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更新时间:2022-06-07 来源:互联网 点击:








第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)




What limits you from hiking more often? Many complain that they don't have a suitable partner to go with. Why not take a look at the great hiking clubs across Canada?

●Yukon Outdoors Club

Website: yukonoutdoorsclub.ca

Membership cost:$10 for a single membership;$15 for a family membership

Description: The club arranges day hikes, backpacking trips, canoe trips, mountain biking, cross-country skiing trips, snowshoeing trips and various workshops for members to gain new skills and valuable information.

●UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

Website: ubc-voc.com

Membership cost: Students $ 40; non-UBC students $ 60

Description: The UBC Varsity Outdoor Club is a social group that hikes, mountaineers, rock climbs and ice climbs. Travel and outdoor-minded UBC students and non-students are welcome to join. The UBC VOC has also constructed a few backcountry cottages in the Coast Mountains.

●Pender Harbor Hiking Group

Website: penderharbourhiking.weebly.Com

Membership cost: Free.

Description: The Pender Harbor Hiking Group offers hikes scheduled two months in advance, so get on the mailing list or check the website regularly to find a hike that's right for you! Hikes are usually one and a half to two hours long, but some full-day hikes are scheduled, depending on members' interest.

●Vernon Outdoors Club

Website: vernonoutdoorsclub.Org

Membership cost: A single membership is $ 25, and students pay $ 10. Children are free.

Description: Boasting a membership of close to 200 people, the Vernon Outdoors Club is an active group that enjoys hiking and cycling. The group organizes a Tuesday Rambles event each week and also hosts multi-day trips.

21. Which club has built remote shelters for hikers?

A. The Yukon Outdoors Club. B. The Vernon Outdoors Club.

C. The UBC Varsity Outdoor Club. D. The Pender Harbor Hiking Group.

22. What should you do if you hope to hike with the Pender Harbour Hiking

A. Make a proper appointment. B. Follow the website or the mail.

C. Develop your interest in hiking. D. Arrange two months ahead of time.

23. What do the four clubs have in common?

A. Booking in advance.B. Charging membership fee.

C. Providing skill workshops. D. Organizing hiking activities.


Japanese women rebel against painful dress codes. They think some employers care more about how they look than how they feel.

Ishikawa Yumi worked eight-hour shifts in a funeral parlour(殡仪馆), always in heels, toes bleeding. Her employer insisted. "Why do we have to hurt our feet at work, when men can wear flat shoes?" she complained on Twitter. The tweet exploded. Encouraged, she gathered 18, 800 signatures on a petition(请愿书)calling for a ban on employers requiring women to wear high heels, which she submitted to the government last June. Ms. Ishikawa became the face of the KuToo campaign-a pun on Japanese words for shoes (kutsu) and pain (kutsuu), with a response to the MeToo movement.

More than 60% of Japanese women with jobs have been forced to squeeze their feet into heels at work or have witnessed colleagues having to, according to a survey. Female staff at Takashimaya, a department store, must parade around the shop in 5cm heels.

Dress codes at many Japanese firms are strict. Some ban glasses for women(but not men), for fear that they are unattractive. This is especially unreasonable for those who find contact lenses(隐形眼镜)uncomfortable. Japanese bosses, who tend to be older men, often expect their female employees to endure it.

The government has dug in its heels. A former labor minister, who received Ms. Ishikawa's petition last year, insists that wearing high heels at work is "necessary and appropriate". The petition itself has received no official response to date.

But Japanese companies are slowly responding to KuToo. In late March Japan Airlines announced that its female flight attendants can kick off their heels and swap skirts for trousers if they choose. All three big mobile-phone operators have relaxed their rules on heels. Ms. Ishikawa

is cooperating with a shoe company to produce fashionable heelless shoes. "Society is changing," says Ms Ishikawa. "We can't be ignored." Pointless rules about footwear may soon be given the boot.

