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【#英语资源# 导语】随着对英语口语高级人才需求的增加,英语口语课被摆到了一个重要的位置。为了提高英语口语课堂教学质量,越来越多的高校聘请外籍教师来进行英语口语课教学。以下是由©无忧考网整理了简单好读的英语短文,欢迎阅读!


  Being Thankful Despite The Odds


  My name is Judy and I am doing a GoFundMe campaign for my mom, everyone knows her as, Kelly.


  My mom has been through a tremendous amount of pain and suffering given her ongoing, serious medical issues.


  She is beating the odds and fights everyday.


  Despite everything, she felt it important to make and deliver fruit gift baskets to all of the doctors and rehab facility offices a couple days ago, just to say "Thank you" for helping her.


  She has been in bed since as it wiped her out for days.


  She continues to struggle everyday.


  She tries to find the little things she is thankful for and I think this helps her continue to put one foot in front of the other.


  She's a trooper! My mom and I are so grateful and appreciative of everyone's help and support so far.


  Up to this point, with what we have raised, we have been able to pay some of the bills so far including one of the rehab center bills. Yeah!


  But, we still have a lot more bills and collection company notices to pay.


  Reaching our goal would help decrease her enormous stress and worry that I know cannot be helping her recover and get stronger.


  Asking for help, especially in such a public forum, is very difficult for both of us.


  Please share our story on facebook, twitter, your email contacts and so on.


  Thank you for reading our story and for your donation, if possible.


  Our hope is that you all have a Happy, Healthy 2017!



  I grew up very poor and with a single mom in the throws of addiction. Often there was no money for food, and I was hungry a lot.


  On my fifth birthday (1986), a couple close family members were invited to go to a park to celebrate my birthday. No cake, no presents, not a problem. Except for my auntie. She had an envelope in her hand.


  Before everyone sang happy birthday, I saw a little boy, probably my age, and a woman, digging in the park dumpster for food. Something happened to me. I begged my mom to invite them to my party but my mother was not a fan of strangers. She said no.


  I was intrigued, I didn't know others struggled like me, it hurt my heart. I watched them as everyone sang. I watched them when my auntie handed me an envelope. I watched them as I opened it until I saw the contents, a crisp 100 dollar bill. My mother was enraged that my auntie would give me such a large amount of money. I think my auntie trusted me more than my mother with cash.


  We were poor, I didn't eat 3 days a week, I had a very hard childhood. But I had never dug in a dumpster for food.


  My auntie kept talking over my mother, telling me, I can do ANYTHING I want with that money. So I did. I walked to the dumpster to the boy and his mother. I explained to the boy that it was my birthday and my one present was a $100, and I wanted to give it to them. There were so many tears and thank yous.

  姑姑一直在说服妈妈,她告诉我我能随意支配这笔钱,所以我就自己拿主意了。我朝垃圾箱旁边的男孩和他妈妈走过去,我向男孩解释说那天是我的生日,我收到了 $100的礼物,我想把钱给他们。他们感动得痛哭流涕,说了很多感谢的话。

  I, and my auntie, understood how powerful it was to give the only money I've ever seen away. My mother never did. I paid dearly for the action that night. But it was worth it.


  I think about that boy and his mother often.



  A few years ago I had purchased another car since my old one was not going to last long.


  I still had my old car and had not gotten rid of it yet when this happened.


  Each day I would drive to the next town and park my new car in a residential area and walk a few blocks to get to work.


  On the way, I noticed this one car that was identical to my old car except for different color and that it also had one missing hub cap.


  One morning that week, I took a hubcap off of my old car and put it on this car that needed one and walked off.


  I never saw the owner and the owner never saw me.


上一篇:学生的英语单词大全 下一篇:九年级下册英语单词表2017人教版(人教版九年级英语单词表)
  • 母亲简短生日祝福语10字
  • 妈妈对女儿的生日祝福语大全(妈妈对
  • 简短独特宝宝生日祝福语(祝宝宝生日
  • 送给儿子的简短精辟生日祝福语(祝儿
  • 2021党员学习心得体会(2021年心得体会)
  • 2021青年大学习心得体会
  • 2021脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利心得体会1500字(2020决战决胜脱贫攻坚心得)
  • 党员个人心得体会(党员个人心得体会简短)
  • 时代楷模王红旭先进事迹观后感(黄旭华先进事迹观后感)
  • 打扫卫生心得体会(打扫卫生心得体会100字)
  • 猜你喜欢的心得体会