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更新时间:2022-04-03 来源:互联网 点击:

  Smile is our language, civilization is our faith。你们听说公共场所英文警示语有哪些吗?那么学习啦小编为大家整理了公共场所英文警示语,欢迎阅览!


  1. Get rid of the bad habits advocate of civilization, to declare war on the poor health habits.公共场所英文警示语(公共场所的英文警示语)

  2. In addition to bad habits, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices.

  3. Don't let the strong life, you become ghosts. The lawn

  4. Pay attention to public health, public facilities, public order and public morals

  5. Care about the school, our duty; take good care of the school, our duty; love school, our heart

  6. The turning point of the road, the turning point of life

  7. "Today, you smile? Greetings to you? You comity? You help others?"

  8. Let us demonstrate the quality and civilization in every word and action!

  9. Pay attention to social morality and public environment

  10. Learn moral construction outline, Yang civilized behavior of fresh air

  11. Let us together: the collective concern and caring for public property, protect the environment!

  12. Flowers dress up the world with beauty, we beautify the campus with action!

  13. Clean and beautiful environment, healthy life science, social civilization and progress

  14. Let our hearts as beautiful as flowers

  15. Politeness is the easiest thing to do, but also the most easily overlooked things, but she is the most precious thing


  1. Let the breath of civilization in every corner of the school

  2. We contribute ourselves, and what should we contribute to nature?

  3. Green civilization is hope, let us sow hope!

  4. Speak of civilization, health, science, the new tree

  5. Say to uncivilized behavior: "NO!"

  6. Cherish yourself, love others, get rid of bad habits, begin from me.

  7. Good boy = civilization + value + love + strength

  8. The sky is the warmth of the cradle, don't smoke into the sky, let the earth sad; the grass is beautiful carpet, no littering, let the earth!

  9. Get rid of bad habits, fighting against SARS.

  10. A piece of dirt that is intended to wipe away is the purification of the soul

  11. Overcome bad habits, cultivate civilized behavior

  12. School is the place of study, civilization is the foundation of success

  13. Fly your youth, run your passion

  14. Smile is our language, civilization is our faith

  15. Civilization is the source of happiness

  16. Healthy body, from sports

  17. It is not difficult to say "good" to the teacher, but it is difficult to insist on saying "good" to the teacher

  18. Get rid of the bad habits, healthy and civilized.

  19. The birds fly freely because of the wings, the flowers are beautiful because of the fragrance, the campus will be more advanced because of the civilization

  20. Cherish every drop of water, so that mother earth is not crying


  1. Give me a clean sky, I can fly; give me a piece of blue ocean, I can travel; give me a beautiful and tranquil campus civilization, I can sail in the ocean of knowledge set sail!

  2. Speak civilization, science, anti SARS, with action

  3. Green life needs our common care

  4. Do not be small and evil, do not be small and not good

  5. Civilization is the flower of success, is the ideal boat sails

  6. Science, health and environmental protection

  7. The smooth flow of anti SARS million people united as one man, Our wills unite like a fortress..

  8. Pick up a piece of paper is the pure spirit of their own.

  9. All the patriotic health campaign, the eradication of bacteria breeding ground.

  10. Take water as a disgrace to save water

  11. Civility and civilization are the golden keys to our coexistence

  12. It is not difficult to say to the teacher, it is difficult to insist on to the teacher to say good

  13. Don't hurt flower and grass!

  14. Let's say goodbye to uncivilized behavior

  15. Civilization is a bridge to communicate with each other







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