24. Ms. Ishikawa launched the KuToo campaign in order to .

A. submit a ban on the government B. respond to the Meloo movement

C. fight against women's dress codes D. complain of their working conditions

25. The underlined phrase "dig in its heels" in Paragraph 5 means " ".

A. refuse to change B. ignore its work C. oppose the rules D. postpone its duties

26. Which of the following do Japanese bosses normally expect their female employees to do?

A. To wear glasses. B. To wear trousers.

C. To wear heelless shoes. D. To wear contact lenses.

27. What is Ms. Ishikawa's attitude toward the future reform of the dress codes for Japanese women?

A. Hopeful. B. Cautious. C. Negative. D. Skeptical.


Self-driving cars may sound like something from a futuristic sci-fi novel. However, with advanced trials expected from 2022, they are a lot closer to reality than you may think. The introduction of self-driving cars could have a major impact on how older adults go about their daily lives. It is hoped these cars will help reduce the social isolation and loneliness we often experience as we get older.

Connected and automated vehicles (also known as CAVs), are vehicles that can perform many of the functions of today's human drivers in the future. Vehicles can connect to the internet to provide drivers with information on road, traffic and weather conditions. They can also take over limited parts of the driving task, for example, using advanced emergency braking to help avoid crashes and adaptive. cruise control(自适应巡航控制)to increase fuel efficiency and reduce driving tiredness.

Aware of the potential benefits of the technology-from improving road safety and reducing traffic jams, to enabling greater travel independence, the UK government has been playing an active role in encouraging the technology. Indeed, it has committed to spending over £200 million on research and development and testing infrastructure(基础设施)to accelerate the delivery of safe and secure automated vehicles. The government is also taking big steps towards establishing how our laws and regulations might need to change to support the safe use of self-driving cars.

Meanwhile, insurance isn't as big a problem as it may first seem. Last year the government created new insurance rules for self-driving cars. The driver of an automated vehicle must get insurance that covers them when they are in control and when they hand control to their self-driving car. The insurer would pay compensation(赔偿) if the automated vehicle caused a crash, and then recover costs from whoever was responsible-and that could include the vehicle maker.

28. According to the passage, by using CAV technology people can decrease .

A. speed limit B. fuel efficiency C. traffic accidents D. travel independence

29. In order to encourage and develop CAVs, the UK government has .

A. sped up car delivery B. made some commitments

C. torn down some city infrastructure D. passed some new laws and regulations

30. What does the last paragraph say about the insurance of self-driving cars?

A. Car owners can choose whether to get insurance or not.

B. The CAVs makers may have to pay compensation as well.

C. Insurance is so complex that no one can solve this problem.

D. The insurer will refuse to pay when a crash is caused by CAVs.

31. What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A. CAVs Are on the WayB. Good News for the Old

C. UK, the First Country to Develop CAVs D. Self-driving Cars, a Revolutionary Invention


This week Xingliang Zhang of Northwest University in China reports in Science the discovery of a new site full of soft-bodied animals that have never been seen before.

For soft-bodied animals to be preserved, something disastrous must take place. In the case of the world's two most famous Cambrian(寒武纪)sites, the Burgess Shale accumulation in Canada and the Chengjiang site, this disaster was a series of storms that dumped vast quantities of mud upon a community of animals, burying them alive.

The new site that Dr Zhang is reporting, known as Qingjiang, is similar to the others in that the animals seem to have been killed by a sudden mud burial. However, that is where the similarities end.

Qingjiang has produced over 20, 000 specimens(样本)thus far. Of these, 4, 351 have been properly analysed and are thought to represent around 100 groups of creatures. Dr Zhang and his colleagues estimate that 54 of these groups have never been seen before.

There are some familiar animals like cnidarians(刺细胞动物), but these also raise quite a lot of questions. Cnidarians exist widely in modern oceans and have simplistic bodies that suggest they evolved early during the rise of animal life. Given this, it was expected that cnidarians would be common in the sedimentary layers when the Burgess Shale and Chengjiang sites were first unearthed. But precisely the opposite proved true.

