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上海初三数学练习册答案 篇一

一、填空。 1.我们已学过的(

)、( )、( )、( )四种运算,统称为( )


2、( )法和( )法叫做第一级运算;(

)法和( )法叫做第二级运算。

3、一个算式里,如果只含有同一级运算,要从( )往( )依次计算。

4、一个算式里,如果只含有一级运算,要先做( )后做( )。




6、在四则混合运算中,遇到除法的商的小数位数较多或出现循环小数时,一般保留( 位小数,再进行计算。

7.4.9547保留三位小数是( ),保留两位小数是( )。保留一位小数是( )。 8.计算12÷[(2.4-0.48)×5]时,要先算(


)再算( )。

二、计算下列各题。 (1)39.4-12.56 (2)36.405+0.495

(3)4.06÷0.7 (4)10.03÷5.9

三、仔细观察下面各题,先说一说它们的共同点和不同点,然后再计算。 2.4-0.6÷1.5+0.5×2 (2.4-0.6)÷1.5+0.5×2.4-0.6÷(1.5+0.5)×2 2.4-0.6÷(1.5+0.5×2)

2.4-(0.6÷1.5+0.5×2) 2.4-(0.6÷1.5+0.5)×2

) (2.4-0.6÷1.5+0.5)×2 (2.4-0.6)÷(1.5+0.5×2)






3.4.35减去0.78与3.28的和去除0.406,商是多少? 2.10.1与24.35的和,除以13,再乘以0.6,积是多少? 1.0.24与0.5的积除以0.04,所得的商再加上3.5,和是多少?


初三英语配套练习册答案 篇二

【Unit 4】

Section A

一、1.million 2.charity 3.tie 4.medical 5.nervous

二、1.medical 2.going 3.friendly 4.won 5.to work

三、1~5 DFBGA

四、1.had;would go 2.what to write 3.What if someone else 4.would give; to charity

Section B

一、1.circle 2.herself 3.bother 4.annoy 5.fairly 6.plenty 7.listener

二、1~5 BCDBA

三、1.energetic 2.not to run 3.speech 4.listener 5.would have

四、1.What if 2.doesn't;in the slightest 3.rather than/instead of 4.to get along; with 5.what to say 6.so that

五、1~5 ACDEB

Self Check and Reading

一、knowledge 2.represent 3.correct 4.deep 5.offered 6.covers

二、1~5 CBDAD

三、1.in public 2.are sure 3.bother 4.get along with 5.in front of 6.comes top 7.right away 8.plenty of

四、1.cut yourself by accident 2.make her comfortable 3.come up with 4.come out 5.stop working

五、1~5 DFEAB

六、1.were 2.would try 3.would not say 4.would allow 5.were 6.would give 7.would set

七、1.If I becameill rich/had lots of money, I would give you 1,000,000 dollars. 2. He fell seriously and couldn't afford to go to hospital. 3.肯鼓励他不要放弃希望。 4. Because he knew about Tony’s illness from one of his classmates. 5. 1,000,000 dollars.

【Unit 5】

Section A

一、1.picnic 2.author 3.appointment 4.final 5.anxious

二、1.Alice's 2.possibly 3.dropped 4.worried 5.owner

三、1.The hair band must belong to Linda. 2. This shirt is much too small for John. 3. We need one more player to make up a soccer ball team. 4. They put off the meeting because of the heavy rain. 5. What do you think “crucial” means?

四、1.Whose T-shirt 2.belong to 3.author 4.author 4.could he 5.Why is

五、1~5 DECAB

Section B

一、1.sky 2.catch 3.noise 4.wind 5.interviewed

二、1.monkeys 2.escaped 3.neighbors 4.unhappy 5.director

三、1.for exercise 2.to catch 3.what is happening 4.In;swimming 5.be afraid making

四、1.Did;use to 2.doesn't think; could 3.isn't he 4.There;something wrong 5.What are

五、1~5 EBCAD

Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 BCDAA 6~10 CCBDA 11~12 DD

二、1.possibly 2.noise 3.final 4.catch 5.smells 6.fingers 7.lift 8.ocean 9.stone 10.pretended

