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更新时间:2023-02-19 来源:互联网 点击:


英文的自荐信 篇一

Dear leaders:

Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule, volunteered to give me an opportunity.

My name is Wang Lei, from Qingdao University of Science and Technology Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Services, a student, professional school for the manufacture of machinery and automation. As a graduating college students through four years of hard study and social practice, I not only learned a wealth of expertise and to enhance their own ability, but also deeply conscious of their lack of work at a later study Need to strive to improve their own quality.

In the four years of study, I have received many school scholarships and inspirational national scholarship of 5,000 yuan reward, these are《t7t8美文号·www.》 the achievements of the past, I am sure. But I know that honor belongs to the past, the future path of their own needs down-to-earth, from scratch.

In the study, I actively participate in social practice, have been involved in mobile phone sales in the Pijiu Cheng and part-time, and so on, through social practice, I raise their own experience and develop their own hard-working difficulties, the perseverance of good quality 。

As a senior graduates, despite the lack of experience I have, but in the future I will work with an open mind to learn, and strive to improve on their skills, and devote every effort to serve the company, their dedication. Therefore, I very much hope that you can give me an opportunity to provide me with a broad world to realize their own value!

英文的自荐信 篇二

Dear sir or madam,

This is JanefromChina West Normal University. When I was questioned on my name, I argued that it is not the south of the Yangtze River; instead, it is about language, style and travel.

For three years, I worked as the chief editor for the magazine of my faculty, and both teachers and students determined that I could be a reporter or a writer for free column. However, when I went to the earthquake-attacked areas, the professional staff told me my potential to be an excellent psychologist.

Finally, I tested my capacity in GeLin Pulante Hotel, and a majority of my fellow workers uated my performance as operation with high proficiency, but when I was demanded to open the Hotel English Training Course, I was advised to set my goal on Hotel Training after my graduation. Yeah, perhaps, I am talented to be so many jobs, but I am the one who is responsible for my life and determine what I want, who I want to be and how to make it.

All alone, I consider about their kind words and narrowly I find that all my qualifications are in perfect preparations for a brand-new but challenging area like your company. Maybe I’ve never majored in electronics, secretary or clerk but as I have stated I have the ability to learn and to be professional.

Thank you for your time and appreciation. I am looking forward to making contributions to your company and realizing myself.



英语自荐信 篇三

Dear Sir or Madam,

I saw your advertisement for a sales manager in China Daily on February 15th. In July I will receive my MBA degree from Tsinghua University. I would like to be considered for the post.

I believe I will make an eligible candidate for the position because both my educational background and work experience have been in line with the requirements mentioned in your ad. The fact that I am qualified for the position is substantiated not only by my academic achievements, but also by the rich experience I gained during my internship.

Many thanks for considering my application.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

英文的自荐信 篇四

Dear sir,

in june of this year i shall receive my masters of science degree from new york university and i am naturally very much interested in securing a position。 i believe i can qualify as a communications engineer。

for as long as i can remember your company has been a standard in the field of business machines and i have followed its developments with keen appreciation。 i should like very much to have the privilege of working under the supervision of one of your men not only because i sincerely believe that i can serve you well, but also because it would give me a fine opportunity to grow as a physicist。

the course in physics i have taken as a graduate have a particular hearing on the development work of your firm。 as a physics major i selected my courses with particular emphasis on those dealing with integrated circuits, and have had considerable laboratory work in these fields。

if you do not have any vacancies at present for which i might be considered, will you please file my application for future reference? i shall be pleased to supply any additional information you may wish and come to your office for a personal interview at any time that is convenient。

sincerely yours.

英语自荐信 篇五

dear recruitment leader:


i am a professional international trade of guangdong _ university students willing to twenty years of accumulated knowledge and exercise the ability to contribute to your organization and do their utmost best for your companys progress and development to contribute their full strength. i sincerely hope that your organization a chance!

i know, "opportunity only favors the prepared mind." in school, i seize every opportunity to learn the knowledge, training in all aspects of their ability to make their own toward a modern society needs innovative talent development compound. my english to six, two computers through the national, provincial and two (excellent), and has received a scholarship. trying to learn professional knowledge, i have a broad range of philosophy, law, literature, economics and other fields, other than completion of professional courses and more economic sectors, and a minor in business english, learning a second language --- - german.

