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更新时间:2023-02-12 来源:互联网 点击:


















Pork (or beef) 250 grams of lean meat, Chinese cabbage (or other seasonal vegetables, commonly used in Sichuan lettuce) 200 grams

Pixian Douban 50 grams (3 tablespoons), cooking wine 25 grams (1.5 tablespoons), starch 25 grams (1.5 tablespoons), salt 2 grams (about 1 / 2 teaspoon), Essence of Chicken with a small amount, do pepper 10 grams, bungeanum 20, onion amount of broth 400 grams, 100 grams of oil, soy sauce 3 grams (1 teaspoon), sugar 5 grams (1 teaspoon), 4 garlic (peeled, cut into at the end), ginger 5 grams (切末)


1, will lean meat and cut into about 5 cm long, 2.5; cm wide, 0.3 centimeters thick, large thin (only approximately, not strictly measurable, short thin some would have been better), if they feel bad cut, you can meat slightly cold freezer until hard when some slices of meat with starch, cooking wine, salt and a small amount of water will be absorbed slightly salted meat grasping READY.

2, Chinese cabbage Wash hands tore a large leaf, Chinese cabbage upper oblique knife sliced; Wash and cut green onions葱段; do pepper cut with scissors READY paragraph; Pixian READY chopped watercress;

3, poured into the pan with 30 grams of oil, do Add pepper and pepper炸至fire was used in reddish brown, remove inactive.

4, to the fire, will葱段Add to pan with炒香, then Add cabbage off speculation of Health, Shop at bowl with stand.

5,锅烧hot, and then poured into 30 grams oil, watercress and ginger Add Pixian炒香until炒出oil.

6, add broth, boiling.

7, will腌好Add the meat pot, using chopsticks, scattered and allocated, to be dispersed until meat discoloration when add soy sauce, chicken, sugar, flavoring.

8, will be poured into the meat and soup with the bowl of cabbage paved.

9, will do well in advance fried peppers and chopped pepper, sprinkle on the meat, sprinkle evenly蒜末also up at meat.

10, pot wash to dry, Add 40 grams of oil, very badly into 9 hot (smoking), and then pouring hot oil evenly on the meat can be.

Since this is suppose to be done in English, I’m assuming that I should talk about a Canadian(外国) recipe(菜谱)。 The one I would like to write about is the Mashed Potatoes . in order to make the mashed potatoes, you have to add water in the pan with the potatoes in it, and boil(煮) it 。Turn the heat down after it boils, and wait for about 20 minutes. At the mean time, we could make the sauce(酱)。The sauce is really easy to make,we have to heat some cream and butter(黄油) in the microwave(微波炉)。After that, we can mash the potatoes and add the sauce in. You could add milk if you want(desire). Later on, add salt and pepper to add some taste

上一篇:茶树油祛痘效果如何样 茶树油祛痘效果如何? 下一篇:茶油可以和哪些菜炒着吃 茶油可以和哪些菜炒
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