Qingjiang surprised Dr Zhang by being loaded with spectacularly well-preserved members of this soft-bodied group. Containing everything from delicate comb jellies to the medusae(水母), Qingjiang reveals that these animals were well established at the time and rapidly multiplying in some environments. Precisely what these environmental differences were though, remains the subject of considerable inquiry. Anyway, the discovery of the fossils could make clear the diversity of extinct creatures as well as their connection with animals in modem times, said Zhao Fangchen, a researcher of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

32. What is the most probable reason of those soft-bodied animals' being so well-preserved?

A. Existing widely in some environments. B. Being buried alive by a sudden mud.

C. Being abandoned during evolution. D. Being well-established at the time.

33. In what way is Qingjiang site different from others?

A. 100 groups of creatures were found in Qingjiang site for the first time.

B. Cnidarians were common in Burgess Shale and Chengjiang sites.

C. Cnidarians existed in large numbers in Qingjiang site.

D. The animals were killed by something disastrous.

34. What can we learn about cnidarians from the passage?

A. They became extinct because of sudden mud burials.

B. The environmental differences of their existence are clear now.

C. Their bodies are so simplistic that they can be easily wiped out.

D. They developed at the beginning of the appearance of animal life.

35. What is the main purpose of this passage?

A. To bring us some knowledge about Qingjiang site.

B. To display the diversity of extinct water creatures.

C. To illustrate the significance of archaeology.

D. To distinguish Qingjiang site from others.



Sten Kirkbak, father of four and co-founder of XPLORA, shares his thoughts on how parents can balance screen time with playtime.

Establish rules around screen time early on

Before giving your child their first smartphone, make sure that both you and your child learn about digital responsibility so that your child can fully understand and respect these boundaries. 36 They include not responding to texts from unknown numbers, never sharing their personal information online or with anyone they don't know, among others.

Make a contract for the whole family to agree to

37 It is a good way to better establish consistency, clarity and respect around screen time for both of you. It could cover everything from specific times when digital devices are off-limits to all family members, to agreeing on a selection of games that can be played without supervision.

What about parental controls?

When your child first begins to use their smartphone, establishing parental controls is a good idea. 38 But be sure to explain your reasoning for your controls to your child, so that they understand why they can't have access to some things.


Telling your child to avoid screens if you are constantly attached to one is likely to result in tension and frustration. As a parent, it's important to be a good role model for your child, not only with regards to technology but within everyday life.

Reinforce the value of physical play

I recommend finding ways to replace screen time with play and physical activity. 40 By making the toys and games that your child looks forward to playing with accessible, they rely less on technology for passive entertainment.

A. Lead by example.

B. Basically, important rules vary.

C. Come up with the contract together.

D. Going for an outing will be an appropriate choice.

E. Or you can reward your child with items they enjoy if they do so.

F. For example, you can limit access to internet browsing on your child's phone.

G. once they understand these rules, they will learn to reduce the screen time gradually.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


My dad is a truck driver, and when I was little, he was always 41 in delivering supplies most of the time. Arlene and her husband, Bill, lived next door. Arlene spent a lot of time working in the 42 , and I was always talking to her from our yard. I think what 43 me to Arlene and Bill is that they never get 44 with listening to me. I also think Arlene saw a lot of herself 45 me. It was a wonderful 46 .

It became a somewhat monthly 47 that they watched me when my parents went out on a date. When I was about five, I knocked on their door and asked, "Can I 48 you as my grandparents?" They started crying and enthusiastically 49 . Soon after, they printed out a certificate and it 50 on their living room wall from then on.

They took my offer so 51 , which made me surprised. They could have 52 it off. Thinking of that moment still brings tears to my eyes. There is something truly 53 about a child offering up her love and adults being so excited to accept it.

Arlene died in 2013. After the funeral, Bill gave me the. ring he'd 54 to Arlene on their 25th wedding anniversary. It's a simple gold band that I wear on my finger as a 55 of the kind of love I wish to put into this world.