"learn to work at work, in learning learning to learn." as a student leader, i focus on their abilities. optimism, perseverance, hard work is my beacon of hope in the rapids at the hoist the sail, brave the rapids in the highlighted character, is my life credo. i am creative and organized by the large-scale activities repeatedly been recognized by teachers, students praise, so i put more enthusiasm among the new challenges, the impact toward a higher goal.

in order to more fully exercise their abilities, i use as a holiday worked in government agencies, enterprises and institutions of social practice, and my internship paper was named "outstanding practice paper", the experience for me into the community, involved in commercial operations of the laid a good foundation, but also learn how to help others, bare sincerity.

about to embark on social positions, i volunteered, looking forward to sincere and wholehearted enthusiasm to join your company, enjoy the charm of your company culture, a dump evans of military strategy, was assigned intrinsic quality work for you. next attached personal resume, look forward to your interview!



英语自荐信 篇六

Dear sir madam:

My name is Wang Ying,I am xi an University graduates。 I am of the Department of education of English majors。 I am very glad to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding。

With the increasingly fierce social petition,the personnel requirements are increasingly high,I try to learn all kinds of knowledge in the University for four years,and the measure of my old

Teacher is hard work and I myself; I have mastered English listening,speaking,reading and writing skills。

In order to better adapt to society after graduation,I learned the puter technology during the summer,and as a English tutor work,counseling A high school student is foreign language courses,was highly praised by parents in the education practice,improve their ability to work。 Because as In a number of candidates,I may not be the best,but I am still very confident,I will do my best to bee an excellent primary and secondary school teachers,sincerely hope that I can make I can in the future in the school a hard gardener。

Finally,wide Na xiancai wish expensive unit。

Sincere candidates: Wang Ying

英文的自荐信 篇七


I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak, Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing, New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted, that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June. I should like to


I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak, Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing, New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted, that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June. I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.

You can seefromthe data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business. The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.

My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies, with some experience also in inventory control. In both positions, I have been assigned with the daily office administraion. The courses taken at Central Commercial and the Bronx Community College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.

I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you. If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know. I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.

英文的自荐信 篇八

Dear leaders:


I am honored to have the opportunity presented to you my cover letter. A time when they participate in social, in order to better develop themselves in the future, would like to make about the leadership of self-recommendation.

My name is years, graduatedfromthe Jiangxi Vocational College of Foreign. I majored in Business Japanese, during the performance at school. Professional has a good write, I heard, by many teachers and students praise and affirmation. At the same time actively participate in school activities. For this reason your company would like candidates Japanese translation of this post.

Accompanied by youthful passion and the desire for knowledge, I am learning through the University of trip, the University of better life, I developed a rigorous scientific way of thinking, but I created a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and the sense of innovation to forge ahead. Classroom Development of a broad range of internal and external social practice, a solid foundation of knowledge and a broader vision, so I have a better understanding of society; in continuous learning and work to develop a rigorous, pragmatic working style and excellent quality of unity and cooperation, so I am confident that their can be in the position Shou-yeh, jobs and more business! I believe that my skills and knowledge is required for your organization, I sincerely desire, I can sacrifice for the future of their youth and enthusiasm!

The 21st century calls for a comprehensive human resources, I am cheerful and lively personality, a wide range of interest; open-minded, steady work; concerned about the collective, a strong sense of responsibility; treat them sincerely and seriously take the initiative to work, full of dedication. In the life of three years of study, I am good grasp of professional knowledge. there is spare capacity in the school, I read a great deal of professional and extra-curricular books, so that I know is I have been convinced that this conviction: the only trying to do, I will succeed!

Rather than written words, not passes. But I know: a young people, through continuous learning to improve themselves, to prove himself in practice. Distinguished leadership, I can happily if your appreciation, I will dutifully action to prove to you: your past, I have not been able to participate; but for the glory of your company, I would like to dedicate my life-long efforts and sweat !

I again extendmy most sincere thanks!




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