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modern的中文意思 篇一

英 [ˈmɒdn] 美 [ˈmɑ:dərn]

比较级:more modern最高级:most modern第三人称复数:moderns

形容词 现代的; 近代的; 新式的; 当代风格的

名词 现代人,现代主义者; 时髦人士; [印]现代字体,指印刷中所用的一种字体



1、 His office is tastefully furnished with modern furniture.


2、 In the afternoon they went to an exhibition of modern art.



1、 He was making a name for himself as one of the moderns.


modern的单语例句 篇二

1、 This is where Hong Kong's experience in modern business management and sport administration according to the law can make a difference for the better.

2、 Instead of paying business tax on all transactions in the industrial chain, modern service providers will pay 6 percent VAT.

3、 But then we are talking about modern life that this northern part of Gansu Province is not known for.

4、 Breakthroughs have been made in restructuring energy enterprises, and a modern enterprise system has by and large taken shape.

5、 Many ancient and modern Chinese hold to the belief that each person's character and fate are deeply affected by the year of their birth.

6、 By comparison, today's Tibet is striding into modern society after shrugging off theocratic feudal serfdom.

7、 The first concept to be reshaped by hosting the Olympic Games is perhaps the definition of a " modern metropolis "。

8、 It is developed by the interior design company HBA as a fusion of modern and traditional Chinese and Europe styles.

modern的词典解释 篇三

1、 近代的';现代的

Modern means relating to the present time, for example the present decade or present century.

e.g. 。.。the problem of materialism in modern society.


e.g. 。.。the risks facing every modern marriage.。.


2、 现代化的;新式的;最新的

Something that is modern is new and involves the latest ideas or equipment.

e.g. Modern technology has opened our eyes to many things.。.


e.g. In many ways, it was a very modern school for its time.。.


3、 新潮的;时髦的;摩登的

People are sometimes described as modern when they have opinions or ways of behaviour that have not yet been accepted by most people in a society.

e.g. They were very modern Tories in almost every sense.。.


e.g. She is very modern in outlook.


4、 (艺术、舞蹈、音乐、建筑的风格)现代的,近代的

Modern is used to describe styles of art, dance, music, and architecture that have developed in recent times, in contrast to classical styles.

e.g. 。.。a modern dance company.


e.g. 。.。the Museum of Modern Art.



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