三、1.hers 2.worried 3.visiting 4.unhappy 5.footsteps 6.watching 7.to work 8.careful 9.dishonest 10.pretending

四、1.belong to 2.don't think 3.Did;use to 4.because of 5.Who must

五、1~5 BAACD 6~10 BAABD

六、1~5 ACABB

七、1~5 BAECD Unit 6 I like music that l can dance to

Section A

I.1.prefer 2.gentle 3.lyrics 4.remind 5.favorite

II.1.dance to 2.remind;of 3.along with 4.Heart Strings 5.What;dislike;clearly III.1.prefer 2.makes 3.reminds 4.wearing 5.interest


Section B

I.1.fisherman 2.latest 3.features 4.display 5. energy;miss

II.1.suggests 2.Whatever 3.photographer 3.does have 4.have to 5.What kind of

III.1.music that l love 2.as successful as 3.does have 4.what to 5.what kind of


Self Cheak and reading

I.1.lyrics 2.reminds 3.honest 4.cancer 5.laboratory

II.1.musicians 2.dislike 3.clearly 4.latest 5.mainly

III.1.bad for;stay away form 2.in agreement 3.suits;just fine 4.Be sure to 5.sing along with IV.1~5 DBDBA 6~10 BBCCD V.1~5 BDABC 6~10 ACADC

Unit 7 WHere would you like to visit

Section A

I。1.educational 2.thrilling 3.to trek through the jungle 4.too stressed out 5.consider asking

II。1.thrillers;thrilling 2.to tour;touristy;tourists;tourist 3.relaxing;relaxes;relaxed 4.tired;tiring 5.lively;lived;alive;liveliest

III。1.where there are;with 2.are supposed to 3.who can 4.is supposed to be 5.would like to

Section B

I.1.provide 2.easy 3.light 4.including 5.vacation

II.1.provide us with some useful information 2.In general;junk food 3.Traveling around; by taxi convenientto take ;to most places 4.Unless you speak ;you self;it'best;someone who can teanslate 5.which is best to travel by

6.give her some suggestions 7.is the most expensive;is 8.get a room with a kitchen



Self Cheak and Reading

I.1.in which thousands of;take part in 2.find out; answers to; as soon as possible 3.According to; the most popular choice of job 4.continue singing;so that;provide berrer lives for 5.It seems ;work as 6.Quite a few;are willing to 7.hold on to;come true 8.On the one hand;onthe other hand 9.volunteer translators;translated;for

II.1.as soon as they can 2.provied;with 3.less realistic than 4.were ready to 5.in order that

III.1~5 CDBAC 6~10 CADDB IUnit8 l'll help clean up the city parks.



I.1.homeless 2.hunger 3.established 4.coach 5.sign

II.1.set up 2.think up 3.cheer;up 4.clean up 5.put off 6.put up

III.1.makes;happier 2.establish;learn 3.thinks up 4.to do 5.Do you




I.1.deaf 2.fix 3.pleasure 4.coach 5.sign

II.1.ran out of 2.takes after 3.put up 4.call

III.1.takes after 2.spent on 3.similar to 4.repair 5.What did


V.1~5 FGADC 6~7 EB

Self Check and Reading

I.1.fetch 2.pleasure 3.blind 4.imaging 5.specially 6.filled 7.carried 8.deaf 9.to shut 10.worked out

II.1.homeless 2.latei 3.easiest 4.hunger 5.pleasure 6.holding 7.clean 8.cheered 9.to set 10.interviewer


IV.1.yes,he was 2.by taking a little rubber. 3.Three 4. On december22,1988 5.He protected the forest and changed the world's ideas V.1~5 BCBAD 6~10 ACD期中综合练习

I.1~5 BDBCB 6~10 BDCBD 11~15 BDDCC 16~20 BACDD

II.1.owner 2.importance 3.were 4.helpful 5.funny 6.worride 7.younger 8.youself 9.friendship 10.chatting

III.1.Dong't laugh at the old people 2.His parents are very strict with him 3.Children have plenty of time to do their home work now 4.l'm getting along/on well with my classmates 5.Have you come up with a good idea?

