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短语keep going是什么中文意思【优秀3篇】(keep going是什么意思)

更新时间:2022-12-19 来源:互联网 点击:

keep going这一英语短语的用法是怎么样的呢,它的中文意思又是什么呢?下面是整理的3篇《短语keep going是什么中文意思》,如果对您有一些参考与帮助,请分享给最好的朋友。

短语keep going的单语例句 篇一

1、 These measures are necessary to give the people enough buying power to keep the economy going.

2、 Is it China's fault that we are on a fiscally unsustained path, critically dependent on capital inflow to keep the economy going?

3、 In ancient times going out after dark was actively discouraged in order to instill temperate habits in the populace and keep them from harm.

4、 Woods played his chip up the slope and watched it trickle down, begging from his knees for it to keep going.

5、 The municipal government has taken measures to keep its water circulation going since 2003.

6、 He gagged from inhaling water, then clung to a rocky outcropping to keep from going under.

7、 Its simplicity was a selling point, as was its ability to keep going in the severe cold.

8、 So prices at the pump will probably keep going up no matter what happens to the benchmark price of crude oil.

9、 He said this election is a start, and the democratization of Syria will keep going forward.

10、 He said he heard another person shouting to him to keep advancing because the plane was going to explode.

短语keep going的中文意思 篇二

英 [ki:p ˈgəʊɪŋ] 美 [kip ˈɡoɪŋ]

继续, www..c om 维持;

1、 继续:Sir, there is a potentially fatal buildup of ice occurring.|外表很可能会严重结冰 | Keep going!|继续! | Higher!|再高点!

2、 继续干:02.07 Don't litter!别乱扔垃圾! | 02.08 Keep going ! --继续干! | 02.09 You dig youself a hole.--你这是自取其咎。

3、 你走吧:孩子 my sweet, | 你走吧 keep going | 前面的路 the road ahead

短语keep going的双语例句 篇三

1、 We are just going to keep chugging away.


2、 I don't want to have the listening class, so I put the big earphone while the volume is zero; I have no desire to have the oral English class, so I must be the one who doesn't preview the task; I can't pay attention to the grammar class, so the most terrible thing for me is that my cellphone battary runs down in the class; I hate the PE class, so I calculate on the teacher to continue his nonsense; I'm afraid of realising my fault, so I keep going to the library to comfort myself.


3、 If you're going to hitch-hike through Turkey, you had better keep your wits about you.


4、 I decided after your last visit, i'm going to keep my nose clean from now on, whatever it takes, I could be out of here in 10 years if I play my cards right.


5、 Beckham, 32, looks like he may be able to keep going for a while yet, too.


6、 In 1450, most Europeans probably lived in villages, but some regions were so hilly, lacking in good soil, or heavily timbered that villages could not keep going, and settlement was that of solitary herdsmen or shepherds.


7、 Vast supplies of L. S. D. and other hallucinogenic drugs were required to keep the experiments going.


8、 I keep picturing him going down that hill and.。.


9、 After a pause she said, Well, I`m going to keep your number anyway.


10、 And it's great because it's going to keep lasting for years to come.


11、 We're going to keep moving and we're gonna find another way out of here.


以上就是为大家带来的3篇《短语keep going是什么中文意思》,希望可以启发您的一些写作思路,更多实用的范文样本、模板格式尽在。

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