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更新时间:2022-03-01 来源:互联网 点击:


I am the greatest. Never give up. The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going. Forget about the days when it’s been cloudy, But don’t forget your hours in the sun. Forget about the times you’ve been defeated, But don’t forget the victories you’ve won. Forget about the days when you’ve been lonely,But don’forget the friendly smiles you’ve seen.Forget about the plans that didn’t seem to work out right,But don’t forget to always have a dream. Never give up Never give up, Never lose hope. There is a giant asleep within every man.When the giant awakens,miracles happen. More miracles happen to people who have faith. One with belief can brave any storm. Even if you are strong,faith will make you stronger. Successful people believe that they are destined for great things. If you thinh you can win,you can win.Faith is necessary for victory. I am not interested in the past.I am interseted in the future,for that is where I expect to spend the rest of my life. You can have unbelievable intelligence; you can have connections; you can have opportunities fall out of the sky.But in the end, hard work is the true, enduring characteristic of successful people. Don’t be afraid to work hard. Enjoy working hardworking hard is a great mental and physical exercise. There is no elevator to success--only stairs. The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. There is but one secret to success--never give up! When i thought i couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck! Persistence can produce a miracle! Unfortunately, very few people can persist long enough to see a miracle happen. We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough. Passion triggers success. Of all human resources,the most precious is the desire to improve. What pains us train us! A problem is a chance for you to do your best. Don`t be afraid of failing.It doesn`t matter how many times you fall down.All that matters is how many times you keep getting up. Suffering a failure dosen`t mean you are a failure. Success is getting up one more time than you fall down. Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. You must focus on turning negatives into positives.If you want it and you dream about it ,there`s nothing that`s going to stop you. No man ever fails until he fails on the inside. The man with bad luck is the luchiest of all.The man with the most luck is the unluckiest of all. All of us have bad luck and good luck.the man who persists through the bad luck--who keeps right on going--is the man who is there when the good luck comes,and is ready to receive it. Each misfortune you encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow`sgood luck. I am a great believer in luck,and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
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