IV.1.to do 2.to get 3.was allowed to 4.didn't use 5.can she



AB V.(One possible version 期末综合练习


I.1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BCCCB II.1.to learn 2.really 3.to watch 4.healthy 5.pronunciation 6.musicians 7.were 8.used 9.preferred 10.has been

III.1.home to 2.what else 3.stay away 4.head of 5.interstted in

IV.1.doesn't need 2.where would 3.has he 4.easy enough 5.not to



VII.1~5 ADBDD 6.Yes 7.we can talk to them,play and go to the cinema with them 8.Because we can 't live alone in the world 9.some people always expect to make use of their friedns 10.Having a real good friend is better than having many friends 11.plant 12.across 13.banks 14.destroyed 15.changing



I.1~5 BADBB 6~10 AABCA 11~15 CBACA 16~20 CBBDA

II.1 winner 2.relaxed 3.careful 4.fifth 5.peaceful 6.tired 7.himself 8.advertisements 9.quickly 10.lucky

III.1.camp up 2.came ture 3.no matter 4.so that 5.stay up IV.1.doesn't;or 2.How much 3.didn't it 4.prefer;to 5.be cleaned



VII.1~5 FFTFT 6~10 DABBA 11~15 ACBCD change a lot when they grow 17.catch enough sunlight 18.face challenges in life 19.15 20.becoming real adults (略)

九年级上学期数学同步练习册答案 篇三

§22.1 二次根式(一)

一、1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C

1 2. x<-7 3. x≤3 4. 1 5. x≥2y二、1. x2

1 2. x>-1 3. x=0 2

§22.1 二次根式(二) 三、1. x≥

一、1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B

)7)22二、1.(1)3 (2)8 (3)4x2 2. x-2 3. 42或(-4)2 或 (

4、 1 5. 3a

三、1. (1) 1.5 (2) 3(3) 25 (4) 20 2. 原式=(x-1)+(3-x)=2 7

3、 原式=-a-b+b-a=-2 a

§22.2 二次根式的乘除法(一)

一、1. D 2. B

1(n≥3,且n为正整数)1²nn1二、1. ,a 2. 3. n2

212三、1. (1) (2) (3) -108 2. cm 32

§22.2 二次根式的乘除法(二)

一、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D

二、1. 3 2b 2. 2a 2 3. 5

三、1. (1) 52 (2) 62 (3) 22 (4) 4a2b 2. cm §22.2 二次根式的乘除法(三)

一、1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C

, 2. x=2 3. 6 32

22三、1.(1) (3) 10 (4) 2 2 (2) 3-32二、1.

2,因此是2倍。 5582. 82nn

;499)(43. (1) 不正确,

25252554(2) 不正确,4121247.

§22.3 二次根式的加减法

一、1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B

35(答案不) 2. 1 3.

2 5. 34. 5

三、1.(1)43 (2) (3) 1 (4)3-52 (5)52-2 (6)3a-2 3

45.25>45282442)3242)2. 因为42


2232)23. (


§23.1 一元二次方程

一、1.C 2.A 3. C

二、1. ≠1 2. 3y2-y+3=0,3,-1,3 3.-1

三、1. (1) x2-7x-12=0,二次项系数是1,一次项系数是-7,常数项是-12

(2) 6x2-5x+3=0,二次项系数是6,一次项系数是-5,常数项是3

2、 设长是xm,根据题意,列出方程x(x-10)=375

3、 设彩纸的宽度为x米,

根据题意得(30+2x)(20+2x)=2³20³30(或2(20+2x)x+2³30x=30³20 或2×30x+2×20x+4x2=30×20)

§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(一)

一、1.C 2.D 3.C 4. C 5. C

4、 x1=-22,x2=22 21二、1. x=0 2. x1=0,x2=2 3. x1=2,x2=

三、1. (1) x1=-,x2=; (2) x1=0,x2=1;

(3) x1=0,x2=6; (4) x1=

§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(二)