41. A. absorbedB. engagedC. interestedD. experienced

42. A. farmB. woodsC. houseD. garden

43. A. ledB. drewC. stuckD. pushed

44. A. angryB. satisfiedC. boredD. mixed

45. A. inB. onC. atD. from

46. A. conclusionB. connectionC. communicationD. contradiction

47. A. occasionB. operationC. occurrenceD. opportunity

48. A. respectB. assumeC. adaptD. adopt

49. A. promisedB. respondedC. admittedD. accepted

50. A. hungB. wavedC. stood. D. hid

51. A. excitedlyB. patientlyC. carefullyD. seriously

52. A. putB. brokenC. laughedD. shown

53. A. splendidB. abstractC. ignorantD. ridiculous

54. A. sentB. lentC. giftedD. passed

55. A. signB. reminderC. symbolD. review



A video of Xiong Linghao, an 18-year-old blind girl playing Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata in an international youth piano 56 (compete) in Shanghai, went popular online. Xiong, a visually 57 (disable) young woman who started learning the piano at the age of 6, said her idol was Beethoven, who went 58 (complete) deaf later and their physical challenges led both of them to establish a connection with the outside world 59 music.

Xiong treats the piano as her best friend. She has composed several songs, including 60 called the "Little dog in Dream", where she imagined her life with the company of a guide. 61 (bring) so much pleasure into her life, the piano empowers' her with perseverance 62 accompanies her throughout her ups and downs in its own way. She hopes to 63 (admit) to a university in Beijing and major in music performance or music production. If she had vision for three days, Xiong said, she would like to see with her eyes 64 the piano that accompanies her for more than a decade looks like. She would also like to see how she looks, cook a big meal for her parents and take a walk in the places she 65 (be) to hundreds of times.



中国首个火星探测器(Mars Probe)“天问一号”(Tianwen 1)于2020年7月23日成功发射;2022年5月,“天问一号”将抵达火星。请你以“China sends up first Mars Probe”为题为校报英文版写一篇英文报道,内容包括:









Gary Messina, an investment banking analyst, now 38, was on his morning run along New York City's East River. Suddenly something caught his eye-a large 60-year-old man balancing on the four-foot-high railing(栏杆)that guarded the path from the water. As he got closer to the scene, the man took a step forward and jumped into the dark, 'rough riser below. Messina rushed to the railing to find that the man was struggling in the water, clearly unable to swim. If he had intended to kill himself that morning, he had now changed his mind. The jumper screamed crazily for help as the rapids pulled him away from the seawall(防波堤). Other joggers also heard the man's calling. John Green, now 31, immediately dropped his phone and keys on land, along with his sneakers, and jumped in the cold river. "People had called the police, but it was unclear when they'd get there, " says Green, a commercial insurance broker. "I just reacted." Soon after that, Messina joined him in the river.

The flow was rapid while the temperature was freezing. Reaching to the jumper seemed to be a nearly impossible task for the two rescuers. Luckily, just as the jumper was losing strength, Green grabbed hold of him. The pair were about 30 yards from the seawall when Messina caught up with them. They stabilized the man, with Messina supporting his back and Green holding him up from either side. He was unresponsive but not unconscious.

As the men made their way toward the concrete seawall that stretched for blocks in each direction, Green had an awful realization: With the water flowing a good eight feet below the lip of the wall and no ladder or dock(码头)in sight, there was no way out of the river. What's worse, the jumper, who was six foot two and weighed around 260 pounds, was deadweight in his rescuers' arms, which meant they could use only their legs to support themselves in the water.

Paragraph 1: "A rescue boat is on its way," someone shouted to them.

Paragraph 2: However, they encountered a new threat: The flow created by the rapids was sucking them under the boat.




"A rescue boat is on its way," someone shouted to them.

However, they encountered a new threat: The flow created by the: rapids was sucking them under the boat.

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