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短袖用英语怎么说_短袖的单词是什么【优秀6篇】(短袖 的英语怎么说)

更新时间:2022-12-28 来源:互联网 点击:


短袖的英语例句 篇一

1、 Choose short or three-quarter sleeves for summer.


2、 Because it was warm, David wore only a short - sleeved shirt and shorts.

因为天气很暖和, 大卫只穿了件短袖运动衫及短裤。

3、 There's a boy in flared pants and a yellow short - sleeved shirt.

一个男孩穿一条发亮的裤子和黄色 短袖 衫。

4、 Which do you prefer? Long sleeves , middle - length sleeves, short sleeves, or vests?

你是要长袖, 中袖, 短袖, 还是背心?

5、 Russell: So I'll take short sleeved shirts and shorts.

拉塞尔: 那我应该带短袖衬衫和短裤。

6、 To carry goods: a short - sleeved T shirt, jacket, sunscreen, rain gear.

随身携带品: 短袖T恤 、 外套 、 防晒品 、 雨具。

7、 While summer is coming on, special Bargain Begins in short - sleeved shirts.

春夏交替, 短袖 衬衫,最廉价销售。

8、 She is wearing a casual, short - sleeved flowered T - shirt and a striped skirt.

她穿着一件休闲的短袖印花 圆领衫 和一条印着条纹的裙子。

9、 Clothing for sports: T - shirt, cap, shorts, tracksuit, running shoes.

运动时的衣著: 短袖圆领运动衫, 帽子, 短裤, 运动服, 跑步鞋。

10、 Girls: Short sleeve shirt, skirt, black shoes, sport shoes, white socks, belt.

女生: 短袖上衣, 裙子, 黑皮鞋, 运动鞋, 白袜, 腰带。

11、 It's getting cold, don't wear short - sleeved shirts any more.

天气冷了, 不要再穿短袖了。

12、 To carry goods: short - sleeved T - shirts, sweaters, jackets, sunscreen, rain gear.

随身携带品: 短袖 T 恤 、 毛衣 、 外套 、 防晒品 、 雨具。

13、 Women are not allowed into the monastery in short - sleeve shirts.

妇女不能着 短袖 衬衫进入修道院。

14、 How much would I need for a short - sleeved blouse?

我做件 短袖 (女)衬衫要多少(布)?

15、 We have a large selection of short sleeve shirts.


短袖的英文例句: 篇二


The one with short sleeves be.


Sometimes a choli would be worn with this.


Dress ranges from workout suits to preppy shorts and polos to skirts for the prim.


Sumptuous cashmere shawls were draped around the body when it was cold or in bad weather.



He slipped into his T-shirt and running shorts and went out for a jog


Dacron was usually used to make short-sleeve shirts.


George wears a short-sleeved shirt.


Polo white MAN's short sleeve T-SHIRT


I only ever wear short sleeves to play football or golf – but they're polo shirts – notshirts.


If you have tattoos, then short sleeves are essential wear, because the tattoobecomes the sleeve.


If short sleeves, they chop them off above the elbows; if long sleeves, theyamputate them at the hands and at the wrists.

而且,就算在北京寒冷的冬天,餐厅严格地坚持其全球统一的着装规定,员 工在上班的时候应该穿短袖T恤。

Furthermore, during Beijing’s cold winter, the restaurant strictly insisted onobservance of its worldwide regulation that worker should wear short-sleeved T- shirts on duty.


He could wear a short-sleeved shirt or T-shirt with a long-sleeved cotton orthermal shirt underneath.


We enter Yusuf’s compound and find him dressed simply in a half-sleeved shirt,but when he sees the photographer he quickly goes inside to put on his jacketand watch.


Dad looked straitlaced in his short-sleeved white shirt, skinny tie, and plasticpocket liner holding a pen, a notebook, and sometimes a slide rule.


Ayida was wearing a short-sleeved orange blouse, a gold-colored necklace, anda denim skirt. Her hair was in long tight braids.


My mother noticed that the middle child was wearing a short-sleeved dress, so she gave the girl Jill’s only sweater to wear.


Thailand may allow its police officers to cool off by wearing a new short-sleeveuniform, a move they hope will also help save energy at police stations, a spokesman said Saturday.


Short-sleeved docs in hospitals quickly pick up just as much bacteria as theirlong-sleeved colleagues.


My mother noticed that the middle child was wearing a short-sleeved dress, soshe gave the girl Jill’s only sweater to wear.


For men, try wearing a neat pair of pants and a buttoned shirt with long or short sleeves that has more color or texture in the fabric.


For a very long time, short sleeves for men were seen as a major fashion crime.


Dad was resplendent in dark blue pants and a white short-sleeved shirt, providing a quiet background for Mom’s flamboyance. We all piled into the car.


In fact, after just three hours the short-sleeved docs were already hosting half of the bacteria as the docs wearing unwashed coats.


Short sleeves, after all, carry the whiff of the simian: isn't it the chimpanzee thatgenerally performs in something less than a long sleeve?


They had 50 doctors start a workday wearing a freshly washed short-sleeve shirtand another 50 in their unwashed long-sleeved white coats.

短袖相关英语表达 篇三

短袖紧身外衣 tabard;

短袖披肩 tabard;

短袖小衫 choli;

短袖圆领衫 T-shirt

短袖的英文释义: 篇四

short sleeve

长袖的英语例句 篇五

1、 I had to wear long sleeves to stop myself scratching.


2、 That morning I had put on a pair of black slacks and a long-sleeved black blouse.


3、 You must allow three metres for a long - sleeved dress.


4、 The sergeant lay in his dirty long - sleeved underwear.


5、 Long - sleeved white shirt, sleeves rolled to just below the elbows, a clean pair of jeans, sandals.

长袖白衬衫, 袖子刚好卷到胳膊肘, 一条干净的牛仔裤, 一双干净的凉鞋。

6、 Which do you prefer? Long sleeves , middle - length sleeves, short sleeves, or vests?

你是要长袖, 中袖, 短袖, 还是背心?

7、 Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a sleeved shirt and strong shoes.

穿长裤, 长袖衣服和牢固的鞋子一保护好自己。时刻关注广播的最新消息。

8、 Wear long pants whenever possible, long sleeves as well if you can.


9、 Wearing long - sleeved soldiers and extras are also for several times.


10、 Parasols and long sleeve shirts are also great helpers for sun precaution.


11、 On Betty's seventh birthday, she got a red sweatshirt from Grandma.

贝蒂七岁生日的时候, 外婆送她一件红色的长袖运动衫。

12、 On that day My wife buys a long sleeve garment in discount.


13、 Put off your long T shirt or sweat coat after warming up.


14、 I am now looking for a long - sleeved shirt to go with it.


15、 Windy encounter rain, he will probably need long - sleeved unlined garment.

遇到下雨刮风的话, 可能会需要长袖单衣。

短袖的英语说法 篇六


2.short sleeve


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