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更新时间:2023-06-14 来源:互联网 点击:


英文感谢信格式范文 篇一

Dear leaders, dear colleagues: Hello!

Before I open this letter, I'd like to bow to everyone on behalf of my family and thank you very much for your support!

Thank you!

The snow charcoal is priceless, friendship is priceless timely assistance. You give me all

Home spiritual and material support, so that we have a kind of reliance on the heart of the solid, unforgettable.

All along, I am eager to do the work of the strong, strong life, looking forward to helping others, I hope my family happiness, work well, personal progress. However, my family was diagnosed with malignant lymphoma at the end of last year, and the disaster shattered everything. I was facing a sick wife and four year old child who needed continuous chemotherapy. What is the cure for illness? How to continue my life really stupid?。

It was too late to grieve. I couldn't attend to the sadness. I was in the rush to go back and forth in a number of hospitals, and I felt the reality was so unreal that my world felt like a nightma www.shubaoc.com re.

Now, my family after four chemotherapy, the condition has eased. Although the treatment will

Go on, but with the help of the leaders and colleagues, with the help of many well intentioned people, I believe that her condition will soon be better, and pray for God to return me to a complete family!

Man's destiny is like the feathers of the sky. It is our family's misfortune to encounter such a disease, and it is our good fortune to be helped by all. We will uphold such a warm heart, treat others, treat yourself, good life, good work!

Thank you again for all your help!

英文感谢信格式范文 篇二

Respected general manager, sir:

We thank you for staying at your hotel for two nights and deeply understanding the hotel's advanced hardware and excellent software!

We are from Suzhou Futian Pioneer Metals Corporation business guests, because last night I ill not go out after your shop floor attendant in delivering newspapers found when I lie in bed, he kindly asked the original tail, so I put the discomfort of the situation was explained to her. Not long after, again. A room center young waiter, she offered me a cup of honey water (Feng Mi), help me to drink, and use your apple, tell me some of the attention and the factors that may lead to physical discomfort, and arranged before I lay down softly leave!

We often go out for business travelers, the nuances of your store service is met for the first time, after all, travel around the country and the world is a homely food for us, the hotel for the software effort but in such a way to reflect this, to me, thank you general manager mr.! And please also tell me how grateful the two waitresses are!

英文感谢信格式范文 篇三

Respected staff of Hotel & Catering department:


Thank you for your cooperation with us.

During your cooperation, we are deeply impressed by the perfect service and delicious food you have provided.

Here, our company especially to you and your leadership of the food and beverage department staff to extend my most sincere thanks. At the same time, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to your company for their full cooperation with XXX * * * * * * * *。

Thank you for your support and assistance in our work.




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