一、1.D 2. D 3. B

二、1. x1=3,x2=-1 2. x1=3+3,x2=3-;


三、1.(1) x1=3,x2=0 (2) x1=3,x2=-5 2, x2=1 2. 11米 3

(3) x1=-1+22,x2=-1-22 (4)x1=75,x2= 24

1 3

§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(三)

一、1.D 2.A 3. D 2. x=1或x=

1; 2. 移项,1 3.3或7 二、1. 9,3;193

;(3)x1=7,x2=-1; 22,x2=5三、1. (1)x1=1,x2=-5;(2) x1=5


2、 x=或x=。 3. x1=,x2=。 222254q5p2p4qp2p

§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(四)

一、1.B 2.D

5,1 ,3336366636()2,x()2x,(5)2,x2x552552二、1. 3x2+5x=-2,3,x2

,x2=-1 32x1=

2、 125, 3. 4 416

242a ; (3)x; (2)x4ac. 三、1.(1)xbb3222

)48845752≥0,且7>0, 2. 原式变形为2(x-)2+,因为(2x

7所以2x2-5x-4的值总是正数,当x=5时,代数式2x2-5x+4最小值是。 84

§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(五)

一、1.A 2.D

二、1. x2+3x-40=0,169,x1=5,x2=-8; 2. b2-4ac>0,两个不相等的;

5 ,x2= 22151

3223、 x1=9; 4.22 ; 3. x2三、1.-1或-5; 2. x

§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(六)

一、1.A 2.B 3. D 4. A

二、1. 公式法;x1=0,x2=-2.5 2. x1=0,x2=6 3. 1 4. 2

; 2. x1=4+42,x2=4-42 ; 22,x2=5三、1. x1=5

3、 y1=3+6,y2=3-6 4. y1=0,y2=-

5、 x1=1; 2111,x2=-(提示:提取公因式(2x-1),用因式分解法) 6. x1=1,x2=- 322

§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(七)

一、1.D 2.B

二、1. 90 2. 7

三、1. 4m; 2. 道路宽应为1m

§23.2 一元二次方程的解法(八)

一、1.B 2. B 3.C

二、1. 500+500(1+x)+500(1+x)2=20000, 2. 30%

三、1. 20万元; 2. 10%

§23.3 实践与探索(一)

一、1.D 2.A

二、1. x(60-2x)=450 2. 50 3. 700元( 提示:设这种箱子底部宽为x米,则长为(x+2)米,依题意得x(x+2)³1=15,解得x1=-5,(舍),x2=3.这种箱子底部长为5米、宽为3米。所以要购买矩形铁皮面积为(5+2)³(3+2)=35(米2),做一个这样的箱子要花35³20=700元钱)。

三、1. (1)1800 (2)2592 2. 5元

3、设道路的宽为xm,依题意,得(20-x)(32-x)=540 整理,得x2-52x+100=0


§23.3 实践与探索(二)

一、1.B 2.D

2二、1. 8, 2. 50+50(1+x)+50(1+x)=182

三、1.73%; 2. 20%


1 由题意,得(5-x)2x=4,整理,得x2-5x+4=0. 解得x1=1,x2=4. 2

当x=4时,2x=8>7,此时点Q越过A点,不合题意,舍去。 即经过1秒后,△PCQ


(ii)设经过t秒后PQ的长度等于5厘米。 由勾股定理,得(5-t)2+(2t)2=52 。

整理,得t2-2t=0. 解得t1=2,t2=0(不合题意,舍去)。


(2)设经过m秒后,四边形ABPQ的面积等于11厘米2. 11由题意,得(5-m) ³2m=³5³7-11,整理得m2-5m+6.5=0, 22



§23.3 实践与探索(三)

一、1.C 2.A 3. C

二、1. 1,-2, 2. 7, 3. 1,2 4.(x-1)(x+3)

2、 3三、1.3; 2. q

3、 k的值是1或-2. 当k=1时,方程是一元一次方程,只有-1这一个根;当k=-2时,

方程另一个根为-. 1


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