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更新时间:2023-06-28 来源:互联网 点击:

Dear (Bosss Name),下面是小编精心为大家整理的4篇《英语感谢信》,希望能对您的写作有一定的参考作用。

英语感谢信 篇一

DearMs. Grasso:

Thank you for interviewing me at credit technologies.I was impressed with the company and the type of banking services the corporation provides.Your comments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking.I am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations in detail could be useful to credit technologies.If you were to offer me this position, I believe that I could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation.

I look forward to talking again with you soon.

Very truly yours,


英语感谢信 篇二

a free sample thank you letter for a career/job fair

3420 last tree lane

deland, fl 32720


mr. gary barnett

aerial communications, inc.

3407 w. mlk jr. blvd.

tampa, fl 33607

dear mr. barnett,

thank you for taking the time to meet with me at the central florida career fair today. i certainly appreciate your time and attention in the midst of so many students seeking jobs.

you were extremely thorough in explaining aerial's customer service and marketing trainee program. now that i have a better idea of what the position entails, i am even more sure that i would be an asset to your team and to aerial.

my solid education from stetson university's marketing department and the fact that i have worked my way through college show a work ethic and determination, two qualities you said were important to success at aerial.

i look forward to an opportunity to visit aerial's tampa office and speak to you further about the trainee program. i will contact you next week to arrange an appointment.

英语感谢信 篇三

Dear Linda,

I’ve come back home safely.

Looking back to my stay in Britain, I feel so happy and satisfied.

The beautiful scenery and friendly people impressed me a lot.

I also benefited a lotfromlearning together with local students (about the custom in your country)。

More importantly, your help and kindness made it easier for me to have a better understanding of British culture and adapt to the life there.

Thanks to your help and kindness, I can have a complete and clear comprehension of British culture.

So I’m so grateful to you.

By the way, two photos taken with you are attached to the letter, which, I am firmly sure, will remind you of the happy time we spent together.

You are expected to come to China soon.

英语感谢信 篇四

Thank you:

Mr. Gibson. I feel deeply indebted to you and I really dont know how to thank you enough for your help.Its a great honor to be following in your footsteps as Overseas Sales Manager.

To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise. Id like to think its mainly a recognition of the teamwork, above and beyond the call of duty, in my department. On that same note, Id like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work. Due to their efforts, weve really gotten some overseas projects off the ground for Action.

Looking to the future, Id still like to maintain contact with everyone, even though Ill be working at the senior level. Well, what Im trying to say is I wont let this step-up go to my head. My door will always be open.

Thank you again.


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