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©无忧考网英语听力频道为大家整理的星火英语听力下载文本MP3,供大家参考:)[00:08.22]Model Test Five[00:10.93]Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension[00:14.36]Section A[00:16.12]Directions: In this section, [00:19.45]you will hear 8 short conversations [00:22.48]and 2 long conversations. [00:25.68]At the end of each conversation, [00:27.89]one or more questions will be asked [00:30.82]about what was said. [00:32.78]Both the conversation and the questions [00:35.58]will be spoken only once. [00:38.44]After each question there will be a pause. [00:41.89]During the pause, you must read the four choices [00:45.38]marked A), B), C) and D), and decide [00:50.73]which is the best answer. [00:53.36]Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 [00:57.65]with a single line through the centre.[01:00.83]Now let’s begin with the eight short conversations. [01:07.00]11. W: I think I’ll take my mother [01:10.15]to that French restaurant on Main Street for her birthday. [01:14.62]M: That’s a good choice, [01:16.32]but I have heard that they are usually [01:18.14]booked up weeks in advance. [01:20.40]Q: What does the man mean?[01:37.33]12. M: Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars [01:41.64]for a haircut at Santerbale’s?[01:44.60]W: You should try the place where I go. [01:47.01]It’s only 15. But it takes a while to get an appointment. [01:51.84]Q: What do we learn about the woman?[02:09.36]13. W: I’m completely exhausted. [02:12.78]Why don’t we dine out tonight? [02:14.97]I don’t remember the last time you took me out for dinner. [02:18.33]M: That is not a bad idea. [02:20.09]There is a new Mexican restaurant around the corner. [02:23.08]They say it’s good. [02:24.96]Q: What can we learn from the conversation?[02:42.65]14. M: Shall we go to John’s house-warming party [02:47.28]this weekend? Everybody is invited. [02:50.36]W: Well, you know what John’s party is like. [02:53.72]Do you think I will go again?[02:56.20]Q: What can we learn from the conversation?[03:13.95]15. M: The university is going to [03:17.59]hold an interesting competition on computer programming.[03:21.60] Many of my friends have signed up for it. [03:24.32]How about you?[03:25.85]W: Do you think I could ever win anything [03:27.96]if I took part in it?[03:29.82]Q: What do we learn from the conversation [03:32.12]about the woman?[03:48.52]16. W: You were working like a horse. [03:52.55]You should take a vacation. [03:54.48]M: Nobody needs a vacation more than me now, [03:57.68] but look at this stack of papers on my desk. [04:00.90]Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?[04:18.93]17. M: I have the brown paper and the string.[04:23.26] Could you hand me the tape and the scissors please?[04:25.75]W: Sure. Here they are. But remember [04:28.35]all this has to be weighed before it is sent. [04:31.84]Q: What is the man probably doing?[04:49.70]18. W: I’ll read you the main points of the report星火英语听力下载文本MP3(星火英语听力音频下载)

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