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更新时间:2022-02-12 来源:互联网 点击:


  时间过得飞快,转眼2017年过去了,我们迎来了2018年的`春节,本文为新年的英文手抄报内容,希望对大家有帮助!  新年的英文手抄报1  新年的英文手抄报2  新年的英文手抄报3新年的英文手抄报内容(新年英文版手抄报的内容)


  The bell of the new year is ringing again, and the gate of 20XX has been opened to us. At this moment, the old man opened a new page, waiting for us to write and create.

  "Walking on the streets, every man's mouth, meeting the first word, is congratulations and congratulations..." The new year, everyone is happy, yes, children can receive the gift money, the old man saw back work in children, who are not happy children? I hope the new year learning BBK, people hope the new year career of BBK, and the old man hope is one family reunion together in the new year. So people like the new year. A new year, every family is decorated, everywhere is bursting with happiness, add a warm atmosphere.

  The first day of the year, early in the morning, I get up to give everyone a new year, this day received a lot of red bags, I can be happy in my heart. But glad to be happy, I can't relax at all, because this year was one year of my primary school graduation. The so-called "New Year's new starting point", before the good results can only be considered "0", the key to see whether the entrance examination is good, this is related to my future. So, I must work hard this year, can not work not completed can never be, a big regret of my life!

  In the new year, I hope the elders in good health, good luck in everything; partners succeses, Xinxiangshicheng; teachers to work smoothly, happy life!

  20XX, this page, I will write it more gorgeous, more bright, more wonderful!


  Ah, I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival again. I'm very happy.

  The Spring Festival is a major holiday in China, every time (the day is on thirty), every household is decorated, big red lanterns, with a poetic couplet, preparing the dinner on New Year's Eve drum, and ready for children red envelopes. I can put on new clothes again, and I can get red envelopes again. How happy!

  This year I was from Shanghai, in Shanghai, I found no trace of the atmosphere of Chinese new year, not my hometown -- Chifeng so busy, but many people are busy, although few people set off firecrackers, but I am still very happy, I also received many red envelopes, there are thousands of good, I am glad!

  On the way to Shanghai, I didn't feel very tired. Not bad, but I knew that I liked traveling by train very much. On the way, I saw a lot of lights everywhere. We were still in the sea of lights, so beautiful.

  We have dinner: "May there be surpluses every year. (FISH)" and "be promoted step by step" "round round" "eat often" good luck "". Every dish is his own meaning, so the ancient people are still very clever, can make so many patterns, really admire!

  I had a great time in this Spring Festival! I hope that the Spring Festival will be as happy as this year's Spring Festival!

上一篇:关于描写春天的词语有哪些(关于描写春天的词语有什么) 下一篇:【涏】_涏字的读音|涏的意思(趔趔趄趄的读音和意思)
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