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保证书 英文优秀4篇(英文保证书怎么写啊)

更新时间:2023-01-21 来源:互联网 点击:

英文保证书 篇一


I am terribly sorry to be late for classes for so many times. I find it is a bad behavior. Whats more, this behavior has laid a lot of bad influences on my classmates, also, brought vast amount of destructive results to myself. I dont know why I didnt follow my teachers suggestions to go to class on time ,however, now I strongly feel theres still a chance for me to correct it. I promise that being late for classes thing will never happen on me again.

Now I beg the forgiveness from you, I know perhaps myself dont deserve any forgiveness, but I still hope you can finally forgive my misconduct. For this, I guarantee that I wont be late any more. If you can give me such a valuable chance to help me out from the miserable past, I will appreciate it very much.

Finally, I want to say sorry again for my wrongness. Besides, please supervise my behavior!

英文保证书 篇二

Dear mr.(miss.):

i am terribly sorry to be late for classes for so many times. i find it is a bad behavior. whats more, this behavior has laid a lot of bad influences on my classmates, also, brought vast amount of destructive results to myself. i dont know why i didnt follow my teachers suggestions to go to class on time ,however, now i strongly feel theres still a chance for me to correct it. i promise that being late for classes thing will never happen on me again.

now i beg the forgivenessfromyou, i know perhaps myself dont deserve any forgiveness, but i still hope you can finally forgive my misconduct. for this, i guarantee that i wont be late any more. if you can give me such a valuable chance to help me outfromthe miserable past, i will appreciate it very much.

finally, i want to say sorry again for my wrongness. besides, please supervise my behavior!

英文产品质量保证书 篇三


certificate of quality, health, purity and analysis

sanitary and veterinary certificate

to whom it may concern

the undersigned lapinla commune veterinarian certifies that the milk products described herein are manufactured from sound raw materials and the manufacturing is carried out under sanitary conditions. the products are at the time of shipment sound, wholesome and fit for human consumption. the products are produced in valo edible fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in finland. the product is free from b.s.e.

eu-registration number: 60220


valo edible fats and ingredients, helsinki, finland


shenzhen, china

date of export:

apr. 20, 2014



weight (kg)

demineralized whey powder as per contract no. ch/99/66.809 and

4760 bags

121,380.00 kgs gross

119,000.00 kgs net



protein (n x 6.38)


ash (550c)

ph (10% sol. 20c)

scorched particles (admi)






disc a











disc a

passes test

standard plate count




sulphite reducing clostridia

staphylococcus aureus







neg. in

neg. in






1 g

50 g


< 5/g

< 5/g

< 5/g

< 5/g

neg. in 1 g

neg. in 50 g

shipping marks:



shenzhen china

lapinla, apr. 20, 2014

lapinla commune veterinarian

英文保证书 篇四

guarantor’s name: (father of the guarantee) —————————————————

guarantor’s name: (mother of the guarantee) —————————————————-

guarantee’ name: ———————- gender: ——————- dob: ———————–

The guarantor(s), parents of an exchange student (namely, the guarantee), hereby signs this letter of guarantee and guarantees that the guarantee will leave the usa duly after the exchange programends and if the guarantee does not leave the usa on schedule the guarantor will bear the resulting legal liabilities.

The guarantor entrusts china international personnel consultant corporation to handle the relevant procedures of participating the exchange program for their child, and the guarantor shall submit all the application materials in accordance with the requirements of china international personnel consultant corporation and guarantee that all the submitted materials are true and legal.

The guarantor shall urge the guarantee to leave the usa in accordance with the requirement of this letter of guarantee within two weeks after the exchange period is over, and if, for any reason, the guarantee fail to do so, the guarantor shall bear the following joint guarantee liabilities:

1.The guarantor shall bear the legal liability that the guarantee shall bear for failing to return china within two weeks after the program’s termination.

2.If the guarantee fails to return china within two weeks after the termination of the exchange program, china international personnel consultant corporation will take reasonable and lawful measures to find and repatriate the guarantee, and the guarantor shall pay all the relevant costs that actually occur in this process plus punitive damages.

3.The guarantor shall also compensate china international personnel consultant corporation rmb100, 000 if the guarantee fail and return china within two weeks after the program termination.

The guarantor agrees that china international personnel consultant corporation will exercise all the above rights for claiming compensation.

guarantor:————————- ————————-

(father of the guarantee/print) (mother of the guarantee/print)

signature:————————- ————————-

(father of the guarantee) (mother of the guarantee)


读书破万卷下笔如有神,以上就是t7t8美文号为大家带来的4篇《保证书 英文》,希望对您有一些参考价值。

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