-round; however, spring and autumn are without doubt the best times to visit, with generally sunny skies and mild temperatures. Unfortunately, these times are also the peak tourist season, when the tour buses pour in(川流不息的涌入) and tourists are herded around like cattle. July and August are unpleasantly hot, and Romans traditionally desert the stiflingly hot city in August, with many businesses closing; try to avoid visiting at this time. From December to February there is briskly cold weather, although it's rarely grey and gloomy.

  Events-wise, Italy's calendar bursts year-round with cultural events ranging from colourful traditional celebrations with a religious and traditional flavour, through to cultural events. Summer is definitely the best time to visit if you want to catch the best of the festivals; however, the Romaeuropa festival is now a feature of the autumn calendar, the Roma opera season runs from December until June and the classical and contemporary music scene is lively all year round.



  1、武汉大学       Wuhan University

  2、中南财经政法大学   Zhongnan University Of Economics & Law

  3、华中科技大学     Central China University of Science and Technology

  4、武汉理工大学     Wuhan University Of Technology

  5、中国地质大学     China University Of Geosciences

  6、华中农业大学     Central China Agricultural University

  7、华中师范大学     Central China Normal University

  8、湖北大学       Hubei University

  9、长江大学       Changjiang University

  10、江汉大学       Jianghan University

  11、武汉科技大学     Wuhan University Of Technology

  12、中南民族大学     South-Center University For Nationalities

  13、湖北工业大学     Hubei University Of Technology

  14、武汉化工学院     Wuhan Institute Of Technology

  15、武汉科技学院     Wuhan University Of Science and Engineering

  16、武汉工业学院     Wuhan University of Technology

  18、湖北中医学院     Hubei College Of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  19、湖北师范学院     Hubei Normal University

  20、武汉体育学院     Wuhan Institute Of Sport

  21、湖北美术学院     Hubei Institute Of Fine Acts

  22、武汉音乐学院     Wuhan Conservatory Of Music

  23、湖北民族学院     Hubei Institute For Nationalities 相关文章:







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