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护士求职信英文 护士求职信英文带翻译

更新时间:2024-06-25 来源:互联网 点击:

护士求职信英文 篇1

Dear leaders:


I am a 04 session of hubei medical college senior students, immediately facing the graduate work is about to embark on, which will have a bearing on my future, so i did a careful selection, your hospital has always been my first employment goals, so i decided to submit this Letter of self recommendation and sincere leadership, as the hospital to express their determination! thank you to continue to read myletter!

As before admitted to the universities to determine their own goals in life to be a nurse, so do so as soon as i started to learn medical knowledge, the four-year period in school, i not only completed the outstanding achievements the university of courses, but also other medical knowledge often expo, including nursing, pathology, or microbiology, bacteriology, surgery .... in a series of professional medical knowledge, in order to enrich themselves to faster access to social role, i also participated in a school sponsored organizations have served as chairman of the student experience as i set foot on these jobs provided an important experience, i believe i can unite colleague, and leadership, the patient ... live in harmony![ www.zUOwEnBa.NeT ]

Because i am a fresh graduate, i am well aware that their knowledge remains in the realm of theory, which is why i am even more urgent need for your hospital can give me the opportunity to practice, i have to play their professional for patients the most serious medical services, for your contribution to the development of the hospital my light and heat!


护士求职信英文 篇2

Dear Mr.,

From your advertisement, I learned about your position for a registered nurse.

As you will see from my attached resume, I have over years of nursing experience. Presently I work in Hospital and would like the opportunity to move into public nursing.

Throughout my nursing career I have demonstrated the ability to build excellent relationships with both the patients and my peers on the nursing staff. I am loyal, dedicated and willing to work hard within a team.

Thank you for considering my application. If you should wish to contact me immediately I can be contacted at either of the above number, otherwise I shall call your office in the coming week to arrange an interview for a mutually convenient time.

护士求职信英文 篇3

Position Sought: Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Dalian

Qualifications: Four years‘ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

Professional Experience: Computer Programmer, Sough China Computer Company, Guangzhou, from 1990 to date.

Operate flow-charts, collect business infromation fro management, methods of operation.

Adept at operating IBM-PC and Compact computers.

Educational Background: South China University of Technology. B.S. in Computer Science, July 1990. Courses included: Computer Science, Systems Design and Analysis, PASCAL Programming, Operating Systems, COBOL Programming, D-BASE Programming, FORTRAN Programming, Systems Management

Dalian No.34 Middle School, 1981-1986

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