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更新时间:2021-12-19 来源:互联网 点击:


 40. At fourteen __ at a district school near her home,and when she was sixteen,she saw her first article in print.

  A. thefirst teaching position that Marian Barrett had

  B. theteaching position was Marian Barrett's first

  C. whenMarian Barrett had her first teaching position

  D. Marian Barrett had her first teachingposition

  41. According to the first two paragraphs we can learnthat __

  A. Cleanenergy business is booming while the risks are totally overlooked

  B. Venturecapitalists have wasted much money on "hippy-dippy tree hungers"

  C. Clean energy business is surging and changes the venture capital market

  D. The ITbarons are disinterested in clean-energy technology

  42. Which of the following is true of Para.3?

  A. Cleanenergy fever is fuelled mainly by human psychological weakness.

  B. The energy provision for the coming decadeswill change slowly.

  C. Hydrogenas a new energy will replace traditional energy forms like coal and gas.

  D. Supporters of clean energy business arepretty optimistic about its future.

  43. The word "check-writers" (Line 6,Para.4) is closest in meaning to __

  A. tycoons

  B. donators

  C. investors


  44. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that __

  A. Cleanenergy industry and the dotcom industry have the same business model

  B. The dotcom industry might have undergone arapid but unsustainable development

  C. Schwarzenegger insisted that growth in cleanenergy business isn't sustainable

  D. Globalwarming has become a popular and decisive issue in political elections all over the world

  45. What is learned about the store that has recentlyopened in Mexico?

  A. It isthe company's largest store there.

  13. Itsmenu is different from the rest of the company's stores.

  C. Its sales are lower than expected.

  D. It is the company's 50th store there.

  46. When did Kelly's Hero first open in Mexico?

  A. In 1985

  B. In 1999

  C. In 2004

  D. In 2005

  47. How can Francis Mendez's statements best bedescribed?

  A. Asnervous

  B. As confident

  C. Asdisappointed

  D. Ashelpful

  48. Which of the following cities is NOT home to aKelly's Hero regional


  A. Melbourne

  B. Mexico City

  C. Tokyo

  D. Atlanta

  49. Wegener'sideas about continental drift are properly termed a "hypothesis"(line9)because

  A. hiswritten records state it as such.

  B. absolute proof did not exist in his day.

  C. he wasjust beginning a scientific study of the topic.

  D. that is what all scientific theories are called.

  50. Which ofthe following best describe the organization of this passage?

  A. a typicalbiographical sketch focusing on a person's main achievement

  B. thesis, supporting statements, conclusion

  C. generalmaterial first, followed by specific points

  D. problemstatement broken down into separate components

  51. Wegeneradvanced all of the following in support of his theory EXCEPT

  A. continentaledge lands on either side of the Atlantic.

  B. ancientearth and land structures.

  C. ancient data and recorded history.

  D. ancient climates on both sides of the Atlantic.

  52. Based oninformation in the passage, we can see that acceptance of Wegener's 1912theory was hindered by

  A. failure of the media to present his theory.

  B. his failure to document similarities oneither side of the Atlantic.

  C. its ownrevolution in scientific thought.

  D. utter lack of interest from colleagues.

  53. According to Tips One and Two, which of thefollowings is INCORRECT?

  A. When anet-pal asks for your phone number, you decline politely.

  B. Checkit up to ensure that a request for information intends no harm.

  C. Provide your birthday date as an identifierto substitute security number.

  D. Don'tdivulge your private information when you register for a social media website.

54. Accordingto Tip Three, the cheaters tend to make use of people's

  A. innocence.

  B. kindness.


  D. greediness.

  55. Accordingto Tips Four and Five, people should resort to their banks for help by

  A. mobilephone or email alerts

  B. extensive monitoring

  C. free creditreports

  D. creditbureaus

  56. What does the author call for in the lastparagraph?

  A. Thepunishment on criminals.

  B. The public's legal consciousness.

  C. The legal authorities' assistance.

  D. Thelocal police's alertness.

  57. The main idea of this passage is that

  A. mostpeople are anxious about physical pain.

  B. physicalsurroundings affects people's emotional reactions.

  C. decorationis the primary factor in relieving the patient's fears.

  D. earthtones are soothing colors.

  58. Some dentists distract their patients with

  A. mobilesculptures

  B. televisionsets

  C. computergames

  D.all of the above

  59. We can conclude from the passage that

  A. being anxious and tense increase thepain a patient feels.

  B. beinganxious and tense cause the pain a patient feels.

  C.relaxation blocks out all pain.

  D. patientsfeel more pain if they think the dentist is concerned with their feelings.

  60. The passage suggests that

  A. most painassociated with dentistry is caused by unprofessional dentists.

  B. some of the pain felt by patients may bepsychological.

  C. dentists'offices are usually painted white because they must be kept sterile.

  D. warmcolors ease physical pain.

  61. A. make B. keep C. ask D. give

  62. A. worries B. ideas C.problemsD. words

  63. A. intended B.intendingC. said D. saying

  64. A. easilyB. simplyC. best D. better

  65. A. behavior B.appearance C. thoughtD. opinion

  66. A. value B. good C. worth D. merit

  67. A. his B. which C.whose D.that

  68. A. surprisedB. surprising C.be surprised D. surprise

  69. A. sum B. figure C. amountD. number

  70. A. every B. each C. one D. some


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