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更新时间:2023-01-08 来源:互联网 点击:

大学英语自我介绍 篇一

Hi, everyone! My name is Liu Yaxin, 20 years old. My father wants me to light up the hope of our family. He is saying that I was born in the morning again. So my name is Liu Yaxin.

I have dark hair, shining eyes, thin eyebrows and high nose. I am interested in learning, I will study. I don't like it very much. Just learn it!

My hobbies are: painting, listening to songs, singing, reading and painting started at the age of 4, often self-taught. Speaking of reading, I have a good book. Before I finish reading, I feel bad. I often quote Mao Zedong's words. I can eat no food, sleep no sleep, and read no books every day.

My character! Although I am a girl, like a boy, I often catch up with the girls in the yard. But I also have a lovely side, my nickname is: Little Du Bear, how about it! Once, I went to play with my mother. When I took the picture, I opened my mouth with a smile. My mother taught me not to grin. I shouted, "That's a lady!" Everyone laughed!

I have a great dream, that is, how good it is to be a doctor and help the dead and the wounded!

Look, this is me. You should understand that. Would you like to make friends with me?

大学英语自我介绍 篇二

My name is Yuan Kai. In fact, my name is very memorable, becau〖www.〗se as long as I add a lifetime in the middle of Yuan Kai, it will become Yuan Shikai. I come from the beautiful old Huaian, where there are countryside everywhere, the scenery is very beautiful. I am twenty years old and graduated from Madian High School. There are six people in the family. I have a very naughty sister.

I have many hobbies, such as boxing, table tennis, computers, chess and so on. These are all hobbies. But my biggest hobbies are boxing and chess, because boxing can not only enhance our physical fitness, but also defend ourselves. Then it's chess because chess not only increases our strategy, but also enables us to make more friends in chess.

These are my hobbies, and my opinions on these hobbies. Of course, I don't know if I'm right, but one thing is that I really love boxing and chess.

The above is about some of my basic information and hobbies. Now I should talk about my shortcomings.

My biggest disadvantage is that I love to laugh. Some people say that laughter is a good thing. But I don't know why I can't control myself sometimes. It's this laughing thing that makes me think I'm a happy person. I remember this. One morning in Chinese class, Helen Keller was giving this lesson. When the teacher talked about the saddest thing, I suddenly felt sad. But laughed, the teacher looked at me, I stopped, but unfortunately, in addition to the teacher saw, there is also a girl saw. On the way to school, I heard the girl who saw me laugh and the math class say, and this morning when the teacher talked about Helen Keller, I saw Yuan Kai laughing. No way, the math monitor asked in surprise. This is what I saw with my own eyes. The math monitor believed it.

When I heard this, I thought to myself: No. Sure enough, when we went to school in the afternoon, everyone said that Yuan Kai didn't expect you to be such a person. We all misread you. Speaking of this, I think you should know why I said it; I love laughter is my biggest weakness.

Having said so much, I think you should all understand me.

大学英语自我介绍 篇三

Hello, everyone. My name is zoucheng from jining. Confucius and mencius were born in our hometown. (applause.。. ) therefore, we are also known as the land of Confucius and mencius, a state of courtesy. I have a lot of problems with this person. I think you have heard about it. If there is something wrong, please let me know and I will correct it.

I am here to study, and I hope to learn from my teachers and classmates. I want my college life to be full, not empty and boring; I want to maintain a sense of hunger, thirst for knowledge, hunger for life.

I think it's a good thing to go to sea. It can give me a space to calm down and read. I don't know if I can bring some books to the ship. But I had fantasized about reading in the sea breeze and keeping a diary in the surf. I prefer to read books on literature and feel that such a life is ideal.

Thank you!


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