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within的.单语例句 篇一

1、 The system will include information on companies doing business within China, as well as investment and other information.

2、 " China welcomes international Internet companies to conduct business within the country according to law, " she said.

3、 The commission promised to respond to the letter within 15 business days.

4、 The overarching goal is to establish a culture of IP protection awareness within your organization and among those with whom you do business.

5、 Fang said Shanghai would also allow joint venture brokers and fund firms to extend their business scope within the city.

6、 Innovation and business upgrading will be encouraged within these segments in TEDA.

7、 Many qualified workers are needed to fill spots in the rapidly expanding financial sector, particularly within the personal wealth management business.

8、 This year the busy transport period around the time of the Chinese Lunar New Year, is expected to arrive within two weeks and will last for 40 days.

9、 New York pulled within six on Butler's hook with 24 seconds left, but chose not to foul as Detroit ran out the clock.

within的`中文意思 篇二

英 [wɪˈðɪn] 美 [wɪðˈɪn, wɪθ-]

within 基本解释

副词 在内,在里面; 在屋内; 在心中,心里是

介词 不超过,在…的范围内; 在…能达到的地方; 在…内,在…里面

名词 内部,里面


1、 Do what's within your power!


2、 He kept within doors all day yesterday.


3、 They finished the house within half a year.


within的词典解释 篇三

1、 在…里;在…内部

If something is within a place, area, or object, it is inside it or surrounded by it.

e.g. Clients are entertained within private dining rooms.。.


e.g. An olive-coloured tent stood within a thicket of trees.


2、 在(社会、组织或体系)中(发生或存在)

Something that happens or exists within a society, organization, or system, happens or exists inside it.

e.g. The motives that attract people to work within a social service are variable.


e.g. 。.。the spirit of self-sacrifice within an army.。.


3、 在…心中(有某种情感)

If you experience a particular feeling, you can say that it is within you.

e.g. He's coping much better within himself.。.


e.g. You've got to identify these inadequacies within yourself.


4、 在(某种限度或规则)之内

If something is within a particular limit or set of rules, it does not go beyond it or is not more than what is allowed.

e.g. Troops have agreed to stay within specific boundaries to avoid confrontations.。.


e.g. Exercise within your comfortable limit.。.


5、 在(某一距离)之内;不超出(某一距离)

If you are within a particular distance of a place, you are less than that distance from it.

e.g. The man was within a few feet of him.。.


e.g. It was within easy walking distance of the hotel.。.


within的单语例句 篇四

1、 The system will include information on companies doing business within China, as well as investment and other information.

2、 " China welcomes international Internet companies to conduct business within the country according to law, " she said.

3、 The commission promised to respond to the letter within 15 business days.

4、 The overarching goal is to establish a culture of IP protection awareness within your organization and among those with whom you do business.

5、 Fang said Shanghai would also allow joint venture brokers and fund firms to extend their business scope within the city.

6、 Innovation and business upgrading will be encouraged within these segments in TEDA.

7、 Many qualified workers are needed to fill spots in the rapidly expanding financial sector, particularly within the personal wealth management business.

8、 This year the busy transport period around the time of the Chinese Lunar New Year, is expected to arrive within two weeks and will last for 40 days.

within的词典解释 篇五

1、 在(某种限度或规则)之内

If something is within a particular limit or set of rules, it does not go beyond it or is not more than what is allowed.

e.g. Troops have agreed to stay within specific boundaries to avoid confrontations.。.


e.g. Exercise within your comfortable limit.。.


2、 在(某一距离)之内;不超出(某一距离)

If you are within a particular distance of a place, you are less than that distance from it.

e.g. The man was within a few feet of him.。.


e.g. It was within easy walking distance of the hotel.。.


3、 在(某段时间)内;不超出(某段时间)

Within a particular length of time means before that length of time has passed.

e.g. About 40% of all students entering as freshmen graduate within 4 years.。.


e.g. Within 24 hours the deal was completed.


4、 看得见/听得见/够得着

If something is within sight ,within earshot, or within reach, you can see it, hear it, or reach it.

e.g. His twenty-five-foot boat was moored within sight of West Church.



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