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  采取急救措施 take first-aid measures;

  对事故中受伤人员进行急救 afford the first-aid to the injured in the accident;

  急救包 first-aid dressing;

  急救车 breakdown van; emergency ambulance;

  急救人员 first-aid personnel;

  急救箱 first-aid case;

  急救药箱 first-aid kit;

  急救用品 first-aid appliance;

  急救站 first-aid station

  急救盒,急救箱 emergency case

  急救班 a first aid course

  急救包 dirst aid kit; first aid kit; first aid pack; first-aid kit; first-aid packet; ...

  急救车 breakdown van; emergency ambulance; emergency car; emergency tender; wrecker

  急救船 wrecker

  急救的 first-aid

  急救点 first aid post

  急救队 breakdown gang; first aid party; relief and emergency services

  急救法 emergency treatment

  急救管 rescue tube

  急救盒 casualty case; rescue case

  急救剪 first aid shears

  急救科 emergency medical dept

  急救棚 dirst aid tent; first aid tent

  急救室 casualty dressing and examination room; emergency room; first aid room; first ...

  急救术 battle heal; first aid

  急救箱 emergency box; fab = first-aid box; first aid box = first-aid box; first aid c ...

  急救学 akute medizin

  急救药 an emergency drug

  急救员 aid man; emergency medical service- technician; first aider; first-aider

  急救站 dirst-aid staton; dressing station; emergency service; emeugrncy station; fa= ...

  紧急,急救 emergency

  紧急救援紧急救助 emergency rescue

  北京急救站 beijing municipal first aid station; beijing municipal first-aid station

  急救爱情狂 nurse betty

  急景凋年 time slips away fast and the year is approaching its end


  Two men were kneeling beside me, working over me .


  We all know first aid .


  He collapsed just inside the doorway of a hospital emergency room .


  If a pesticide gets in the eyes, first-aid instrucuions on the label should be followed .


  When massive emergency transfusions become commonplace, a patient is usually in deep trouble .


  The surgical team consists of a senior surgeon, an anesthetist and a theater sister with complete emergency equipment .


  First aid boxes and first aid material for use in mining


  Postgraduate diploma in prehospital and emergency care


  34 are first aid supplies available in this facility


  Standard practice for training the emergency medical technician


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