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狄金森经典诗歌(狄金森经典诗歌 诅咒)

更新时间:2022-01-20 来源:互联网 点击:


  狄金森经典诗歌:Tho' I get home how late -- how late狄金森经典诗歌(狄金森经典诗歌 诅咒)

  Tho' I get home how late -- how late --

  So I get home - 'twill compensate --

  Better will be the Ecstasy

  That they have done expecting me --

  When Night -- descending -- dumb -- and dark --

  They hear my unexpected knock --

  Transporting must the moment be --

  Brewed from decades of Agony!

  To think just how the fire will burn --

  Just how long-cheated eyes will turn --

  To wonder what myself will say,

  And what itself, will say to me --

  Beguiles the Centuries of way!

  狄金森经典诗歌:The Rose did caper on her cheek

  The Rose did caper on her cheek --

  Her Bodice rose and fell --

  Her pretty speech -- like drunken men --

  Did stagger pitiful --

  Her fingers fumbled at her work --

  Her needle would not go --

  What ailed so smart a little Maid --

  It puzzled me to know --

  Till opposite -- I spied a cheek

  That bore another Rose --

  Just opposite -- Another speech

  That like the Drunkard goes --

  A Vest that like her Bodice, danced --

  To the immortal tune --

  Till those two troubled -- little Clocks

  Ticked softly into one.

  狄金森经典诗歌:We don't cry -- Tim and I

  We don't cry -- Tim and I,

  We are far too grand --

  But we bolt the door tight

  To prevent a friend --

  Then we hide our brave face

  Deep in our hand --

  Not to cry -- Tim and I --

  We are far too grand --

  Nor to dream -- he and me --

  Do we condescend --

  We just shut our brown eye

  To see to the end --

  Tim -- see Cottages --

  But, Oh, so high!

  Then -- we shake -- Tim and I --

  And lest I -- cry --

  Tim -- reads a little Hymn --

  And we both pray --

  Please, Sir, I and Tim --

  Always lost the way!

  We must die -- by and by --

  Clergymen say --

  Tim -- shall -- if I -- do --

  I -- too -- if he --

  How shall we arrange it --

  Tim -- was -- so -- shy?

  Take us simultaneous -- Lord --

  I -- "Tim" -- and Me!

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